Member Reviews

This was a DNF for me at about 40%. I found that the dual timeline really didn't work for me and I didn't love our main character. Mostly, though, it was taking too long to connect the plotlines and I found myself bored. May work for you.

This sadly needs alot more editing before publish because it does not make sense. The dual timelines is not agreeing with each other and everything makes no sense. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for a chance to read this book.

I had high hopes for this book and read 60% but DNF it . The editor of this book needs to rethink their job . The dual timelines didn’t mesh with each other at all . 2/3 of the way through the book nothing had happened. It was just boring
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review book

3.5 ⭐️
I enjoyed this historical/mystery in a unique location. I usually don't mind switching between dual timelines but this time I was like upset with it only because we would get to a good scene in the present day or past and then jump back to the alternate timeline. Clarance was a little annoying at times but I enjoyed the relationship between him and Nance.
The villain was somewhat predictable but the “twist” caught me off guard and it was enough for me to want to continue with this series.

This was a strong start to the Johnson and Nance Mystery series, it had that element that I was looking for and enjoyed about this type of book. It had that mystery element that I wanted and was invested in what was going on. I was invested in the characters and the way Mark Thielman wrote this. I'm excited to read more in this series and from Mark Thielman.

Review: I got a ways through this and nothing really captured my imagination. I don't think the story line was driving the novel anywhere interesting. I am sure there will be a lot of readers that will find enjoyment in this "adventure".
I received this ARC for an honest review.