Member Reviews

The Naked Truth is probably sweeter than you expect it to be, given what it is about: Rowan, experiencing sexual fantasies that she finds distressing (minor spoiler, they are perhaps a bit unusual but not disturbing), signs up to participate in a study with sex researcher Genna. Nothing terribly illicit happens here, I’m pleased to report, and if you’re looking for a book with a power imbalance trope this ain’t it.

The Naked Truth is actually just a couple of very normal people dealing with their baggage, when it comes right down to it. They both had difficult, if not horrific, formative years, the experience of which left lasting impressions as they grew to adulthood. Neither of them are fully aware of how those experiences shaped them, and part of the story is their burgeoning awareness and how they both take steps to begin to heal as their relationship develops.

These are two flawed humans who have no expectations that anyone else will save them. They don’t expect a relationship to be their cure-all, and in fact one of the reasons the two protagonists work to address their issues is so that they can be better partners to one another. Author Sandy Lowe portrays the underlying issues each of the characters faces in realistic but empathetic ways, and while there is some angst most of it is external to their relationship.

The Naked Truth was not what I expected it to be, that’s not necessarily a drawback, and the fact that the protagonists were portrayed as doing their best to communicate even when it was scary was refreshing.

Disclosure: I received an ARC of this book from the publisher and am leaving a voluntary review.


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Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

I very much enjoyed this book. The writing was great and the characters were well developed. I hope to read more from this author in the future.

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I had a hard time with this novel, in a few ways. I had a hard time finishing it (never a good sign), and now im having a hard time determining my final thoughts on it and a rating.

I liked the writing; the way that the author puts words together and the phrases that they use. I can tell that this author knows how to write and is great at turning a phrase. At the same time, I also disliked the writing; the way that the novel is formatted and structured. I hated how the POV switched constantly, sometimes in the middle of a paragraph without warning. A lot of the conversations were….off somehow. I found some of them (including big important ones) hard to follow and kept wondering if I was missing some details somewhere as I couldn’t follow the conclusions the characters had when the conversations ended. None of the characters fights made any sense to me. I feel like the positive things to say about the writing are all addressing more important aspects, however the negative bits had a big impact on my reading experience.

I am not sure what this novel was trying to be, or what it was trying to say. I had a lot of trouble following the characters motivations and their though processes. There was a lot happening, and it didn’t quite flow together as one narrative. I could ramble on about this for a few pages, but I think those first sentences summarized my thoughts nicely.

The beginning of this novel was fine; it grabbed my attention and teased details that I wanted to know, although I didn’t really connect with the story.
The middle was a slog; I nearly DNF’d it and honestly didn’t like the novel very much.
The last quarter-ish of the novel was the best; there were finally some important details that made the rest make a bit more sense and there was some payoff. I am very glad that I stuck around to get to the last parts.

If I have one big complaint, which influenced me an unfortunate amount, it is this. SPOILERS AHEAD (kind of, ill try and keep it vague). This novel sells itself in the blurb with one of the characters having deeply unsettling and disturbing sexual fantasies that they NEED to figure out how to stop. This led me to go into this novel expecting something wild/unhinged/unsettling, or at least out-of-the-mainstream, and/or particularly erotic and spicy. This is not what the novel delivered. I picked this up because I wanted to know “what these crazy fantasies are”, and in the end it turned out to be some fairly standard stuff, that wasn’t described in particularly deep detail. Maybe this disappointment was my fault, maybe it was the blurb, but regardless it happened.

My Rating: “C-“
GoodReads: 2-Stars (rounded down)

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ARC. This honest review was left voluntarily.

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a sex researcher and her subject fall in lurve!

Genna (or Dr. Sex by Rowan) is researching feminism's impact on women's sexual fantasies (woah omg tell me the results). Rowan desperately needs help getting rid of the fantasies she finds twisted but keeps coming back to night after night. They meet, there's insta-lust that quickly becomes romance, and bam that's the story. EXCEPT IT ISN'T. Both women also struggle with hecka deep trauma from their childhoods and mommy daddy issues that they can't get past. Genna is also very anti-romance sex is all there is for me while Rowan believes in soul-mates and monogamy even very early on when they were still in a situationship. Genna and Rowan gotta work to compromise and communicate to make their relationship work.

I gotta say I loved Genna early on. Growing up with an agoraphobic mom and needing to take care of her younger siblings, Genna develops crazy mommy issues that show up in her adult life as never being able to rely on anyone. Rowan on the other hand only ever wants to be able to take care of someone, stemming from a sense of failure of not being able to save her family's deli and keep her sister out of jail. The book explores trauma well and how it shows up in our everyday lives in ways we don't even know.

BUT. Despite their deliciously in-depth backgrounds, the characters weren't all that in-depth. They're inconsistent in behavior, super steadfast about something one moment and switching up the next. I found they were both massive hypocrites! I don't think it's enough to not read this book, but it did make it hard to push through at some points. And I really didn't like Rowan's incessant pushing that Genna give up her favorite go-to bar for sex when they weren't even dating yet. Let's just say they both had flaws but whatever at least they like each other. I'm also kinda sad we didn't get to see more of Genna's sex study. Pretty early on it becomes nonexistent and the main issue transitions to their clashing beliefs. But hell I'm interested too why didn't the epilogue contain her study results???? Whatever I can google it on my own.

Anyway solid read about two mature adults trying to love each other while dealing with their separate traumas. 3.5/5

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Based on the description of this book, I was expecting a spicy romp and sadly, this felt more like a tepid stroll. There were some entertaining and intriguing parts but overall, it fell short for me

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was interested in this erotica book based on the description about a sexual fantasy researcher and a study participant. Unfortunately the book didn’t live up to the expectations in the synopsis. The study only lasted one session with one of the women quickly falling for the other. The erotic scenes were somewhat lacking for an erotica based book. The story also went on and on with secondary storyline material.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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My first book by Sandy Lowe was a decent read. It moved at a steady pace, i appreciate that both MCs realized the severity of their situation and took appropriate action. The MCs had good chemistry from the start. The flirty banter was fun. 

My issue lies with the description of the characters in the book. We get brief descriptions but nothing specific. It took forever to figure out the book was androgynous and femme. I would have liked more detail up front because my brain kept going to what type of characters am I reading, and it became distracting. 

There was no 3rd act breakup. The couple believed in communication. 

I will continue to follow this author and look forward to more books in the future.

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The premise of the story was intriguing, and the description sucked me in. Unfortunately, things quickly changed. This book was classified as erotica, however; I thought it fell short on the spiciness. I kept thinking, this is it! This is when it gets spicy, only to be let down. There was so much potential, but it just never happened.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion/review.

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This was a cute read! I became more emotionally invested in the characters than I originally expected to. That's a testament to the author's successful prioritization of character building. I enjoyed the whole book and the growth of the characters along the way. I appreciated how the main characters were in their late 20s/early 30s. It gave them an interesting backstory, and it felt more realistic that they each had a bit of baggage to work through.
I really liked how the author focused on building the relationship between the two characters before delving into the spicy content. Once the relationship aspects were in place, the spicy kept coming! (pun intended) The writing of the spicy scenes was the perfect balance of descriptive details without sounding too vulgar.

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A book involving a sexual fantasy researcher definitely was not on my bingo card but here we are. It was a fun romp with complex characters and excellent spice.

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This story hasn't quite convinced me. Maybe it's because I didn't fully understand the content and some of the analyses. But I don't think that's all. Both protagonists have childhood traumas that are affecting their current lives, but while Rowan copes with them by having sexual fantasies, the other protagonist, Gabby, faces them by having one-night stands. Gabby's also doing her PhD and focusing on sexual fantasies, so Rowan agrees to be interviewed by her for it. But the instant attraction between them is going to get in the way of Rowan being part of Gabby's thesis, even though they'll still keep in touch.

I found it weird how Rowan felt instant love, everything happened so fast. Although Rowan, because of his traumas, isn't capable of feeling the same way. I also didn't get why Gabby's thesis completely disappeared at one point in the book. Even the sex scenes, fantasies or real, weren't enough to improve it for me.

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Witty romp with a sidedish of sex and selfdiscovery
This novel took me completely by surprise, good surprise. It came advertised as erotica and the blurb confirmed that. But instead of hot and heavy, this novel starts chokeful of witty, lighthearted banter. I totally love well done banter and Lowe outdid herself.
Genna comes across at the start as the ice queen sex researcher with vibes of „keep your hands and emotions off me“. Sexy Rowan with a biker chick vibe combined with lots of consideration and caring is disturbed by her inappropriate sex fantasies.
After the initial banter the novel takes a turn into character exploration and character development for both characters: I liked that part which included their families as well since it gave substance to the story.
Throughout there is spice - either in form of detailed sexual fantasies or when both Genna and Rowan finally have sex.
The writing is well done with a lot of variation and I loved this book.

I received an ARC. The review is left voluntarily.

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Oh I am really enjoying the writing style of Sandy Lowe and the freshness she brings to sapphic stories.

With characters that are complex, flawed, loveable, full of snappy banter and make you want to reach in give them a hug and whisper in their ear that it is going to be ok, just hang in there. This story gave me all the swirly emotions you want from a romance story that has such radiant main characters. Rowan and Genna have wonderful chemistry and you never quite know what is going to happen next with these two. I really liked the dream fantasies side of the story, how they slowly worked out why Rowan was having them and how they both dealt with their fear of relationships.

Sometimes I felt the story shifted direction a tad too quickly and too often but not enough to distract me from enjoying the story. A sizzling story with depth to it. Highly recommend it.

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A sexual fantasy researcher and one of her subjects are attracted to each other, but the study makes it forbidden. There's a lot of tension that comes from the participation in the study, to the point it feel ridiculous. Was it well written? No. Did I enjoy reading it? Yes. .

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Rowan signs up a participant in a research project on sexual fantasies that Genna is doing as part of her PhD. It quickly becoming more and more difficult for her to confess her fantasies when she the professional and personal lines start blurring and Rowan wants Genna more than she wants her to compromise her research and not cross lines because of it.

Sandy always delivers on the steamy, sensual, and sexual tension in her stories and this one was fully loaded with them all. It was on so many levels intimate, while exploring the psychological complications of closeness between two people with undeniable attractions. It promotes talking is sexy, and it’s the best way to get to know someone, especially if you can be open to a bared soul and have an open mind about what it could all mean and how it can be interpreted. I adored the depth of exploration, mixed with the scientific element of the research and how even the hint of acting on such things could be intimated to create a hot and tricky situation quite quickly.

Being true to their feelings left both Rowan and Genna with many challenges. There had to be compromise, acknowledgement of what each of them truly felt, then defined with what they really wanted. Both Rowan and Genna actually handled this situation really well because it became dangerously close at times to getting out of both of their control. Those moments were tense and exciting, but not a patch on when they finally made the decision they wanted one another more than anything and made the choices that allowed them to be happy, and for Genna to get the research she needed without having to compromise her relationship with Rowan.

A great steamy romance, with a touch of intimate eroticism, and lots of great moments for a couple with electric attraction.

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The blurb had me hooked right away, and the book didn’t disappoint—it was such a great read! I don’t think I’ve ever come across a sapphic story that explores women’s sexual fantasies like this. (If you know of any others, please share!)

Sandy Lowe’s storytelling was fantastic, and I really loved it. I gave it four stars instead of five because I had mixed feelings about Rowan. She was way too pushy and crossed boundaries too often, which made me cringe at times.

Still, I really enjoyed the book overall!

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Sandy Lowe’s The Naked Truth is a delightful and heartfelt sapphic romance that blends sweetness, spice, and emotional depth. This story of connection and healing takes readers on a journey through the complexities of love, trust, and overcoming past traumas that threaten to stand in the way of a budding relationship.

The chemistry between the protagonists is undeniable and beautifully conveyed through Lowe’s writing. Their connection feels authentic and electric, drawing readers into their world and making their relationship all the more compelling. The author skillfully balances the lighthearted, romantic moments with deeper, more poignant themes, ensuring the story resonates on multiple levels.

What sets The Naked Truth apart is its exploration of vulnerability and the emotional walls we build to protect ourselves. While the romance is steamy and engaging, it’s the emotional depth and the characters’ growth that truly make this story shine. The way Lowe addresses past traumas adds a layer of realism and relatability, making the characters’ journey toward love feel both genuine and hard-earned.

Overall, The Naked Truth is a charming and empowering romance that celebrates love in all its complexities. Sandy Lowe has crafted a story that is as heartfelt as it is passionate, making it a must-read for fans of sapphic romance and stories of emotional healing.

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A clinical study turns into a passionate inferno of lust and love.
These two very different characters are proof that opposites attract. Genna is Genevieve Fielding PhD Candidate and head researcher who meets Rowan Marks who is tormented by her intimate fantasies.
She hopes to find answers through Genna's study.
The study on“ The Intersection of Sexual Fantasy and Feminist Discourse in Adult Women“ brings the two of them together and surprises them with their desire for one another.
The study and conversations become more intimate and their longing for each other grows exponentially.
But stepping out of one's comfort zone and allowing more than is strictly forbidden is not Genna's nature.
She is a woman working by the book and very reserved.
Yet behind the facade there is also a passionate woman who has a lot to give but is unable to take.
Rowan wants what she can't have. But giving up is not in her nature and she wants to convince Genna to give them a chance. A hot book where the intimacy takes place largely in their conversations, making them very close and very likeable. It gets hot, but that's not what fascinates me about the book. It's the vulnerable and secret things that these two learn about each other beforehand and the path they take to find each other. Intense and captivating.
Thanks to the Author and Bold Strokes Books for this Arc!

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I enjoyed this book very much. The characters were wonderful and their chemistry was lovely. There was plenty of spice, and a HEA, which is always appreciated.

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