Member Reviews

This was an interesting, surface deep devotional. There is nothing stretching here or anything revolutionary. I was hoping for more of the declutter ideology- I think it would an interesting mixture with scripture. However, this missed the mark.

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I have a lot of devotions and always looking for something new. We all have clutter rather it’s physical, mental or emotional. I love this one and the pictures of plants I will read this over and over. I recommend this book.

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First off… This Is A Devotional!

If you are looking for instructions or a list of steps to take to declutter that is NOT what I felt this book is.

What will this book have for you? It will have a short devotional that you can do before you tackle your day that will give you some thought provoking things to ponder. A verse to memorize? A prayer to start your day with and maybe some time with God to start working on your heart and life to begin your journey to a less cluttered life. Also, possibly reflecting enough to start to get to the core of your clutter. 

When I began to read the first day devotional… I have to admit I felt judged. Some of the scripture is out of context and definitely used to be convicting. I think part of how I felt is a knee jerk reaction to my clutter. I have deep emotions regarding it. Everyday I begin to tackle an area or a pile I struggle. Mine is not greed related it’s more memories and sentimental mixed in with things my adult kids left behind and a few… I can use that again someday. I am more mindful of what I buy these days. 

Sometimes I have good days where I accomplish a lot. Other I have bad days where it’s all I can do to just maintain the areas I’ve already worked on. It is an everyday battle. I can only hope I will be done in the near future and be thankful for how God has worked with me through it and allowed me to grow in many ways.

I feel this book has a purpose in bringing thoughtfulness to your day, your struggle with clutter and most of all your relationship with God.

I especially loved the prayers…

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I really enjoyed this book! What a beautiful devotional which is great for everyone, but especially home makers!

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Daily bible verses and talk about how each one helps you to remember things like letting go of possessions and to work harder, not smarter. It quickly felt redundant to me. Green clip art illustrations. It specifically addresses women, assuming I suppose that women are the only ones doing housekeeping and needing to declutter. This will probably be a better fit as a devotional than an actually useful declutterring book.

I read a digital version of this book for review purposes.

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