Member Reviews

"Estie isn’t sure she likes being eight months pregnant. She isn’t even sure she likes her husband anymore, especially after he hid that he’s been fired from his job. Hello parenthood! Goodbye life as Estie imagined it! Now, she’s stranded and bloated and alone. Her cat is not a people person, and on top of it all, her best friend has been ignoring her calls ever since Estie told her about the baby."

this read was so real and raw. zero humor.
i breezed through it quickly, as the characters were very compelling.
i will be thinking of Etsie for a while.

4/5 star. & i will be recommending this read to others.
thank you to Danit Brown, Melville, & Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The depiction of womanhood and pregnancy is so brutally real that it feels almost visceral. The level of detail the author provides is worth studying. There are some strong moments and well-executed slow burns. While I was hoping for a more captivating storyline, it’s not bad at all so far.

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interesting, insightful, and cutting novel with incredible writing. would recommend. 5 stars. tysm for the arc.

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This novel took me by surprise! "Television for Women" is a raw and brutally honest book about postpartum depression, motherhood, self-hatred, and dealing with a mediocre marriage/lifestyle. Estie is a 32-year-old woman who is 8 months pregnant as the novel begins. She's married to an English professor named Owen. Once she gives birth to her daughter, Estie becomes increasingly depressed and anxious. She's very indifferent to her newborn baby and feels betrayed by Owen (who lied about earning his PH. D in literature). Estie also has an overbearing mother, and Estie's best friend, Alice from college starts to pull away from her via texts and phone calls. I really enjoyed the author's writing style. Her prose is razor-sharp, sarcastic, hilarious, and poignant. There's a lot of funny dialogue and chaotic situations in this novel. I must admit, the upsetting scene involving her cat, Hubert did take me out of the novel. I felt like that traumatic scene felt unnecessary, but now that I've had time to think about it, I guess the scene is crucial/important to the mindset of Estie's mental decline. This is a well written and unflinching novel about the negative aspects of being a new parent. This novel won't be for everyone. The author never tries to sugar coat the truth when it comes to Estie's questionable decisions. You may not even like Estie once you finish this book, but I appreciate the author not being afraid to write the unvarnished truth about motherhood, warts and all.

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Danit Brown Television for Women Melville Publishing House, June 2025.

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing me with this uncorrected proof for review.

I found this a profoundly disappointing reflection upon a woman’s first few months home with her baby. To Estie, ‘the baby,’ until well into their departure from the safety of the hospital to the home in which the baby’s parents harbour disappointments, the baby at last becomes Rosie to her mother. This is a clever acknowledgement of the distance between Estie, the only source of food, and Rosie who is dependent upon her mother’s presence. That this is only a physical presence is conveyed well by the distancing language. However, this is the redeeming feature for me. Unfortunately, Estie’s self-regard, referred to herself as ‘hormonal’, and later, her behaviour the result of ‘depression’, was a stumbling block for my becoming immersed sympathetically in Estie’s undoubtably distressing and challenging first months of motherhood.

Estie and Owen have chosen parenthood with little thought to its consequences. The birth although not easy, becomes of infinitesimal concern after their abrupt release from the hospital into their car carefully fitted with its safety baby capsule, and then into their home. Here, the cat, a source of Owen’s allergies, Estie’s love/hate feelings, and her mother’s prognostication of threat to Rosie, is a symbol for Estie’s dependence on her relationship with Alice, a college friend. Her need for her friendship, and Alice’s need to deflect this is an important part of Estie’s past. Also impacting on Estie’s present is her parents’ marriage and divorce. Penny, another friend, and Dan, a past lover, all feature in Estie’s attempts to come to terms with the adulthood forced upon her as the most important source of comfort for her daughter.

The never-ending accumulation of soiled laundry, unwashed dishes, unvacuumed and uncleaned surfaces is well depicted. The grinding despair of never having enough sleep, resentfulness at lack of assistance or help inadequately provided all rings true to parents. Even the jealousy of the first smile being given to someone other than herself, and Estie’s fear that her college lover, Dan might be involved with Alice, are understandable. However, driving a force through this is Estie’s relentless ability to place herself first. Becoming mother is not easy. It is also difficult to make legitimate demands. However, this novel, while addressing the first, does not persuade me that Estie is unable to do the latter, making it difficult for me to always engage sympathetically with her story.

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Ok this book is super hard for me to review. I got to about 50% and absolutely loved it. All of the characters felt super compelling, I loved the exploration of PPD and how it intersects with men’s weaponized incompetence. I would love to come back and finish this one day. However it does apparently have pet death, which after losing 2 pets in less than 3 months, I just can’t handle right now. If that isn’t a struggle for you, and neither is graphic depictions of child birth, pregnancy, or post partum, I would suggest 100%.

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I was highly anticipating this one because of the comparison authors in the synopsis and it didn't let me down. It had important commentary on postpartum depression. I was completely invested in where the story was going. I do wish it had gone a little weirder maybe? But it's definitely dark. Trigger warnings for death of an animal should be included because that could be a deal-breaker for a lot of readers - there's not necessarily cruelty or abuse, but more like negligent/poor treatment. I would definitely read from this author again, I liked the writing style a lot. If you like a dark literary story on motherhood and wifedom, I'd definitely recommend picking this one up.

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I really enjoyed this book. It painted an honestly pretty bleak picture of motherhood within the constraints of gender norms/expectations and the patriarchy. It highlighted the burden often placed upon women to take care of the baby, the home, and to grapple with all of the changes happening in their body and mind, often without help. I enjoyed reading about her renewed friendship with Penny & the death of an old unsupportive friendship. What I didn’t enjoy is what, in my opinion, was only added for a shock value and that was the cruelty shown towards Estie’s cat. What happened didn’t feel necessary and it tainted the book for me.

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First thing’s first: I don’t think this book can be recommended entirely for fans of Nightbitch.

There is no humor in this book. This is a raw, unapologetic discourse on the postpartum period, with emphasis on the female struggle of having to do it all while shunning away the village that is supposed to help a woman do it all.

Did I relate to Estie, our main character? In many ways, yes. I drowned in my first year as a mother, and I absolutely refused any help that was offered. There’s this notion that women are supposed to be strong, we’re supposed to be the caretakers of our home, we are unstoppable. It wasn’t until I was having daydreams about driving my car off a bridge that I gave in to the help, I allowed my son to be cared for by others.

Even though this book is classified as fiction, it’s a book I would recommend to anyone - mother, father, child - just for an understanding of what moms go through and how to spot when things aren’t ok. Television for Women was not written for entertainment; it was written for people to know they’re not alone and that there is truth in their struggles. Definitely a worthwhile read.

Thank you, Netgalley and Melville House for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review. Television for Women will be published on June 24th of this year.

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I really enjoyed this book! I thought the representation of the postpartum experience was refreshing. I am not a mother myself, but a nanny and mother's helper who have seen so many different stages and forms of postpartum, from depression to rage to anxiety. It's incredibly important to represent these feelings! I also loved watching Estie slowly realize how superior woman are from a survival standpoint. I love reading about strong women who know they are strong.

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I have never read anything that captured the raw, unrelenting reality of early motherhood with such brutal accuracy. Television for Women doesn't flinch at all. It doesn't sugarcoat. It doesn't swerve or dodge, offering the copout or platitude that everything will be okay. It just... sits in the mess of it -- the exhaustion, the resentment, the rumination, the identity crisis, and the quiet terror that this is forever. Danit Brown "goes there" with a level of honesty that almost feels transgressive. It's not the picture of motherhood you find on those IG pages where they pretend to be honest about the difficulty ("you're doing your best mama!"), it's realer and deeper than that.

It's painful, yes. But it's also stunning in its precision. There were moments in this book that cut so deeply that they transported me right back to those early postpartum days -- ones that most of us barely speak about because it's impossible to square them with the joy and love you're supposed to be feeling. Brown tells the truth anyways. And by doing that, she doesn't just write a HELL of a debut, she makes space for those who have lived it. And I just have so much respect for that.

And then, right there at the end, she gives us the most perfect, poignant, and accurate summation of how the fog starts to lift: "Even with the benefit of hindsight, Estie couldn't pinpoint the moment she started feeling better. She'd been miserable to begin with, and then, one day, she wasn't miserable anymore." That is EXACTLY how it happened for me, and I can't believe how simply and accurately she summed up one of the most stunning emotional transformations of my life in two sentences. No grand epiphany, no one coming to save you, no sweeping transformation, just a slow, imperceptible shift until, one day, it isn't so heavy.

I cannot overstate how much respect I have for what Brown has done here. THIS NOVEL WILL NOT BE FOR EVERYONE, but for those who see something of their own experience here, this will hit so different.

Thank you to NetGalley and Melville House Publishing for the advance copy, and for Danit Brown for writing this.

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Unflinching, darkly funny, and deeply relatable, this novel offers a refreshingly honest portrayal of the messy, isolating, and often unspoken side of new motherhood. At the heart of the story is Estie, eight months pregnant and already doubting everything — her marriage, her future, and most of all, herself. Her husband has just lost his job (and hidden it from her), her best friend has been ghosting her since she announced the pregnancy, and Estie rapidly realizes that the glowing, fulfilling version of motherhood she’s been sold may not exist.

What sets this novel apart is its fearless approach to dismantling the romanticized version of motherhood so often portrayed in books and media. Estie’s experience is raw and unfiltered — she doesn’t feel an instant, magical connection with her baby. Instead of basking in maternal bliss, she’s consumed by exhaustion, resentment, and the suffocating fear that she’s doing it all wrong. Her internal monologue is biting and brutally honest, capturing the aching loneliness and identity crisis that so many new mothers experience but rarely speak about.

The writing is sharp and full of wit, laced with moments of dark humor that perfectly balance the heavier themes of anxiety, disappointment, and strained relationships. Estie’s interactions with her husband — now unemployed and floundering — are particularly poignant as the cracks in their marriage widen under the pressure of impending parenthood. The tension between them is so vividly drawn that readers will feel Estie’s mounting frustration like a slow, suffocating weight.

But perhaps the most brilliant aspect of the novel is how it captures the internal battle so many women face — the pressure to love motherhood unconditionally versus the reality of its often crushing demands. Estie’s fear of repeating her mother’s mistakes, her longing for her best friend’s support, and her struggle to connect with her baby are portrayed with such raw vulnerability that it’s impossible not to root for her, even when she’s at her lowest.

This is not a tidy, feel-good motherhood story — it’s messy, uncomfortable, and unapologetically honest. Yet through all the chaos and doubt, there’s also an undercurrent of hope as Estie slowly begins to redefine what motherhood — and happiness — looks like on her own terms.

The publisher provided ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Television For Women: by Danit Brown
6/5 🌙's
ARC release date June 2025

Overview: Estie isn’t sure she likes being eight months pregnant. She isn’t even sure she likes her husband anymore, especially after he hid that he’s been fired from his job—just in time for parenthood. Goodbye upward mobility! Goodbye life as Estie imagined it! Now, she’s stranded and bloated and alone. Her cat is not a people person, and on top of it all, her best friend has been ignoring her calls ever since Estie told her about the baby.

This book was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review via @netgalley

Review: *First let me start this statement by saying that I did Review this book very high. Although I didn't care for a few of the characters choices in the book I understand that post partum depression effects everyone differently. This Review may contain spoilers so let me say this first:
Every father, mother, brother, sister should read this book and pay attention to the women in your life post partum. They may truly need your help*

Spoilers possible after here:
Second let me say as a mother who suffered with post partum depression after giving birth to my first child I believe this book was very accurate. The deep feelings, the emotions, the painful thoughts, all of it was very real. I read this book in a couple of days after a long slump. It was exactly what I needed. It was gripping, it was emotional, and it was relatable. I would say more importantly it is EDUCATIONAL. Yes I said that right. Post partum depression is real and many women suffer with this condition. I was able to mask in front of my family members outside of my home but my husband could see that something wasn't right with me. I am thankful every day for his advice and help during such a tough time in my life. This book shows that love can withstand the harshest conditions. That love is the first to notice when things aren't right. This book could help others notice signs or symptoms like not showering, emotional turmoil, etc. I couldn't recommend this book enough. I feel like the author really understands this topic If she herself hasn't suffered through it. Definitely a must read for anyone with women in their lives. The complicated truth of friendships changing after giving birth and new ones developing. When you become a mother you "molt" into something new.

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I loved this book although I think the comparisons to NightBitch are a little unfair to what this book is, which is not magical realism (if that's what NightBitch is -- it's a definition I've always struggled with!) but very much realism. I would give this to everyone who was about to have a baby, but then it might be a much better gift for everyone who has a baby and is a year or two out. My own kids are teenagers now and there was a long stretch about 2/3rds of the way through this book where I found that my eyes were leaking and I didn't even realize it, that viscerally familiar low-hum of inexplicable sadness while you tug at the raw edges of your life and try to sew it back into something that resembles 'you' after having a baby has metaphorically (let's hope not literally) cleaved you open. Intensely moving, quietly funny, and so real. 10/10, will read this author again.

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some books tell the truth, and some books rip the rug out from under you and leave you gasping. damn did this one do both. this is not a feel-good, everything-gets-better story. it’s raw, unsettling, and brutally honest about the parts of motherhood no one likes to talk about—the crushing loneliness, the identity loss, the nagging fear that you might never feel like yourself again.

premise: Estie isn’t glowing. she isn’t transformed. she isn’t basking in the joys of motherhood. she’s exhausted, abandoned, and stuck in a life she’s not sure she even wants. her husband? useless as fuck. her best friend ghosted her. the cat couldn't even care less. also, that deep, magical bond she’s supposed to feel with her baby? yeah, still waiting on that.

this book doesn’t sugarcoat a thing. the humor is good yes, but it doesn’t soften the blow—it makes it hit harder. Estie’s struggle is painfully relatable, not because she’s a bad mother, but because she’s honest about how hard it all is. and the scariest part? she’s not sure she’ll ever get back to the person she used to be.

this story isn’t here to reassure you. it's here to tell the truth, even when it hurts. and somehow, in all that mess, it makes you feel a little less alone.

5 stars.

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This book has been marketed in a "if you like nightbitch you will like this book" and in a way I agree. Both books cover many of the same topics and while our main character Esti seems to be hit with one issue after another I found her inner voice fascinating. When her husband loses her job she contemplates why she didnt think of that as something that might happen. Very appropriate for today's reader.

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Television for Women paints a stunningly vivid portrait of what exactly it means to become a mother.

I can honestly say this book made me feel SEEN. As a mother who experienced post partum depression, I could have written this book myself. It so accurately depicts the grief, worry, fear, angst, resentment, loss of self, and despair all with the backdrop of the feeling that you SHOULD be happy because you just experienced the absolute miracle of life.

This was an easy five star read that I couldn’t put down the entire time.

Thank you to NetGalley, Melville House Publishing for the arc, and to Danit Brown for destigmatizing the experience of first time motherhood and postpartum depression.

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A chilling look at postpartum depression and the realities of the early days of motherhood. Readers who have experienced such will see themselves in Brown's words and readers who haven't will gain a better understanding of those in their circle that have. 4 Stars.

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As someone who has been swinging on a pendulum of wanting/not wanting a baby, this book was rough! In the best way. I feel like anyone who can give birth will appreciate the brutal honesty, the solidarity of knowing that at least one other person gets the way that they might be feeling. It's not a cautionary tale, it isn't condescending mom talk, it's reality. I loved the ebb and flow in the characters' growth, crying when Estie cried, smiling when Estie smiled, and sometimes...You know, shaking my head at Estie sometimes. The character development was wonderful. I have already recommended some of my mom friends to put this on their wishlists for the year, and I can see a huge audience for it at my library.

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Estie, pregnant wife of Owen, college professor, discovers her husband has been fired. This incident creates a domino effect of uncovering a history of lies in which he has weaved into their lives. Their relationship takes a downhill turn as their finances become a concern, as Estie works at an artisan tile company, and the birth of their baby is imminent. Estie has a strained relationship with her mother, a strained relationship with her college best friend, and an obsessively one-sided interest in her college ex boyfriend. The birth of her daughter triggers a severe mental health reaction that offers insight and horror into the childhood Estie experienced with her mother. Without spoiling major plot points, Estie's relationships are put to the test. Dishonesty, vulnerability, and forgiveness seem to be the major players in this text and are explored in new and inventive ways. It is an honest and unconventional look at motherhood in all of it's realities, and will certainly cure a case of baby fever.
While it was a quick and seamless read, I personally wanted more from the characters and from certain elements of the plot. I also would strongly not recommend this novel to anyone who is sensitive or upset by animal death.
Thank you NetGalley and Melville House for sharing this ARC with me!

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