Member Reviews
Wow. I needed this book. As a Catholic, as a young adult trying to live as a faithful believer while aware of too many things, as a woman struggling with institutions.
Thanks to the author and publisher for providing me with an ARC via NetGalley for an honest review.
I cried probably eight separate times reading this. To be fair, I also read it in one sitting (because I didn’t want to distance myself from what I was reading), which did kind of make the grief accumulate a bit more than it might otherwise have. And I do mean grief. The author, Colleen Dulle, may be “wrestling” and “lamenting”, but I was grieving. I was born in 2000 and only really feel like I started connecting to the church, beyond my faith, the past couple of years. Many of the scandals or events that Dulle shares were entirely new to me, but, unfortunately, familiar in their similarities to other situations I did know of.
However, that’s really exactly why I need this book. And, I think, many other Catholics my age do too. We are aware there are scandals and struggles and may know folks impacted by or are ourselves impacted by them, but Dulle lays out everything that she covers in this book in such a clear, concise, and comprehensive manner. I understood because of her wonderful writing, I cried because of her evocative narrative, and I lamented because of her inspiring delivery.
Dulle does not share in this book a lecture or directions. I found many attitudes she shared inspiring, but it was quite obviously not the point. She was being honest in this book, sharing her past and how she has kept her faith with all she has encountered in the church. And her journalistic approach does show through at times, as the text sometimes moves from the personal to the more informative. I appreciated both, as you get the references you may need and the personal intimacies that humanize the situations.
I am very grateful for this book and so glad I read it.
I received a free copy of, Struck Down, Not Destroyed, by Colleen Dulle, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Colleen Dulle, is a Vatican reporter, but she still has problems with the Catholic, church but has chosen to stay Catholic. I really enjoyed this book.
Very refreshing perspective.
As a spirit person and nit religious it was a great experience.
Higky recommend
A really refreshing read for a Catholic who has had their fair share of doubts and warm feelings toward the Church. Colleen does an amazing job at talking though tough topics with respect and clarity. A wonderful read for any young catholic struggling with the church they love and the broken parts of it that we struggle with.
Fascinating and enjoyable! I was pleasantly surprised at how much! While I originally wanted to read this because I am a “Roman Catholic”, but not in the traditional sense. I was raised Missouri Synod in our local Lutheran Church. Anyone who knows the history between Lutherans and Catholics will know it’s a love hate kind of relationship. Originally, I wanted to read this book for the “dirt” and inside scoop, only someone with the kind of access a reporter for the highly secretive Vatican could have. I thought that would be the extent of my appreciation for this book. But instead, I connected with it on a much deeper level. Honest it to me off guard. As a woman, mother, and spiritually, I was amazed at our similar experiences and feelings.
When she delt with the loss of a dear friend, she struggled between the devotion for her friend and to her Church. I have endured this conflict, and I had lived this too. It made me realize, even with different belief systems, what have in common is much more meaningful. I respected her tenacity and integrity. I felt like I was on this journey with her. Moreover, it is also a book about healing! It had everything I was looking for and so much I never expected! Every page drew me deeper, masterfully written. I finished this book in two days!
I will end with one of my favorite quotes from the book, “At home, I will teach my one-year-old the fundamental truth that he can understand: That God loves him, and all of us, infinitely; that we all have a place at his table.” I loved this book.