Member Reviews

I absolutely loved reading this book! I love this series so much, and this was an interesting addition to the series, since we have already had a Illium and Aodhan book, but this time it's told much differently, which I had to read!
The way it's told, is it jumps between timelines, one, 400 years in the future, when Illium is ascending to archangel. The other is where the series was before this book, mainly, though once the mystery was solved, it did jump forward at a few points, to showcase some of their moments between the present and the future, which was really interesting.
Both timelines had something interesting going on, the present had the mystery into these deaths, and conversations about having relationships with mortals, which Illium is really good at. The future had him ascending, and all the changes that come of that, because of course Aodhan is going with him, but they're leaving the Seven, and it'll never be the same again, which hurt, but not as much as it hurt the characters.
Their first book dealt more with them moving from friends to also lovers, and this book, it's them being both, and there are some points where past trauma crops up, and I really enjoyed watching them deal with it together, making their relationship even stronger.
My question is what the future books are going to be. Are they going to continue on in the present, or are they going to jump to the future in this book, or somewhere inbetween? I don't know, and I can't wait to find out, because it does say that the Guild Hunter series will continue soon. I just don't know how.
Loved reading this book and I can't wait to see what the future holds for this series!

It isn’t every author who can keep reader’s happily running back for the next book in a long series but SIngh just creates great characters that readers want to see again. Illium is one of those wonderful characters and slowly but surely Aodhan has come back to life and become one too, so it’s a pleasure to come back to the second half of their story and Illium’s ascension.

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review. Also my tags may have spoilers in them so be forewarned before checking out full review.
Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥 🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨✨✨✨
First Impressions
Archangel’s Ascension is the newest installment in the Guild Hunter series and this book continues off, timing was from the latest installment, however, this is where we see the next phase into Illium and Aodhan’s story. I know that there was some readers that struggled with their first book together, because it wasn’t as spicy as many of her other books. Their relationship is not like any of her other couples and I really admire that she has handled their story so much differently. And even though we really see them come together fully as not just friends….but true mates, don’t expect a spicy book but you can expect to find a beautifully, deeply intimate story that will capture your heart. We also see a well developed mystery that comes into play which I actually get why this one was handled in the way that it was. We also have some flashbacks which we see two timelines which is the present from what we have known the series…..and then 700 years in the future (YEP ) and Nalini Singh developed it just so well.
Aodhan and Illium…Sparkle and Bluebell have gone from centuries of being friends to something deeper. They are now reunited fully in New York, Bluebell has just returned from traveling to reunite with his sire and most important connect with his sparkle….his Aodhan. They are both members of Rafael’s Seven and have embraced their roles completely. But there is a mystery that has arisen when one of their own has been murdered, and they must find the culprit and it hits close to home as evidence has come out that it was a stalker situation that makes the past of Aodhan come to the surface in a very painful way. But as Adohan and Illium learn to come to the truth and embrace this new chapter in their relationship….there is also change happening in the future that will push the boundaries of their relationship and their lives ….forever.
What I Loved
Archangel’s Ascension is one of the most brilliant installments of the series and not only that is one of the best books that this author has ever crafted. I can’t express how wonderful this story was and how thrilled I was to finally get the conclusion for Aodhan and Illium. While I adored Archange’s Light ….Archangel’s Ascension is where we really see their story truly come together in such a epic finale that captures the soul. There are many elements that are brought to the surface within this story.
Illium has returned to New York after some traveling, he and Aodhan and learning to be together as more than just centuries long childhood friends. This is where they learn to let go and embrace their next chapter. The intimacy between them is beyond beautiful. You see their closeness, the sensuality and the affection that is so deeply entrenched in their hearts. And while our couple is learning what it means to be together in this new way, they are tasked to solve a riddle….a murder mystery that involved a newer vampire and his fiancée who were murdered by his stalker. We see how this pushes the recovery that Aodhan has worked so hard to rebuilt from his time as being stalked and kidnapped and abused in some of the worst ways. We see as they work slowly to solve the mystery, that we see their connection working through and being built into something just as deep but a different path than what they have walked in the past. There is such beauty and light that is brought into their relationship and I was so deeply touched in their quiet moments together and seeing their intimate bond grow into such a crescendo that was brilliantly penned that was transformative and stunning in its emotional detail.
The next phase is where we see the flashbacks into the future which I rarely see to be honest. But I found it refreshing. Although these flashbacks don’t truly start until the last 1/3 of the story. Where we see what we all have been anticipating for many books….to see our darling Bluebell….our Illium face his destiny and ascend into an archangel and become one of the most powerful beings on earth. We see how his destiny comes for him and the results of that. How his destiny and his life will change forever….how he will never be able to serve his sire again, and be with Elena, or to visit his mother, but will need to embrace who he was meant to be and change what is to be expected. And how his journey into this bright new chapter will deliver changes for him and might push some challenges between him and Aodhan but also between himself and everyone he has ever known. The moments between him and all of our favorite characters struck deep and was so heart-wrenching. But we also see how well he embraces his future, see how their relationship becomes so much more vibrant in the face of this new change. And it leaves off with a Happy For Now feeling and I hope we get another book with them together, to see how Bluebell will maneuver his way into his new position and his territory.
What I Struggled With
Nothing ….this book was pure perfection in every way!!!
Overall View
Archangel’s Ascension is a book that will carry its reader to new heights of light filled connection, embracing new chapters of beginnings and the brilliance of love that fills the soul in every facet with such shining intricate vibrancy…..A GEM OF DAZZLING LOVE THAT HITS DEEP ON THE SOUL!
Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Character Types: Alpha Hero, Angels, Tortured Hero, Warrior/Soldier
Themes: Tear Jerker, Heart/Emotionally Touching, Holy Grail Mystery
Tropes: Epic Love
Book Perspective
3rd POV
Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict
Plot Conflict
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A chef's kiss!!! Nalini Singh has taken us back to visit with all of our favorite characters. The focus of course, is "Bluebell" & "Sparkle" and their relationship. This is beautifully done, drawing a
On all the books leading up to Archangel's Ascension. She takes us back to their childhood, we learn what happened to Aodohan, & *spoiler alert* that Illium does indeed ascend. The book takes place years later than the last book so we get a glimpse if the future while the past gets wrapped up. This felt like a farewell to me, but there is room to return. This might be my favorite in the series!

I didn't know I needed this book. I mean, I know that's what the author said when she announced it in a blurb from her newsletter, but still... I was glad when they got their love story ("Archangel's Light") - Illium and Aodhan are such great characters and it was so wonderful they were able to come together after all they have meant to each other, and that it was the first gay main couple in the series was awesome! I was so happy she had stepped out of what I perceived as her comfort zone to tell a story that can be (unfortunately) so controversial. But I also remember thinking their story felt a little cheated when compared to the other couples. It wasn't as flushed out in terms of the growth towards each other and then the Happily Ever After ending. And yeah, the sex scenes were noticeably mild, but I actually tend to gloss over the spicy times anyway, so it wasn't a big deal - I chalked it up to a great first attempt! This book, though, fixes all of that and helps me adjust my opinion of their first book. In my mind now, the first is a bridge for the overarching storyline and a first half for their story - because coming out from their back stories, they needed more time. This book gave me the "more", and I have to say, as a person with my own history, I sincerely appreciate how Nalini Singh dealt with it. Going back and forth, bridging AND addressing things without getting mired in something that could be triggering, was so well done. This book was a wonderful addition to the series.

The Guild Hunter series is set in an alternate version of our world, where vampires and humans are ruled by angels, the most powerful being the Cadre comprised of Archangels. “Beautiful. Deadly. Sometimes cruel. Always unpredictable.” It’s a bit action, a bit political/court intrigue, and always romance. Each book tends to focus on a different couple, although most characters reappear as regulars.
Archangel’s Ascension was disappointing to me. I enjoy this series for what it is – fast paced, fun, a little sexy, never taking itself too seriously. But this one just didn’t hit the mark for me, and while irrelevant to the quality of the story, I REALLY don’t like this cover.
As the title gives away, it’s finally Illium’s time to shine, and he and Aodhan have to navigate the changes. We shift back and forth in time, between the current “present” the rest of the series has been set in, and a much farther future. There was a bit of a murder mystery in the first half, but the first three quarters of the book focused heavily on Illium and Aodhan’s new secret romance, and it felt repetitive, like I was being hit over the head with a 2x4 to make sure I understood how ASTONISHING his eyes were and how TORTURED and BROKEN they felt, and how they would DIE for each other and etc etc.
It wasn’t until the last quarter that I got really interested, and I realized that the real draw of these books has never been the romance, but the world building and the court politics of the Cadre. I love the scheming, the spying, the tug of war of power that the angels partake in. A new Archangel has to set up his court, figure out how to establish himself as a power among the Cadre, and navigate the political waters? Yes! THIS is what I read these books for.
All in all it was perfectly fine, but not my favorite in the series and I hope we get a little more focus on the political side of the game in the next book.
Thank you Netgalley and Berkley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

This one was so painfully bittersweet. I’m not ready for this series to end AT ALL. Not mentally stable enough. I love these characters and this world so much.

Illium and Aodhan! Blue and Adi, Bluebell and Sparkle, their friendship is legendary even if they had a few small hiccups along the way. Their love story is inevitable at least in hindsight and they've been working their way towards a permanent bond. It was a bit disappointing when they acknowledged their love without a lot of buildup or fanfare. I am happy that Ms. Singh gave us the love story. Aodhan's conversation with Raphael, the amber revel, dancing in India and most importantly glimpses at the mischievous Aodhan who has been hinted at but never glimpsed until he knocks Illium off his perch.
As inevitable as their love story is Illium's ascension to archangel and what an ascension and heartbreak as the two leave the seven after centuries of being together and leave New York which has been their home in a long time. I have been surprised at some of the twists and turns in this series, but this is the first time I am not even sure what to speculate over how the series will continue. I definitely look forward to the next book in the series.
The only thing I found disconcerting is the advance of the timeline especially given the sense of whip lash as we went back and forth in time concluding with a lot of surprises of the folks that are now in the current time. It was nice to catch up with all the characters but glaringly missing were Elena's grandparents and her sister's vampire husband. Perhaps not important enough particularly in Illium and Aodhan's life.

I'm glad there was a second book for Illium and Aodhan, because the first book had a little too much going on for me. This one is better, but there definitely could have been more couple and less everything else around them - I know what Singh was trying to do, but it fell just a little flat for me. It also was a little jarring with the time jumps, but again I also see what Singh was trying to do with it. Not sure if this is it for the series, or not, but I enjoyed it enough to be glad it was part of the series.

Wow. Just. Wow. Archangels Ascension gave me SO much of what I've always adored about the Guild Hunter series. The bonds of found family, loyalty and friendship were ALWAYS thee most beautiful part of this series. Nalini depicts this as no other. I've been waiting years for THAT scene with Raphael and Illium and it did not disappoint. Tears! Just tears! The whole novel felt like a love letter to the GH series. I was enveloped in its arms from start to finish. The Cadre (loved them!!!!) the way everyone came together for Illium's new journey. Ugh. Love just love. While the central plot was a heart stopper, I immensely enjoyed having all the characters threaded throughout the story. lol Especially Nassir. I’d somehow forgotten how deeply he felt and how mysteriously delicious he was.
The story is buttoned up in a great place. The next chapter for Guild Hunter is up to this wonderful author’s wildest imagination and I can’t wait to find out what she does next.

Illium and Aodhan – Bluebell and Sparkles– are two valuable members of Archangel Raphael’s Seven. Slowly, they must adjust to the newness of their changed relationship. The two angels agree to investigate a cold case that mirrors Aodhan’s traumatic past. This case prompts Aodhan to finally confront his inner demons and heal with his lover’s assistance. However, ascension threatens Illium. Will ascension destroy Illium and Aodhan’s bond?
Illium and Aodhan have always been my favorites from the start of the series. Honestly, I liked them more than I did the main characters. Illium has this infectious personality that one cannot help being drawn too. He made me smile and laugh. I remember empathizing with Aodhan, curious about the pain lurking beneath the man’s façade. The two angels went through amazing growth throughout the entire series. Did I see them becoming a couple? No. Am I happy about it? Heck yes, I am! It made sense to me.
ARCHANGEL’S ASCENSION is book seventeen in Nalini Singh’s best-selling (and popular) paranormal romance series, GUILD HUNTER. It is best to start this series from the beginning. They set up the author’s unique world – a kind of parallel universe to ours with angels ruling. The books also show the deep bonds Adi and Blue share, not only themselves, but with certain others.
I would also highly suggest reading ARCHANGEL’S LIGHT, book fourteen, before this one. It shows the evolution of their relationship from friendship to lovers.
Beloved characters (Elena, Raphael, Dmitri, Naasir) from the prior books make frequent appearances throughout the story. I like how the author breaks the story into parts. We get glimpses of Adi and Blue’s future.
I hope there will be more books following Illium and Aodhan. I would love to read my precious Bluebell rocking the Cadre’s foundation with his Sparkles’ aid.

When I first read Archangel’s Light way back in 2021, I felt bereft that the ending of the book felt so much like we were leaving Illium and Aodhan at their beginning. I said as much in my review at the time, even as I hoped that it was only the first half of their story. That, in time, we would be gifted with another #Sparklebell book. In truth, I wasn’t at all sure we would be, so I tried to make the best of it by looking at that book from another angle—in another light, as it were. Because it was a beautiful story full of history and friendship and love in all its forms. It answered many lingering questions and asked readers to join Bluebell and Sparkle as they navigated a new world and a changing relationship. I’ve read it again since that first devouring and it holds up as a story that’s not a traditional romance but rather an exploration of what it means to be someone’s someone through all the ups and downs of life. And yet…
I still selfishly wanted more. I wanted to know what happened on Illium’s return to New York City and the revelation of his and Aodhan’s coupling. I wanted to see how they grew together in love and continued to work through all the obstacles that had been and would (no doubt) continue to be thrown in their path. I wanted more kisses and increasingly intimacies and the sure knowledge that they even as their hearts and bodies took flight, they became ever more grounded in each other. I wanted so much for them and for me, a loyal reader who has loved them individually and as a pairing from the moment I met them.
And with this 17th Guild Hunter book, I got it. Guys, I got what I wanted and more from the absolute perfection that was Archangel’s Ascension. Like, I am barely holding back the screaming inner fangirl that wants to tell you every single thing I loved about this book, including but not limited to the amount of times it made me cry (at least seven); the time jump and what that meant for Raphael and Elena and the Seven; the “today” and the “yesterday” that introduced new facets to this world that somehow felt like an ending and a beginning both; the questions answered and the questions asked; and the way it felt like this series had been leading to this moment, to this book, all along.
This was who they’d always been—equals. Controls flowing back and forth. No leader. No follower.
Just Illium and Aodhan.
Sparkle and Bluebell.
Adi and Blue.
The Guild Hunter series is an intricately woven work of art. The world-building is delicate and balanced, and each new book brings with it revelations and discoveries. Archangel’s Ascension is no exception. It is the “heart’s mirror” of Archangel’s Light and the superb writing weaves a story that overflows with emotion and treats its reader to journey that is beyond rewarding. I confessed already to the tears, but what I didn’t mention was that this book also made me happy—I’d be reading and realize that I had a smile plastered on my face. It moved me, literally, bringing my hand to my heart like in doing so I could somehow contain all that I was feeling. It warmed me and bruised me, and I couldn’t have asked for more or for better.
I was lucky enough to read this book in the wake of my best friend. The fact that she already knew all the things meant that I could send her a cascade (pun obviously intended) of messages detailing my wildest guesses for what was to come—one of which actually came true, to my delight—along with how fat and frequent my tears were, and other less fraught musings, such as “when we get our next tattoo, can we add small sparkles to it in honor of Aodhan and Naasir?” (She said yes, in case you were wondering.) In return, she validated my feelings and put into words a thought I was almost afraid to say aloud for fear it might come true: if the Guild Hunter series ended here, with Archangel’s Ascension, it would be as close to perfect as it could possibly be.
Thankfully, it’s not the end of the series. There are more books planned, and though I don’t need them the way I felt like I needed more for Illium and Aodhan, I want them. I can’t wait for them. And if waiting for them pays off as well as waiting and wishing and hoping for a continuation of the story begun in Archangel’s Light did, then it’ll be 100% worth it.

Possibly Nalini's best book ever! Emotional, heart wrenching, puts to bed the questions readers had after the first SparkleBell book (in supremely fitting way).

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkeley for the ARC.
I was alittle disappointed when I read the first page and thought the book was skipping hundreds of years ahead of where we left the series with the last book, but should have faith that Nalini Singh wouldn't do that.
Because she didn't - the book goes back and forth in time, from yes Illium's ascension, to Illium and Aodhan meeting up over the ocean in Archangel's Light, and makes it's way forward from there.
I enjoyed this book and seeing Illium and Aodhan grow as individuals and as a pair together. I also loved having mentions or actually meeting so many of the characters that are the reason I love this series. But there is a part of me that wishes that this book was a little more Sparkle and Blue focused exclusively. Just them as a new couple before we get to them being a solid loving pair that have been together for hundreds of years. I get that they have an advantage in the relationship department because they have known each other since childhood, but I would have liked more of their time as a new romantic couple.
Overall, I wish the book was longer because I feel that's what would have filled in my small complaints. But I think maybe the next chapter of this series will focus on Illium and Aodhan building up their territory and Illium's rule as an archangel, which I would love to see.
Illium and Aodhan together make me cry because they LOVE each other, and Nalini Singh writes them so well. Same with Raphael and Elena, Elena and Illium, and Aodhan and Rapael - basically any combo of these 4 - there is so much love and care there. Shout out to the Sara and Elena relationship, which made me cry without us seeing their interaction in this book.
Which I guess what this book is about - LOVE. The love between romantic couples, friends, and family. I really, really hope I am right about this series continuing because I am not ready to leave any of these characters.

This was such a long time coming and what a beautiful story! In a series of favorite stories, I think this one is my #1. We've waited for so long for Adi and Blue to be together and Singh did it in such a wonderful way. I could gush for a long time about this one, it's one I will reread many times I suspect. Absolutely loved it!

Nalini Singh brings her Guild Hunter world back to life in this deeply emotional, character-driven instalment. The way Aodhan and Illium navigate their feelings for each other turning from friends to lovers, feels raw and genuine. You can feel the weight of their history, the pull of fate, and the fierce desire to stay grounded amidst the chaos of their world. It’s a constant tug-of-war between embracing what’s to come and holding onto what has been. Of course, the world-building is top-notch, as always, with the Tower and its intricate politics playing a key role in their mission. But it’s the characters, their emotions, and their growth that shine through. Singh balances the action and the emotional depth beautifully, weaving them together in a way that keeps you hooked until the very end. Overall, it’s heart-wrenching, beautiful, and ultimately uplifting as Aodhan and Illium embrace their future, together.

Aodhan and Illium are everything. Their chemistry is electric, and watching them finally navigate this shift in their relationship had me hooked from the first page. The tension, the yearning, and of course, Nalini Singh’s signature blend of danger and passion make it impossible not to fall in love. I loved the emotional depth here, especially with Aodhan’s past and the weight of change that threatens to tear them apart. And that ending, absolutely unforgettable. Singh knows how to leave you breathless, always.