Member Reviews

Dystopian, sci-fi world wrapped in the aftermath of a viral pandemic that wrecked havoc on the world population. We meet our main character, Konstant(tine) who has the virus but doesn’t show any symptoms and works to keep his world safe. This takes place in a slightly suspended timeline, as it takes place in the near, but much more technologically advanced future, with Konstant coming from a fictional nation.
This is action-packed and great for YA-readers and sci-fi lovers alike!

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An exciting adventure set in a rather distopian futuristic world. Konstant is an appealingly vulnerable main character and readers will quickly empathise with his very real struggles to survive while dealing with relatable issues of economic imbalance and bullying.

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This book tackles timely themes like pandemics, inequality, and perseverance, centering on Konstant, a teenager carrying the deadly MX-13 virus. Although he’s symptom-free, he’s forced to wear a red pin that marks him as a carrier, isolating him from others and limiting his opportunities. His mother’s death from the virus and his family’s struggles highlight the stark divide between the wealthy, who can afford the cure, and everyone else. The premise of a global contest to solve real-world problems is intriguing, and Konstant’s determination to win—even as he faces bullying and systemic barriers—builds a compelling setup.

The second half shifts into an action-packed adventure, introducing espionage, corporate secrets, and a tense partnership with his rival, Marcos. Konstant’s journey to uncover hidden truths about Metronome Logistics and its owner adds layers of intrigue, and the climax is full of unexpected twists. The book raises thought-provoking questions about teamwork, privilege, and resilience, with Konstant’s complicated relationships, especially with his late mother and peers, adding emotional depth.

However, the futuristic setting feels unconvincing given its 2036 timeline, with technological advancements that seem far-fetched for such a short period. The pacing is uneven, and while the story’s second half picks up, the overall execution left me feeling disconnected. Despite some strong moments and an interesting premise, it ultimately didn’t resonate with me. That's why I'm giving this book 2.5 ⭐.

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This worked well overall in the scifi adventure element that I was looking for. It had that feel that I was hoping for from the description, I was engaged with what was happening and thought the world was unique for this. Adam Aresty has a strong writing style and am excited for more.

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What worked:
The book is relevant to some current and past health and social issues. Konstant (short for Konstantine) is the main character and he carries the MX-13 virus that has killed people around the world, including his mother. The pandemic forces those showing symptoms to be confined in guarded areas while Konstant wears a pin showing he has the virus without showing any signs of it. An inoculation exists to stop the disease but only the wealthy can afford it. Konstant’s uncle and sister carry MX-13 so his uncle is forced to work in a mine and his sister attends a technical school instead of college. The rich make money from new discoveries while workers struggle to make ends meet.
The owner of Metronome Logistics holds a national contest to discover creative solutions for the world’s problems. Konstant is inspired by one of his mother’s ideas but must break the law to make it work. Unfortunately, he’s been bullied by a classmate named Marcos for years and this kid reveals Konstant’s secret. Being expelled from school eliminates him from the competition until he gets help from an anonymous source. These events heighten the conflict between Konstant and the bully so readers know there will be sparks when they’re forced to work together. The finalists are invited to Metronome Logistics headquarters in New York City but Konstant learns a spy is likely among them. Konstant is asked to watch for the spy and his immediate suspicions are directed at Marcos. Readers will wonder if that’s too obvious to be true.
Konstant’s difficulties working with others are due to his MX-13 diagnosis and his mother’s opinions about teamwork. The red pin he’s required to wear makes people keep their distance from him and non-carriers aren’t allowed to work with him in school. He’s used to working alone. He’s proud of his heritage from an East-European country but his mother carried bitterness from working with others there. Rose, the daughter of the Metronome owner, is about Konstant’s age and has a mind of her own. She’s doing things behind the scenes to protect her father and the company but she’s unaware of his huge covert project. Rose and Konstant will eventually team up to defeat an enemy hiding within the company.
What didn’t work as well:
The winner of the contest will be announced on May 6, 2036. It’s clear the story takes place in the future but the advancements in technology aren’t believable to readers. It’s hard to imagine these significant changes can happen within twelve years of the book being published.
The final verdict:
The first half of the book describes Konstant’s efforts to enter the Metronome competition but the second half is an exciting, action-packed adventure. The author saves a shocking revelation for later as the story builds to a dramatic climax. The story can be enjoyed by middle-grade readers even though most of the characters are in high school. I highly recommend you give it a shot.

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