Member Reviews

Black History Month 2025 #4
Being a Black woman is contentious. Black hair is controversial. But why is this? Why do we let Eurocentric beauty standards set the tone? And this is not just in the US. It is this way around the world.
I actually just had a conversation with my coworker about her natural hair. She kept it that way for a week, and then went back to what she was doing before, because it was "too much work." I obviously didn't argue. It's her hair. But I thought it was beautiful.
There is a certain politics that goes along with Black hair. There truly doesn't need to be, but everything is political. If you say it's not, you're wrong, and privileged.
🎧 Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge Audio

"Natural" by Chelsea Mary Elise Johnson was an interesting and informative book about a heavy and serious topic that I enjoyed listening to.

I enjoyed this book. At first, I was a little thrown off by the audiobook version of this book as it does read like a dissertation, but I pretty soon found myself invested in the contents of this book. As a Natural Girl, this book educated me on the history of black hair and even challenged some of the misconceptions I had about my hair and my experiences as a Natural girl. It was also easy for me to identify with the women interviewed in this book. I especially resonated with the views of women who do not have the perceived natural hair and their experiences. I had several "ah ha" moments during the book and even had experiences that I thought were in my head clarified and I was able to work out why I perceived moments in pop culture the way that I did. I highly recommend this book to everyone, especially those with natural hair.
Thank you to Chelsea Mary Elise Johnson, HighBridge Audio, and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review this audiobook.

For a non-fiction read that is far too valid in the present socioeconomic and political climate, this was a pleasant read. While unsavory topics are discussed, it is done in a respectful and sensitive manner that does not attempt to 'tastefully' re-contextualize the events and facts they stem from. This is very dense at times, but it is regularly brought back to relevant, so it doesn't get lost in just fact spewing, keeping it a solid "listen while you work" type of read.
I listened to it on Audio, so I lost some of the joy of seeing which sites and influencers were mentioned, as well as having access to them after reading, but the experience was still enjoyable.
RECOMMENDED: If you've ever been confused why others go around touching hair without permission, wondered at the microaggressions aimed at people who choose to go natural with their hair, or are trying to decide if a natural hair journey is right for you, I'd highly recommend this book.

This was a sheer delight to read and review. I requested this from NetGalley as soon as I saw it was available. Unfortunately, it was approved during my birthday getaway. As a result, my review is being posted much later than I had hoped.
The author shares her own hair journey, which is used both to introduce the reader to the topic of Black natural hair care but also allows the reader a personal stake in the journey. If the reader is interested but unfamiliar, the author's own hair journey allows the reader an inside view, so to speak, into the world of Black hair care period.
I appreciate the author quietly but directly explaining how and why Black hair is so political. How this political pressure has impacted the Black Community as a whole and Black women in particular.
I learned to care for my natural hair in my mid 30's. By that time, I had PCOS & Endometriosis, so severely I had a total hysterectomy plus ovaries and including half of my bladder. Both illnesses as well as fibroids are the long arm of using permanent relaxers as a hair styling tool. I didn't know this when I joined the natural hair movement.
I just joined because I finally was no longer working professionally, and I could. I hadn't relaxed my hair in years, so I avoided the big chop. Mostly, I just needed to use the right products. Suddenly, I had a head full of stunningly gorgeous curls.
My absolute favorite parts of this book are the hair journeys shared by other Black women across the Diaspora. This is beautifully handled, and each woman's individual experience shines through in their own voice.
Offered in this text is also a history lesson, so with that in mind, I'd recommend it for readers of history, Black hair, Black contemporary issues, curly hair history, and more. Enjoy!
This audiobook is narrated by L. Malaika Cooper. I love her narration because it feels relatable, and her voice translates warmth, excitement, and sadness beautifully.
Thank you to Chelsea Mary Elise Johnson, HighBridge Audio, and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review this audiobook. All opinions and viewpoints expressed in this review are my own.

The content of this book is really interesting and important but the author made it almost impossible to enjoy.
I just do not care about your methods of research. A book should not read like a research paper even if the content is taken directly from research. I don’t need a breakdown of what will be discussed in the book. We will get to it when we get to it. I also don’t need an introduction breaking down each chapter. It makes the book repetitive and arduous. Nonfiction does not need to be dry.

I got this as an audio arc on Netgalley and it has since come out. I learned a lot from this book! The narration really helped getting into it. I will be getting the regular book for the extra images and such the audiobook couldn't provide.

Audiobook Review 🎧 | Natural Black
As someone who is starting my own journey with my natural hair after 5+ years of buzz cuts, when I saw the title I immediately requested it!
I’ve learned a lot about the history behind our hair and appreciated the fact that it wasn’t limited to the US.
Truly fascinating
Thank you to NetGalley and HighBridge audio for providing an advanced listener copy of this book. All opinions are my own.