Member Reviews

This book has me interested from the start. I usually steer clear of both romance book and Christian themes but I was intrigued by the book description and decided to give it a try. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. The Christian theme wasn’t overdone so it didn’t detract from the otherwise great story. I’m really glad I read it.

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I requested this book years ago, and am no longer interested in reading. Thank you for the opportunity.

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Wonderfully unique are just two words to describe Jennings’ latest. Set amid the post-Civil War Missouri Ozarks, Jennings spins an original tale with multidimensional characters and rich descriptions interspersed with witty dialogue. Fans of historical romance with an inspirational slant should appreciate that the historical details are relevant, plentiful and interesting.

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Thanks for providing a review copy, I was not able to read this one. So I will not be leaving a review on social media at this time.

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The unusual plot made this story one that was hard to put down! Abigail and Jeremiah are both determined and stubborn, and it was fun to see their personalities clash before they began to work together for his family and the farm. There are complicated family dynamics with Jeremiah's grown sister who is dying and making everyone miserable with her, a sweet-hearted mother who is devoted to both Jeremiah and Abigail, and a community still dealing with the dangerous aftermath of war. Balancing out the entertaining banter are the themes of loss, grief, and forgiveness, which bring depth and purpose to the day to day efforts of the characters. A bright spot in the story is the mischievous neighbor children, Josiah and Betsy, who each have their own tales later in the series. There is some suspense and action as Josiah and Abigail defend their land against those who would take advantage.

(I received a complimentary copy of the book; all opinions in this review are my own)

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