Member Reviews

This is certainly a basic starter guide for parenting kids with ADHD. Would be a good fit for parents without any experience or who feel some resistance to ADHD diagnosis or management. I was hoping for a higher level of explanation and support, but may be a good accessible start for parents who find themselves overwhelmed and lost.

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Title: Parenting Superkids with ADHD
By: Phoenix Waldren
Pub. Date: April 8, 2024

Non- Fiction, Disabilities, Parenting,

This is an excellent resource for anyone who interacts with kids who have ADHD. The author begins the book by informing the reader what ADHD is which helps clarify to the readers several myths that loom to the outside world. Waldren then explains how their brain works differently than others, and offers solid strategies, some of which we use as educators to support the success of a child with ADHD.

As a professional educator, with a Master’s in Special Education, I found this book to be a reflective read for my students and an informative read for their parents. I highly recommend this impactful read and the positive limelight it puts on children with ADHD! We NEED more books like this one!

Thank you to Phoenix Waldren, Books Go Social, and Netgalley for the Advanced Readers Copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.


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This book is informative, while offering practical strategies for parents (and other caregivers) to support children with ADHD to thrive. It explains how ADHD can present, why brain structures and neurotransmitters can create functional differences, as well as dispelling many common myths and misconceptions.

This book emphasizes ADHD as a ‘different way of processing information and navigating the world, rather than simply a disability’ and explores many of the unique strengths and gifts (resourcefulness, creative problem-solving, adaptability, hyper-focus, novelty-seeking) that can be associated with ADHD, particularly if they are supported to develop a variety of necessary skills.

Thankfully this book does not simply focus on advantages or ‘superpowers’ of ADHD as this is not a realistic experience and would be ableist or disingenuous. It does offer reasonable approaches that can support developing skills, while acknowledging the complexities of parenting a child, or being a child with ADHD.

Many techniques are explained in an accessible way, to support anyone who lives with, or supports a child with ADHD - to harness their emotional intelligence, develop self-regulation and pro-social skills, understand their strengths and struggles, utilize nutrition and movement to manage symptoms, leverage hyper-focus and find a rhythm with routine.

Overall, this is a very helpful resource for any adult supporting a child with ADHD, with plenty of actionable strategies.

With thanks to BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for the digital review copy, for review consideration.

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Strategies into Strengths

What you need to know: This book delves into what you should expect when your child is struggling with an inattentive or impulsive disorder and how you can help.

My review is based on the content of the book, I did personally decide to listen to the audiobook while highlighting key text points. The narrator has a great voice and delivery. The written book did have some messages from the author before the chapters that the audio book did not include.

Such a good guide for parents, adults and educators to gain awareness or expand on ways to support children with ADHD. I found actionable and realistic steps that you can take to support the child.

I love that there were many celebrities and high profile individuals referenced. Such great examples to share with your children like an US Olympian who has ADHD.

I received a free copy of this book from Phoenix J. Waldren and BooksGoSocial. I am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions are my own.

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My son was just recently diagnosed with ADHD and I have never dealt with that particular health issue before. I was in denial about it at first and waited a couple years before getting my son diagnosed. Once I did I was relieved at all the support and resources there were to help us navigate this new part of our lives. This is another great resource that is to the point, easy to read, and even offers examples of healthy meals for children with ADHD. I strongly suggest this book to anyone new to the world of ADHD.

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This book is an excellent, refreshing, and helpful guide for parents with children with ADHD. Reframing this disorder as a superpower instead of a limitation was a brilliant and genius idea. “Parenting Super Kids with ADHD” gives us a positive perspective that transforms these challenges into opportunities for growth.

As a psychology student, I decided to read this book because I wanted to learn more about how parents can help their children. Not only is the book informative, but it also provides many tips that every parent or guardian with a child with ADHD can integrate into their daily life.

Full review in my blog.

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