Member Reviews

Thank you Simon and Schuster for the eARC.

Frederik Backman has done it again. The story of four friends is told mainly through Ted to Louisa - a girl that would have fit in with their crew. The story bounces between present day and the past. There is no way you will not fall in love with Ted, The Artist, Joar, Ali and Louisa. Backman has a gift for creating characters that pull you in and captivate you. He mixes humour and sadness throughout the story - so many emotions to feel when reading this book.

There were even a few plot twists that I didn't see coming in the story. I thought I knew exactly what had happened, but I was wrong. Backman keeps the reader entertained and guessing. He is brilliant!

I couldn't put the book down and I didn't want it to end. You will be rooting for all of these characters!

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I legitimately almost cried when I saw I’d been granted an ARC of this book from NetGalley. Truly. Somehow Frederik Backman’s writing manages to be absolutely magnificent in every word. Like every. Single. Word. Makes me feel something. His language has this way of subtly making you consider things and laugh at things constantly. I don’t even have the words to describe it. But this book, of course, was a masterpiece.

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my first Backman novel! a modern fairytale filled with tender, heartbreaking moments balanced with hilarity and found family love. to travel back and forth in time with the characters and experience their summer was magical and vibrant. thank you netgalley for the arc, this was wonderful!

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This book is pure magic. The kind that grabs hold of your heart and refuses to let go. I laughed, I cried, I gasped—I even had to throw it down in frustration, only to snatch it back up moments later because I had to know what happened next.

The story weaves together the past and present, following a group of teenagers whose bond is so profound it echoes across decades. At its heart is Louisa, an 18-year-old orphan who unexpectedly becomes the guardian of a priceless painting—one that holds a mystery she can't ignore. Her journey to uncover the truth leads to stunning revelations, stirring emotions, and an exploration of art’s power to connect souls across time.

The characters feel achingly real—flawed, broken, but so deeply human. Their friendships, their struggles, their love for one another…it’s all written with such heart-wrenching beauty. The suspense, the nostalgia, the aching hopefulness—it’s all here in perfect harmony.

This is a book about love in all its forms: the love between friends, the love we have for art, and the love that remains long after people are gone. It’s devastating and uplifting all at once. I have no doubt this will stay with me forever.

I wish I could give it more than five stars—I want to shout my love for this book to the whole world! READ THIS. You won’t regret it.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Frederik Backman is an auto buy author and this book is another reason why. I love his characters, their banter and the lives that they live. Flawless writing. Loved this!

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How apropos that Backman’s artistry brought me together to reflect with friends, and now he’s written a book about the power of art and friendship. Like always, Backman masterfully, yet self deprecatingly, creates a beautifully written novel that perfectly captures the “I can’t believe someone else feels that way too” sentiment that is so very powerful and genuine, whilst telling a superbly plotted story.

My Friends felt a little more stream of consciousness to me than his previous works, perhaps even a little more personal? It seems completely counterintuitive that a novel that examines the perils of fame and how the masses likely never truly know the artist really made me think of Backman’s personal posts—I could be VERY wrong here (and likely am) but the portrayal of the artist seemed very much to be Backman himself.

Anyway, even if I weren’t searching for the equivalent of “Swiftie clues” in this book, I would still walk away completely satisfied—the friends, the art, the laughs, the sighs, the tears—they all made for a five-star reading experience.

Thank you to @netgalley and @atriabooks for the digital ARC.

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My Friends by Fredrik Backman is a beautifully quiet, character-driven book that captivates the reader from the very first page. The story revolves around a small group of friends who share a profound bond during their formative teenage years. No summary can truly capture the essence of this remarkable book. It explores the depths of friendship, the weight of grief, and the complexities of love in all its messy, glorious forms. It resonates with both the young and the seasoned hearts among us. It’s infused with wit and profound insights that linger long after the last page is turned.

Like all of Backman's novels, it’s the unforgettable characters that stay with you, echoing in your thoughts. His vivid description of the sea sweeps the reader away to the enchanting waterfront on a sun-soaked lazy summer day. Backman thoughtfully reminds us of the complexities of being a teenager, evoking a deep sense of nostalgia. The book does conclude on a satisfying note. Just make sure to check out the trigger warnings.

Without a doubt, all five stars for My Friends by Fredrik Backman from me! I am genuinely proud to call myself a Fredrik Backman completist! A huge thank you to NetGalley and Atria for this incredible ARC.

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Oh my heart! This book about the enduring friendship between 4 teenagers (Kim, Ted, Joar and Ali) is completely heart wrenching but funny at times. Louisa, an 18 year old orphan, carries a postcard of a painting for years and attempts to see the painting in person at an auction. She is chased by security and eventually runs into a sickly man that she assumes is homeless. She and the man, who is actually a world renowned artist, create artistic magic together and he later bequeaths his priceless painting to her. The artist was one of the 4 teenagers 25 years ago, and their story, full of horrendous abuse, love and loss, is slowly revealed as the orphan travels to their hometown with Ted, another of the 4 friends.
The writing style seems simple but the words are deeply moving. This is one of those books with characters I won’t soon forget. “I love you and I trust you.”😭
Highly recommended! 5⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an advanced copy. All opinions are my own. Available 5/20/25

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This book captured the essence of what friendship is. It was filled with so much love, humor, and heartbreak. Fredrick Backman has such a way to make you feel every single emotion. The characters in this book are all so well developed and I found myself reflecting on my own friendships that have spanned decades. I loved how he weaved the importance of art into this story. Art is such a great humanizer allowing us to connect with one another of all ages and belief systems. I cannot wait to listen to this book again when it is released on audiobook to experience it again and through a different lens.

Endless gratitude to NetGalley for letting me read this book early.

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am a die hard Backman fan, and I enjoyed his latest book, My Friends. It was clever and entertaining and full of all the things I love about Backman's writing. But it is also not my favorite Backman book.

The characters and the story didn't seem especially memorable. While I enjoyed reading it, I don't know that it is one that will stick with me for long? Although, I'm not an artist in any way, shape or form, so it's also possible that the art theme just wasn't a perfect match for me. And while the book was written in classic Backman style, it felt a little extra to me. Like maybe he was trying just a little too hard to write this one? For example, he always uses a circular, roundabout method of storytelling that allows layers of the story and characters to be revealed bit by bit. And this unique style is actually something that I really love about his writing. But in My Friends, this style led to the story feeling repetitive. Like we just kept returning back to the same parts of the story over and over again.

This review is sounding negative, but I did enjoy this book! Backman has such an honest and refreshing way of looking at the world and then relaying it to his readers. I was engaged from the opening paragraph. It was a slow read for me, but Backman's books are always slow reads for me because I want to soak up every word. Even if it isn't my favorite Backman book, I would still recommend this one!

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I mean, wow. What a stunning portrait of people. Just people being their truest selves. I found a little piece in every character that I wanted to take with me.

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The story telling in this book was so beautiful. You meet these beautiful flawed characters and learn about their struggles, their love, their pain. you will laugh; you will cry. You will think “why did I subject myself to this?” I loved this book, I loved the way it analyzed friendship, grief, and the way we are as teenagers. Another masterpiece by Bachman.

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Once again, Backman has bright to life characters that make us laugh and cry. His storytelling knows no bounds.

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Fredrik Backman's "My Friends" is an absolutely fantastic read. I laughed, I cried, I'm pretty sure I felt the entire spectrum of human emotions. Backman has a way of writing about the human experience that makes you feel so deeply connected to every character. I fell in love with his prose when reading "Beartown," and "My Friends" only made me love it more. This book does cover some intense topics, in true Backman fashion, but he does so in such a beautiful way. I had to deduct one star simply because there were a few plot points I think should have been expanded upon more and others that I thought were drawn out too much. That being said, I think all of Backman's books are instant classics and everybody should read one of his at least once in their life.

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I just finished Fredrik Backman's newest book. I cried because I was finished; I cried because of the beauty of this book. Just read it. Backman, a literary genius, has written another story that will live with me for a long time. His themes of friendship, humanity, and acceptance of one another and ourselves are timeless. I can't recommend this book enough. Ten stars. My top book of the year. Not sure another will be able to take its place.

Thank you NetGalley for this arc.

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There is nothing like the friends you have when you are young. They are there for all of the trials and tribulations of growing up. The characters in this story crawl into your heart and you root for them as they overcome loss.

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My Friends by Fredrik Backman is a tender and insightful exploration of friendship, connection, and the complexities of human relationships. The story follows a group of friends who, despite their differences, share an unbreakable bond that shapes their lives. Backman’s writing is filled with warmth, humor, and emotional depth, capturing the nuances of both the joy and the challenges of friendship. With its relatable characters and heartfelt moments, My Friends is a beautifully crafted reminder of the importance of meaningful relationships in our lives.

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“You mustn’t think about the fact that it might end, because then you live like a coward, you never love too much or sing too loudly”.

Backman books are never meant to be a binge where you’re quickly flipping the pages and not taking it in. He’s become an author who uses his words not only as a story but rather a commentary on life… or people I should say.

This novel just jumped to my favourite of his. The unravelling of an unlikely friendship between an 18 yr old and a 39 yr old who just lost “their human”. They had ‘funeral in their eyes’ and walls around the heart but inch by inch, the connection began.

It was Louisa, straight out of foster care, with an artist’s heart, who stumbles upon a homeless man with secrets of his own. It was the painting of 3 friends that drove her to distraction. Whose grief took second place in her mission to see the painting.

And it’s the painting that ended up giving the family they all needed.

Poetic writing & beautiful friendships plus a few trigger moments that show the “why” they are the way they are. This book isn’t just about friendships that last a lifetime, it’s about resilience and trust; connection and love.

In the way that “Beartown” wasn’t really about hockey, “My friends” isn’t really about the art.

I highlighted a lot of passages, soaking it all in. Reminding myself that literary fiction can be beautifully done without being boring. Or being “talked to”. It’s books like these that dig deep in your heart and make you want to wrap your arms around each of them.

Ted, Louisa, Joar, Ali and ‘the artist’: characters that hold an endless sea of emotions and profound connections.

Easiest 5 ⭐️ I’ve given in awhile.

Ps. The friendship between Joar and the artist reminded me of “Good Will Hunting” and the friendship between Ben & Matt’s characters.

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I finished this book maybe half an hour ago and I’ve just been sitting down letting it sink in. Wow, I was introduced to Backman through his Beartown series and anxious people and My Friends cements him as one of my favorite authors. I had to select almost all the “moods” options to describe this book because what a rollercoaster of emotion. Backman is a master at writing that feels so simple yet packs such an emotional punch. This books makes you laughs, makes you cry, and makes you yearn for the simple yesteryears of adolescence and examine where you are in life now. Simply powerful.

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So, I seem to be in the minority, but this is not my favorite Backman book. I just couldn’t seem to get connected to the story or characters. But part of that, I think, is how I read this book. I think Backman’s books always need to be audio for me. I think something extra gets lost in translation for me when I try to eyeball read him. Aside from all that, I did enjoy the premise and the found family aspect. And as always, I love how there’s so many profound life lessons woven in to the story. Those get me, every single time. He gets almost a full star just for that. This is one I’ll definitely be rereading, just on audio next time.

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