Member Reviews

The Cat Bride is regarding about what has happened to a zoo that was shut down by a mysterious tiger-lynx hybrid that was put down for being a man eater. Personally for me is not one to really rave about or even recommend to anyone. It’s an enigma of a story, a little slow paced, not really interesting. The story is one that I didn’t really understand or get into it or the gist of it. I couldn’t cypher what the story or characters were about or what they are or even what was happening. The further I read the book the more complex, dull and confusing. The ending was just as bad I actually didn’t understand it at all. The book might be up someone else’s alley but not mine.

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60/100 or 3.0 stars

I really tried to like and get into this story, but I just couldn't do it. The writing style was not working for me at all. Stream of consciousness usually is not a problem for me, and sometimes I can really get into stories with narration like that, but this was just not working. I did not connect with our main character or anyone else, and didn't really care enough to read more to figure out what was going on. I got 26% in before I had to give up. The synopsis and few reviews on here made it sound great, but it just didn't work for me.

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The Cat Bride by Charlotte Tierney begins with a bloody introduction to our mysterious "tynx" a tiger and lynx hybrid animal that continues to haunt a family long after it should be dead. Lowdy is a teenager growing into herself in spite of a childhood illness. Her mother is wild and secretive. her grandmother is crazy- or is she? Tierney weaves a wonderful tale of mysticism and horror that draws readers in and keeps them guessing what they already know.

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This was a surprisingly strange kind of book that played with perception, reality, and the readers' own sense of self along with Lowdy's. At times I was thinking of it as a modern, more feminist take on Banks's THE WASP FACTORY. It has the air of a dream about it, always on the verge of becoming a nightmare, and I absolutely adored that aspect. In short, its the kind of unusual, almost uncategorical book that only works in the hands of a hugely talented author -- and TIerney is clearly that author! Loved it and will be telling people who love unusual perspectives and uniquely powerful voices (like I do!) to check it out.

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I really enjoyed this horror novel. It was unique and definitely something new. That's exactly what the horror genre needs. I loved the folklore and mythology in this story. I have always been fascinated with everything about felines. Big and small. I will definitely recommend and buy this novel when it comes out

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This has a unique blend of different horror tropes that makes the book pretty original. The horror is not written on my nose and I appreciate that. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to review a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Rambling and almost stream-of-consciousness tale of cats, finding a new life, discontent, coming of age, and did I mention cats? And maybe a special cat that is more. Sometimes hard to fo.low, but imaginative.

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I really enjoyed this as a horror novel, it had that feel that I was looking for and enjoyed the overall feel of this. The idea of a tiger-lynx worked well with the horror concept. I was invested in what was happening and thought the characters worked well in this universe. Charlotte Tierney has a strong writing style and am excited for more.

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This is one of the most unique horror novels I've ever read! Part mental illness, part supernatural and completely eerie! I loved it and look forward to reading more from this author.

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Broody, reflective, atmospheric, felt reminiscent of V. C. Andrews. I have never read a zoo gothic before, so that alone is really interesting. The story might have benefited from a faster pace. There are cycles of gaslighting, memory loss, and child abuse, but they spin out rather than spiral into tension. The story grew tiring and killed the tension. I did like the ending scene a lot, but the story didn't feel over yet. It was also very funny and full of trivia, which I did enjoy.

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