Member Reviews

When Lucinda “Lucky” Chance lands the client of a lifetime, she promises to give it her all. Little does Lucky know that the woman she’s been flirting with from her window all summer long is the client, Brianna Jameson. Not only does Lucky have to prove she can do the job, but she’s desperate to impress the gorgeous woman who has occupied her thoughts.
Brianna Jameson is bored with her stagnant life. Her friends are busy raising kids and walking away from promising careers. Not Bri. She’s worked too hard to throw it away on something as fleeting as love. But work and romance collide as Lucky stirs up feelings Bri would rather avoid. When Lucky gets fired for all the wrong reasons, Bri reaches out to support her for all the right ones.
Fun, light-hearted, and entertaining, Bryant's latest tome brings engaging characters and a fun story to delight her readers! I loved Lucky and Bri's chemistry. It was fun to watch their relationship develop and evolve. Another excellent sapphic romance to keep you warm in the cold winter months!
I received an advanced complimentary digital copy of this book from Netgalley. Opinions expressed are my own.

This hit all the right notes for me. Lucinda (Lucky) Chance is still trying to adjust to life in the midwest. She relocated following her girlfriend but things didn’t work out. Now she is trying to prove herself to her marketing and web management company with a more conservative client base. Her boss is not making her life any easier. She sees an attractive woman working on the rooftop in the building next to her downtown loft. Brianna Jameson is a successful personal injury attorney. She is a bit of a workaholic trying to reach partner level.
When the two finally meet there is attraction and instant heat. Although things get steamy fast they do take time to date and get to know each other. One of the things I enjoy in the story is seeing them work in their jobs and them coming together as each other's safe place. I also like that I got both characters POVs in alternating chapters. I love that they talk to each other, not just banter and flirting. It is one of the few novels that I’ve read where you get the moments they move from dating to girlfriends, or discuss moving into together. I liked both characters and wanted good things for them.
I’ve already re-read my favorite scenes which is always a sign for me that this is a book I will read again. Bryant says in the acknowledgements this is the last of her sensory series. I’ve read some of the series and other books from the author previously and always like them. Reading this reminds me I need to seek out other books from the authors catalog to read. And of course I will look for future books as well.

4.5 Stars
I've been a big fan of Kris Bryant's since I first started reading sapphic books. I've read all but one of the sensory books and when I saw this, I knew that I wanted to get my hands on it, and it did not disappoint. Gaze follows Lucky, a recent transplant to Kansas City as a web designer. Things are not going well since the reason for her move broke up with her and her boss seems to have it out for her. A silver lining for Lucky is a woman that she periodically sees on the roof across from her apartment building. They start a long distance chess game before eventually meeting to find out the woman she has been gazing at is a personal injury lawyer Brianna. Meanwhile, Brianna has been entertaining the idea of starting her own practice has possible partnership is available.
I really enjoyed this book and love Brianna. She is fierce, witty, and sexily confident. Even with some personal and professional upheaval, she glided through with ease and composure. With Lucky, I definitely felt seen. She is confident in her skills but anxious and a bit awkward with people. Her interactions with Brianna and Frankie, the local bartender, were very enjoyable and had me chuckling.
It was nice to get a couple of previous characters from other Bryant works and fans of previous works will definitely enjoy this book. It's a bummer that the sensory series are done but excited to see what else Bryant has up her sleeves.

This was an enjoyable read. The MC’s made a great couple. I liked the way each woman dealt with their adversity. I was glad to see their previous employers get their comeuppance. I will look for other books by this author. Well done.

Gaze is a solid light-hearted romance with quite a lot of steamy scenes. It is very well written and the story is very interesting. I love Bryant's books, and this one was no exception. Normally I shy away from age gap tropes as they aren't for me, but Bryant did it well.
The connection between characters was intense and electric. I love their interactions. It has sweet but also spicy, the right mix to have plot and love. It was a good read and I could easily recommend it as a beach or vacation read. Some parts of the story feel unrealistic, but it worked for the story.
There wasn't anything super unique about the story but the writing is very good and there's enough depth to the characters and plot to keep it interesting. There's a lot going on through the book, but I think it was done well. I do love a setting in my own hometown.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars. This is my first book by Kris Bryant. The pace was good, and the writing was easy to read. I really liked the beginning of the relationship, which felt like an adult, sapphic version of "You Belong With Me" by the goddess Taylor Swift, with the characters interacting through windows. All the meeting situations were cute, and the sex scenes were pretty spicy.
However, I never really felt invested in their relationship. The emotions between them didn’t feel palpable, and surprisingly, the book focused a lot on work politics, which didn’t really interest me. I generally prefer books that focus more on the romance. That said, the work plot did allow the book to avoid the typical third-act breakup, which I appreciate. I respect authors who create drama within the couple's lives rather than between them.
One last thing: I never judge a book by its cover, but this one feels a bit like a commercial for makeup and doesn't do justice to the story. Overall, the story kept me engaged, but it didn’t fully grab my heart.

This was a proper conclusion to the senses series. Those who have been waiting patiently for the “sight” book will not be disappointed in any way. Kris was able to take the typical voyeur trope and flip it in a way that was cute, romantic, and had you rooting for both characters throughout the book. Lucky moved from the city to the midwest chasing a girl and that promptly ended. Stuck in Kansas City for at least the next six months, she’s just making the best of a situation when her gaze is drawn to Bri, a lawyer who works nearby and occasionally watches Lucky from her office rooftop. They do not have a typical meet cute, but their interactions are downright adorable. There are even appearances by other Kris Bryant characters who are not in the senses series. Overall, this was an excellent read and a wonderful conclusion to the series as a whole, definitely worth the wait!

One of the best books I obtained from NetGalley.
This book felt light and easy to read, the time went so fast while reading it. It is very well written and the story is very interesting. I don't like lawyers much but I admit this book was very good. I will possibly read again in the future even.
The connection between characters was intense and electric. I love their interactions. It has sweet but also spicy, the right mix to have plot and love.
I recommend this book to anyone who is searching for a romance with a touch of spice
Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for gifting me with a free copy. Opinions are my own and are freely given.

This story has been equal parts sweet and spicy. The protagonists are two women, one powerful and the other ambitious, who meet by chance. Bri, while at work, sees Lucky, who lives in an apartment across from her office. Not a bad premise to start with.
After a few meetings from a distance, they’re going to meet in person in a situation that could get messy. Bri’s company needs help developing their website, which Lucky’s company can provide.
And from here on out, their work situations are going to get a lot tougher, but not because of their relationship. Somehow, they'll be each other's support system for whatever their bosses throw at them
I liked that despite their differences in every way, status, personality, and age, they were honest from the start, without showing any superiority or trying to take selfish advantage.

This one was just okay for me. I liked the scenes where they flirted through the window, particularly I enjoyed the chess game. Plus, Tito is a cute addition. I also thought it was satisfying that Bri was able to help Lucky get back at her employer and the book has a couple of decent spice scenes as well. However, I wasn't really blown away by anything in the book. I didn't really connect strongly to the characters, and I thought the work drama was interesting to a degree but wasn't always enough to fully hold my attention. Also, the whole quirky "Lucky Chance" name didn't grab me, and I found myself getting a little annoyed by how many times it was brought up or joked about. Overall, had some cute parts but wasn't quite for me! 3.3/5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing the free ARC edition of the book.
I'm new to Kris Bryant's writing so I can't compare to earlier novels. I give Gaze 3-3.5 stars.
Gaze ended up being a solid light-hearted romance with quite a lot of steamy scenes. It was a good read and I could easily recommend it as a beach or vacation read. Some parts of the story feel unrealistic but it suited well with the light romance.
There wasn't anything super unique about the story but the writing is good and there's enough depth to the characters and plot to keep it interesting. There's a lot going on through the book and it portraits a rich queer/lesbian culture in Kansas City.
Some of the side characters that were in front in the first half of the book were forgotten in the second half. The last 30-40% of the novel was a lot about the main characters' professional lives and a bit about their relationship. The could have been a better balance through the book between their friend groups, love life and professional lives.
In the first 30% I was annoyed with a few timing problems. Something that happened two nights ago was referred as 'last night' and sometimes I wasn't sure how much time had actually passed by. Having this type of problems in a novel is a pet peeve of mine but after I ignored the minor inconsistencies, I was able to enjoy the novel and their story.

This was a sweet, almost instant attraction romance. While I don’t typically relate to the instant-attraction plotlines, this one was done so well and the characters were so engaging that I could ignore my usual disinterest in the trope as Bri, a high achieving lawyer, and Lucky, a new-to-the-city marketing/graphic designer, catch each other’s eyes across the street, with some help from Lucky’s cat. Both characters’ workplace struggles were highly relatable and were perfectly balanced by the connection between Lucky and Bri - if only I could be that ‘lucky’ in real life! Would definitely recommend this book.

Lucinda “Lucky” Chance has relocated from Boston to Kansas City to follow her girlfriend, Mia, who then breaks up with her a couple of months following her relocation. Lucky is now focused on her remote job working in marketing. She is trying to adjust to the conversative nature of the companies that she is assigned to work with on her marketing projects. When a particular project fails, Lucky is blamed by her boss and is now forced to work a few days a week in the office and on a team for her next project. Issues ensue with a member of that team.
Brianna "Bri" Jameson is a personal injury attorney who has been working exceptionally hard to secure a partnership in the law firm. On the personal side, relationships haven't been her thing, so the occasional one-night stand suffices. One day she is on the roof garden/outdoor work area of the lawn firm when she spots a cat and then a woman at the loft across from the building. A gaze and a smile start the unique relationship between Bri and Lucky. This communication continues via large lettering on a piece of paper or an iPad. Eventually the two women meet in person. When Bri and Lucky initially meet in person, Lucky was somewhat reserved, but their following interactions were laced with sizzling chemistry.
The book also touches quite heavily on workplace drama and the life changes that result for both women. The only improvement that I can note is the numerous use of "she" in the dialogue between Bri and Lucky, that sometimes left me confused as to which woman was making certain comments. 4.25 stars
I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, the chemistry between Lucky and Bri is off the charts! This was an excellent story filled with so much love and positivity. It was easy to root for Lucky because we have all felt the need to fit in with co-workers or a new city. Bri was a beautiful breath of fresh air, and I wish the story was longer with more adventures between Lucky and Bri. I love when Kris Bryant incorporates the love of pets between the two characters. Her characters are also relatable, and the steamy scenes were just perfect for the progression of the story. Another home run story that deserves a second part! I cannot wait for the next one from KB, bring it on!

This story is an absolute delight from start to finish! Lucky and Bri’s connection is electric, filled with playful flirting, undeniable chemistry, and emotional depth. Lucky’s determination to succeed and impress Bri is both inspiring and charming, while Bri’s journey from guarded independence to opening her heart is beautifully written. The tension between work and love is handled with just the right mix of drama and sweetness, keeping me hooked the entire time. The way they support each other through challenges makes their romance feel genuine and heartfelt. A perfect read for anyone who believes in the magic of love.

One day Bri, a hot successful lawyer, catches a glance of the younger Lucky, remote working from her apartment, wearing just a towel and looking out from the window and the interest is sparking. The look at each other for some time and communicate with chess moves. Finally, they meet in person at a pride event and things progress from there. They have a great chemistry, and I really enjoyed reading about the relationship progressing for the workaholic Bri and lucky that has recently been abandoned by a girlfriend she moved to small Kansas for.

Sometimes just a „Gaze“ is enough to tell if someone is interesting. In Bri's case, she saw the woman in the apartment across from her office and was intrigued. She is not only interesting, but also gorgeous and apparently the owner of the beautiful cat that Bri first met on the roof of her building. This gentle story went down like warm milk with honey. I felt warm and enjoyed the slow development between the almost reserved and somewhat shy Lucky and the confident Brianna. But then the whole thing suddenly picks up speed and Bri gets to know another side of Lucky, the hot and spontaneous side and then she is extremely Lucky herself!
It's not always all sunshine and roses. Bri is a successful lawyer, but she deserves much more recognition than she gets. Just like Lucky. She just seems to have bad luck, at least until she meets Bri. But professionally, things could be going much better. Her boss is a tough nut to crack and she can't do anything right. When the two meet professionally, things get dicey and extremely hot!
A wonderful romance with a little trouble, but basically something beautiful and light for the heart!
A perfect ending to this series!
Thanks to Kris Bryant, Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley for the Arc!

This is such a charming and cozy story about beautiful love! Lucky and Bri were destined to be together, and their journey is full of chemistry and an enjoyable build-up to true love. I liked the theme of “gaze” and I’m sad to see this series close. However, I would encourage the author to continue writing themes or series books. I was overjoyed when the Cheetah football team was mentioned. Kris Bryant writes in a way that always makes me eager to turn the page. I love that Bri is the shining light that Lucky needs as Lucky experiences unfortunate circumstances. Living in the Midwest can be tough, but with the right girl, anything is possible! Thank you for writing such a thoughtful story.