Member Reviews

Before you start reading, you need to take your sense of belief and suspend it. Then just read. Don't question the coincidences, don't question the neat bows. Just read it. If you do that, then I think you're on to a 4 star read. It is bloody chaos. Secrets, manipulations, suspicious and unreliable characters...
The minute you start questioning elements, the rating wavers. It does feel too neat at times. There are one too many coincidences so they start to lose their credibility. A few of the explanations are too out there or hard to believe.

I read about 60% in the first few hours of reading. Like a sand storm, it sucked me in and swirled me around. I wanted to get back to it every time I had to put it down. I remember Five Nights being like that as well. Completely absorbing.

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