Member Reviews

This was a very interesting audiobook, I’m so happy I picked it up. I will say, I think the music bits before and after are just a little too long, but that’s just me. Maybe I should be embracing the music.

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At its core, this book is an advanced meditation course. The one minute of music at the beginning and end of each chapter is intended to enable the reader/listener to become more still before and more easily absorb the material after. The book presents a very advanced spiritual teacher's explanations of the self-discovery process; in fact over 40% of the audiobook is him speaking to his students, spliced in from recordings he made for them. While the reader/listener may know about the spiritual topics he discusses, Rama explains how there are many sides to each one. Each chapter is devoted to one or an interdependent group of topics and presents their different aspects that he emphasized at different times, so that you get a complete picture. The chapters are arranged in a developmental order, beginning with the basics and culminating in the samadhis.

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Despite my interest in the topic, I had a hard time finishing this audiobook. The pace was very slow and the musical interludes seemed unnecessary - instead of creating a meditative mood they were rather tiresome. Because of the way the audiobook was organized I found it difficult to follow. I would have preferred to read a physical copy of the book.

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My review includes the fact that I did not finish this audiobook. While I would be curious to perhaps peruse the physical book (though not temped enough to actually buy it), I do not think it works as an audiobook, at least not in its current format. There are interminable musical introductions and interludes, the narrator/author s-l-o-w-l-y lists the entire table of contents at the beginning, and the segments themselves are very disjointed - a few sentences from one talk and then a few from an entirely different talk, sometimes on a completely different topic. I am not disinterested in the subject matter and in fact, I bought a different book written by "Rama" himself to better understand his teachings.

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