Member Reviews

The Pale Horse, or Mark, as he now likes to be called, has been running the Assassin's Anonymous meetings since Kenji died. They meet in a basement of a decommissioned church which Mark purchased and fortunately wired with alarms to make sure of privacy. But something is amiss here. Astrid, a reformed assassin, has not shown up to the meetings in weeks, and her phone has been disconnected. As Mark begins the meeting, and after they review the 12 steps in the program, an alarm is tripped. Someone's at the door. A pizza guy shows up with a delivery-a large pizza covered in olives, and nobody orders olives on a pizza except Astrid-she's alive! Right after the delivery another alarm sounds-the members watch the screens and see that an invasion has begun. As Mark and Booker arm themselves and drop the others through the tunnel in the floor, they realize that whoever captured Astrid was tracking that delivery and were bent on killing all involved.
Meanwhile, Astrid is being held on an island somewhere and spends the first month in solitary under psychological torture. When finally released, she is introduced to an evil doctor bent on retrieving important information from her brain for some unknown client. Her fellow prisoners were all killers like Astrid was,before Mark introduced her to Assasins Anonymous, and were varying degrees of dangerous. Will she be able to leave this island before her brain gets donated to science and can Mark and Booker help her escape?
This is the sequel to Assassin's Anonymous, the novel I reviewed in June 2024. It is the guiltiest of guilty pleasures and I'm guilty of enjoying it. The idea of assassins wanting to stop killing people is interesting and thought-provoking, especially as their meeting parallels all those following Bill W. As Mark works his steps, we find he has managed to "stay clean" for 2 1/2 years but is always putting himself in the path of temptation to blow it all. He is now at the most difficult step, the notorious 8, that instructs him to make amends to those he hurt, and he will find that particularly hazardous as much will be asked of him. The book was less humorous than the first book, but it was certainly exciting...a worthy follow-up.

The Medusa Protocol is a thrilling ride that follows former assassin Astrid as she navigates a mysterious black site prison and undergoes harrowing experiments to uncover secrets from her past. Mark and other 'fellows' from Assassins Anonymous work hard to interpret her cryptic messages and keep her safe. This isn't just a story about assassins and killing, though there is lots of violence and death involved. It's about identity and redemption. Trust and betrayal. Surivival and resilience. Did I say there's humor too? There is, and it's a great palate cleanser after the hard stuff.
The Medusal Protocol is second in the Assassins Anonymous series, and I highly advise reading AA first so you know what's going on. The story itself is standalone, but how it all intertwines together is not. Expertly written narrative with meaningful themes and settings make it a page turner. Kudos to Hart for probably the best of his I've read yet.
Many good moments in this one, but I must say my favorite is when Astrid struggles with the Keurig and says, "And all that plastic. It's wasteful," about the pods. 🤘

(Note that I already posted a version of this on GoodReads):
Thank you NetGalley and the Penguin Publishing Group for providing an advanced copy of The Medusa Chronicle.
I did not read the first book in the series, but it did not stop me from catching on right away. And really didn’t even have a chance to think, as the action hits from page 1, paragraph 1!
A fun read with a somewhat predictable cast of characters - all with one thing in common: they’re all ex-assassins for hire, who meet regularly to talk about their “addiction.” (AA for Assassins!)
The plot was a little silly, but full of action. A breezy read that travels the world. And because of their "club", for a book about assassins, there was fairly mild violence - yes, there was some (including torture of one person), but other authors would have made this much more gratuitous.
Will definitely be on the lookout for Book 3. A fun series for sure!

What an original concept. Imagine you are in AA and the person you are sponsoring disappears. You are convinced they haven't gone back to their old ways and find get proof. They have been kidnapped. Except AA doesn't stand for Alcoholics Anonymous it is Assassins' Anonymous and instead of trying to stop drinking you are trying to stop kill people. You have all of the skills (and then some) to rescue them but it would go against everything you are trying to do. The premise is interesting and how the main character tries to stay true to their commitments is heartwarming.

I just finished #TheMedusaProtocol and I loved it! I'm sad to put it down, I feel like the characters in this book were my friends, and I'm sad to say goodbye to them!
You can read the summary of this book on the book page, so I won't copy it here. I will say that I read the previous book in this series, and it helps, but both are stand alone books.
The concept of the book is that a circle of assassins want to stop killing and have developed an AA type meeting and beliefs for their change of heart. They still get into scraps, and have to fight, but they use "less than lethal" weapons and focus on their wits and brain more than their skills to kill. It's entertaining in many ways, and the story jumps back and forth between Astrid and Mark. They're both likeable and highly intelligent, and so you feel for them when they get hurt. This book even has moments of humor, which surprised me.
In conclusion, I highly recommend this book. I'd like to thank #Netgalley, #RobHart & #ThePenguinGroup for allowing me to read and review this book for free, in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

A good read that poses the question: Can professional assassins retire from that life and find peace following the model used by AA and others to recover from their old lives? I enjoyed the dilemmas the various characters found themselves in as they worked their way through their lives after their retirement (and after their former employers found them) as they attempted to survive and do the right thing without falling back into their old ways of killing everyone in their way.

Having not read the first book Assassin's Anonymous, I did not know what to expect but was intrigued by the premise - a thriller where the protagonists attend 12-step meetings to help them stop killing. What an idea for a book/series!
The writing is full of action and twists and turns but with humor and snark. It's so clever and very different from the typical thriller. As a result, this was a great change of pace from my usual reading and I flew through it. I loved all the characters, especially Astrid and Mark. And I was not hampered by the fact that I hadn't read the first book of the series. However, I now MUST read the first one because I enjoyed this one so much!
Bottom line is that it is a such a fun romp and I will be recommending to everyone!
Thanks to #PenguinGroup #PutnamBooks and #Netgalley for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Thank you to GP Putnam and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book!
I was elated to see a sequel for Assassin's Anonymous. Rob Hart writes action and humor in a way that we don't see much of in contemporary literature and it's always a delight to read his work.

A 12-step program to stop killing people for money or conviction (one is a serial killer)!?!
It's action plus engaging characters and all tongue-in-cheek. Laughed my sox off at the torture, weapons talk, group gossip, and more. It's a fast-paced thriller filled with memorable characters and an intriguing plot. Loved it!
I requested and received a temporary uncorrected e-book proof from PENGUIN GROUP Putnam/G.P. Putnam's Sons via NetGalley. Pub Date Jun 24, 2025
#TheMedusaProtocol by @robwhart1 #AssassinsAnonymousBk2 @putnambooks @goodreads @bookbub @librarythingofficial @barnesandnoble @waterstones ****Review @booksamillion @bookshop_org @bookshop_org_uk @kobo #NetGalley@penguinrandomhouse #satire #assassins #spoof #actionthriller

Review of uncorrected eBook file
Someone has been taken prisoner and is, after a long trip, confined in a metal cell.
A month after this, others participate in a tai chi class being held in the park. Mark, the youngest in the group, is worried. His every-morning attempt to contact Astrid has failed. And now, her line has been disconnected. Either she is back in the game, he reasons, or she is dead.
Later, at an Assassins Anonymous meeting, others . . . Booker, Valencia, Ms. Nguyen . . . ask about Astrid, the fifth member of the group. All, at one time, professional assassins, known for their expertise. All seeking a life devoid of assassinations.
When their group meeting is interrupted by a pizza delivery . . . one with Astrid’s unique olive topping . . . they surmise that Astrid is alive. But the arrival of a team of mercenaries forces them to fight for their lives while remaining true to their code of not killing anyone.
Who abducted Astrid? Why is she being held captive? And will the others ever discover the truth about her disappearance?
The second book in the author’s Assassins Anonymous series, “The Medusa Protocol” is told from both Astrid’s and Mark’s point of view. The story moves back and forth through time, going back some twenty-two years, flashbacks giving readers insight into Astrid’s background. [However, reading the first book, “Assassins Anonymous,” provides a captivating introduction to the characters and their unique situation.] Nevertheless, there is sufficient backstory for readers who have not read the earlier book, this story works well as a standalone.
When their group meeting is interrupted by a team of mercenaries intent on eliminating them, there are a few surprises in store for them [and for the reader]. As Mark’s various protective measures are brought into play, tension mounts and suspense builds. As the unfolding story reveals the lengths to which Astrid, Mark, and the others will go to help each other, readers [and the characters] are shown how attempts to leave the assassination “business” may not be so well-received by their previous employers.
Coupled with some dark humor, the gritty action, the unexpected plot twists, and the ever-present tension all work together to keep those pages turning as fast as possible. Readers are sure to find this book a captivating, can’t-put-it-down treat.
Highly recommended.
I received a free copy of this eBook from PENGUIN GROUP Putnam / G.P. Putnam’s Sons and NetGalley
#TheMedusaProtocol #NetGalley

I really enjoyed this book. Having not read the 1st one, I didn't really know what to expect, so I went in 100% blind, and I loved it. The idea of an assassins anonymous is hilarious and apparently a real thing, and reading about Mark and Astrid is pretty fun. The moral rightitude of Astrid was a well-received gift, and I can totally see how things would get under the skin of someone who is so used to killing for money. Anyway, I recommend this book to anyone who likes thrillers and fun rides. Some of the elements were way out in left field, but I appreciated the story's vibe and how it is told—total winner.

"The Medusa Protocol" by Rob Hart is the second book in the Assassins Anonymous series. The premise is "What is the outcome if highly successful assassins feel deep enough remorse that they form "Assassins Anonymous" groups complete with a 12 step program?" Just because individuals may have left the "business" it is easy to that many of the people they worked for/with/against/etc may not be so quick to let these assassins simply walk off into the sunset. For example, imagine what would happen if James Bond decided one day he didn't want to do anymore killing and wanted to retire. I expect Blofeld and his cat would have something to say/do about that. And, I am confident that a top author such as Rob Hart can keep us entertained with many more stories in this series.
Although "The Medusa Protocol" can be described as a stand alone book, I would suggest reading "Assassins Anonymous #1" first if possible. The first book is an excellent introduction to the challenges and characters one might expect when the world's top assassin has a (fully justified) change of heart. The second book ("The Medusa Protocol") is a rather more involved and perhaps more suspenseful (and violent) story of the consequences of trying to leave the assassin business. Together the books make for some excellent reading.
I thank Rob Hart and Penguin Random House for kindly providing an electronic advanced reading copy of this excellent work.

Hart delivers a fun and insightful mystery about complex and sympathetic assassins in this second installment in his series about people trying their darndest not to murder anyone. This time, we get a lot from the perspective of Astrid, Mark's mentee to the program who had been an assassin in response to incredibly difficult life circumstances. She is kidnapped to a dark prison site, and her loss is felt strongly by all the program participants. She is finally able to send them a clue to their whereabouts and the book explodes into action. Darkly humorous but with heart and tragic elements, this is a great book for cozy readers who are looking for something with a little more bite.

This high-stakes thriller blends dark humor, redemption arcs, and pulse-pounding action, picking up where its predecessor left off with a fresh twist that’s as inventive as it is brutal.
This is the second book in the series, and it is definitely a unique twist to the thriller genre. Rob Hart adds quips and humor into a suspense novel, and he makes the novel work. I am looking forward to reading what he writes next.

This is the second installment in the Assassins Anonymous series and it's just as delightful as the first one!
This book focuses on Astrid, who we met in the first book, and would definitely recommend reading it before this one. I really enjoyed learning a lot more about her assassin origin story through the flashback snippets.
Of course we got to spend time with the other great people in the recovery group. The rescue mission was so great, especially with our guys doing everything they can to avoid employing lethal methods.
Mark is such an awesome well-rounded character. I love his snark and wit and how he really cares for his found family.
This series is great for a fun, quick action-packed read and I highly recommend it!

Ebook received for free through NetGalley
I loved the first book in the series so I jumped at the chance to read this one. It did not disappoint! Thanks for the read.

The Medusa Protocol is the second book in Rob Hart's Assassins Anonymous series. This series explores what happens when an assassin decides to quit and treats assassinations as symptoms of an addiction. While it is the second book, you do not need to read the first one - it can stand alone. I enjoyed this book so I decided to read the first one (which I also enjoyed).
When a fairly new member of the Assassins Anonymous chapter disappears, the other members must make a choice. Do they try to find her and jeopardize their own recovery if she's in trouble or do they think she's resumed her old ways?

Assassins Anonymous is exactly what you are thinking. AA for those who want to stop killing, live by a code with steps to complete, in order to manage the addition of being an assassin. When a member of this group, Astrid, stops showing up to meetings, other members assume she is dead except for her sponsor, Mark. During a meeting, a pizza delivery is made, a pizza made with olives, this is exactly what Astrid would order. Immediately afterwards, the alarms start going off, the group knows their meeting is about to be disrupted and not in a good way. What has happened to Astrid? Who is attacking the AA group? Will the group defend themselves without killing anyone or has the past caught up to them all?
I read this book in one sitting, it was a whirlwind of action, great story telling and had ways to injure a person I’ve never even thought of. Told with humor, in a bit of a smart alecky way but very well written. I really enjoyed reading this book. This would not be my normal cup of tea, black site prisons, people attacking one another, revenge, and yet introspective and reflective which was surprising. Well written, the characters and their interactions are entertaining, overall a very gratifying read. Bravo, Mr. Hart, Bravo.

The erstwhile assassins from Assassins Anonymous are back for another adventure and trying not to kill anyone. In The Medusa Protocol, Astrid stops showing up to the group’s support meetings. Turns out, Astrid has been kidnapped and is being held in a prison on a remote island. Mark, Astrid’s sponsor and formerly the world’s deadliest killer, mounts a rescue operation. But can they succeed without killing anyone?
Author Rob Hart once again delivers a fast paced, action filled, and humorous thriller. This time around, we learn more about Astrid’s background along with the why and how she became an assassin. This can be read as a stand alone book, but I think reading this series in order is a better option if possible. There’s enough information in this one to get the gist of the first book, but the added context of knowing the plot of the previous book would definitely provide better understanding. This is a fun and entertaining read. I’m already looking to the next installment.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the early read. Rob Hart drew me in with Assassin's Anonymous and nailed it with The Medusa Protocol! Check both books out.