Member Reviews

4.5 so rounding up to 5 Stars

This book has been on my kindle for a while and I’m finally going back as I can and catching up. I see there are a couple of versions of this book and part of a couple of series. It looks like the next book is from Jorgen’s point of view but from the same time period…and book three might be the same but it’s hard to tell, even from reading some of the reviews. I will say that a couple of the folks mentioned that books two and three aren’t as hopeful as this one which makes me a little nervous about reading them as this book was really hard to read at times. Most of Jorgen’s healing in this book was off-page so I guess we’ll get an in-depth view of that in the next two books and that will be excruciating.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author – and it seems there was a name change so that was hard to find. I do have several other books by this author and I will be reading more as I thought the writing was good, especially considering English doesn’t appear to be the first language.

I had mixed feelings about the age difference – even knowing Geir was technically legal at 16 in Europe he is still a minor and very young. He did seem very mature and there was thankfully no sex until they are older, so I thought that part was handled well. While I understand the explanation for Geir’s dad working off-shore, I cannot imagine leaving an epileptic child alone for three weeks at a time. Even with relatives near-by and seizure dog that is too risky for my liking. That coupled with the dad’s attitude toward Jorgen made me not like him very much. His overprotectiveness of Geir in that relationship was odd to me since he had no problem leaving him alone for three weeks at a time and made him appear homophobic, especially after seeing his reaction to Nik.

Jorgen’s past is nothing short of horrendous. Meeting Geir is exactly what he needed but so is him going away as it forced him to get the help he needed. He is sweet with Geir and I absolutely love him even though he’s clearly hurting desperately. I want nothing but goodness and happiness for him for the rest of his life.

This ends as a happy for now so I’m interested to see if books two or three takes them further into the future. Geir still has to decide what he wants to do with his future and they still have some work on their relationship as they are just starting to focus on them as a full-on couple by the end.

I can recommend this book but make sure you are ready for it before diving in.

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