Member Reviews
I originally picked this book because it sounded intriguing and held my attention from the blurb alone. This book did not disappoint me in the slightest.
The world building for each charmed “area” was uniquely designed and held a certain level of magic in their creation. I definitely loved how D. Wallace Peach created that aspect. I am a lover of folklore and mythology so the ability to spin this creativity into a world was phenomenal. I was able to sense some familiarity of each place and yet it was different.
This was not a typical romance story, it held some within in but that wasn’t the sole focus of the book. I enjoyed the glimpses without it overtaking the entire storyline.
I was able to visualize the entire story, the characters with their characteristics along with the lush and vivid landscape was throughly captured on the page and in my mind.
Erith developed throughout this book, learning to trust herself and her instincts. I am always a fan of character development.
It was an extremely well written fantasy novel.
Tales of the Seasons' Weaver offers a rich and evocative atmosphere, with world building worthy of praise. Unfortunately, I felt little connection with the characters, that for my taste, seemed underdeveloped and an afterthought.
Readers follow Erith, a woman who is half human and half Fae, she has inherited the task of weaving each season into existence. As the spring solstice approaches, Erith and her newly woven tapestry are escorted into the magical realm to participate in a ceremony that will usher in the new season. Things don't go to plan and soon Ertih learns that treachery and depict lay around each corner.
This world is whimsical and lush and juts plain fun! Unfortunately, once I hit the mid point things became a slog with the plot seemingly running in circles and becoming a bit of a slog. It was at this point that I realized that I had little connection to any of the characters making the final chunk of the book feel tedious.
I think that the dazzling atmosphere here actually accentuated the fact that the characters were a little under cooked. The two in juxtaposition simply weren't greater than the sum of their parts.
This story is beautifully written the Author is so descriptive and makes the world come to life from the landscape to the character design making it so easy to fully picture the entire world and those who inhabit it. I could so vividly imagine the tapestries being woven by our FMC. Our main character inherits a huge responsibility in which she is to weave the changing seasons into tapestries that usher them in. The literal weight of the world is on her shoulders but she is left extremely inadequately trained for everything her position entails as well as interacting with the tempermental Seasons Royalty. She is challenged and must find the strength and confidence within herself to save the world and all of the creatires in it from a perpetual winter. The world that we are set in gave me game of thrones vibes especially when referring to the winter king and his kingdom which I loved! If you love immersive and vivid world description and whimsical character designs you will love this book!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!
Rating: 4.25/5
Tale of the Seasons' Weaver was an enjoyable read, with beautiful descriptions of the charmed Folk and the winter setting. Though the romance was a subplot, it was one of my favourite elements of the story. Erith's character arc was well done, and is a great example of a reluctant hero. However, the plot felt like it was going around in circles, so at times I found myself bored. If the book had been a little shorter and less repetitive, it would've truly captured my attention.
Overall, Tale of the Seasons' Weaver is a truly magical, whimsical story. Readers of Holly Black and Margaret Rogerson will certainly enjoy it.
4.75-5 stars, rounded up for NetGalley's metrics.
This was gorgeous. I picked up the book because the cover and blurb looked interesting, and I was quickly hooked. Here's what I think the book did well:
- The worldbuilding: Each of the different charmed were unique, drawing on folklore and legends I was familiar with while still creating something different. The world felt like it belonged to a place all of its own--both otherworldly and familiar--and I loved every minute.
- The imagery: I could picture everything in this book so clearly. The landscapes and characters were stunning, and I felt totally immersed in everything and lost in the magic and wonder of it all.
- The romance: This isn't a romance book, per se, but there is romance in it. It's very quiet and simple, but I thought that it made a lot of sense and I was rooting for it the whole book. I felt like the author did a good job showing why the characters fell for each other rather than simply telling us that the characters are suddenly madly attracted to each other and then moving on. It was sweet and wholesome and healthy, and I loved it.
Basically the atmosphere was just about as close to perfect as I've read.
While the actual plot itself wasn't necessarily the most groundbreakingly-new plot I've ever read, the vibrancy of everything else made it a truly enjoyable read. That and the fact that there was actual character development and growth and consequences. The main character drove me a bit crazy at times, but the story handled her decisions well and redeemed the things that frustrated me by giving me character development and growth. This was a book I didn't want to put down because I was so happy to just be present in the story with the characters, and it's a book I'll likely come back to and maybe even own one day.
This is my first D. Wallace Peach book, but, if this is how she normally writes, then it won't be my last.
Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review! I really enjoyed this read.
Thank you to netgalley for the eARC!
While the story was fun, I ultimately found this book to be just okay. There were some beautiful descriptions of nature, however the writing felt strangely forced, and too repetitive. The characters were all two-dimensional, which is why it seemed there was not enough tension to make things interesting. I would recommend if you want a straightforward story, or something simple and cozy to read. 3 stars!
Our main character, Eirth, weaves the seasons for the four rulers of the seasons. When she goes to deliver Spring she is taken by the King of Winter because hunters came into his woods and murdered his wolves. This is a very interesting story with original magic and a lovely way of telling the story. It reminds me a lot of Holly Black's A Cruel Prince.