Member Reviews

Set Piece was a cute little romance with some great pacing and enough human hardship to feel relatable in some moments.

The story follows CJ (aka Cara), a bartender turned production designer, and Jack, a breakout TV star turned...breakout movie star? They have instant chemistry and a one night stand that they both remembered, before discovering that they are to work on the same movie together and trying to see if each other still has the same feelings as they did five years ago.

I enjoyed that these were older characters. They start off around 29, which as someone who's in their mid 20s, it was nice to read that sometimes life takes a little longer to figure out. By the time they meet again they are 34 and CJ has a kid. The story touches upon topics such as absent parents, being a single parent and being hyper-independent. Schwartz also does the passage of time well in this book, so while the attraction is near instant - the story progresses for over 6 months, which is a long time in such a short book.

That being said, the actual romance did not have me rooting for our main characters. I think it was in part that Jack did not feel like a very developed character to me, despite the fact that this book was in dual POV. It was a quick read and I enjoyed the time I spent reading it, it was just not very memorable.

[Special thanks to Netgalley and 831 Stories for providing me with an arc]

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