Member Reviews

Wow! I'm a bit speechless by this beauty of a story! If you enjoy heart-wrenching WWII novels, you need to read this one! The best thing, is that this heart-wrenching story isn't centered around WWII, it's about the Galveston Hurricane in 1900. Clara Barton gets an appearance, and the story is so beautifully written. Last Light over Galveston is written in a dual timeline, but a short timeline. At the beginning I thought the two timelines were about two different characters, but come to learn pretty quickly, it's the same main character! Character development was great. The romance was subtle, sweet, and clean. The ending though.... yeah, my heart was in a puddle! I can't give anything away because you just need to read and experience it for yourself!!. Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for an advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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