Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

This is a well-research and comprehensive biography of Mary Tudor (not Bloody Mary but the sister of Henry the 8th and the Queen of France). Amy McElroy brings so much depth to the life of Mary. I learn so much about this complicated and fascinating figure in Tudor history.

I definitely recommend this novel for any Tudor fans.

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Mary Tudor (14 March 1496–26 June 1533), was the daughter of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.Her Governess was Joan Vaux, who she called Mother Guildford.As children, Mary and her brother, the future King Henry VIII, shared a close friendship.He named his first surviving child, the future Queen Mary I, in her honour.She was known in her youth as one of the most beautiful princesses in Europe.On 21 December 1507, Mary was engaged to Charles,later Holy Roman Emperor.The betrothal was called off in 1514.

Cardinal Wolsey negotiated a peace treaty with France, and on 9 October 1514, Mary married the elderly King Louis XII of France at Abbeville.She was accompanied to France by several English maids of honour (one of whom was Anne Boleyn) under the supervision of her governess.Despite two previous marriages, Louis had no living sons.However, their marriage was short-lived and childless as he died on 1 January 1515.

Mary was in love with Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, wanted to marry him. However, Henry VIII and his council wanted any future marriage to be to their advantage.
However, the couple wed in secret at the Hotel de Cluny in Paris on 3 March 1515.Henry and the privy council were outraged.Due to the intervention of Thomas Wolsey and Henry's affection for both his sister and Charles, the couple was given only a fine. They officially wed on 13 May 1515 in the presence of King Henry VIII and his courtiers.In 1528, the marriage was legitimised. Mary was Charles Brandon's third wife and was stepmother to his children. Mary and Charles had 4 children.Through her older daughter, Frances, she was the maternal grandmother of Lady Jane Grey,the 9-day queen.
Even after her second marriage, Mary was referred to the English court as the Queen of France and was not called the Duchess of Suffolk in her lifetime.

In the late 1520s, relations between King Henry VIII and Mary were strained when she opposed the King's attempt to obtain an annulment from Catherine of Aragon,whom Mary had known and liked.Mary strongly disliked Anne Boleyn, whom she had first met in France.

Beauty aside, Mary was diplomatic, intelligent, and charismatic.

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Mary Tudor by Amy McElroy gives us an interesting look into the life of one of England’s most misunderstood queens. McElroy does a great job of bringing Mary’s emotional journey to life, showing her struggles with power, love, and betrayal. The writing is easy to get into and really pulls you into the drama of the Tudor court. That said, the pacing can feel a little off at times, and I think some of the historical details could’ve been expanded. But overall, it’s an enjoyable read for anyone who loves historical fiction. 4 stars.

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Mary Tudor, Queen of France was a very informative read; similarly to how I proceeded last time with Catherine Howard, I came to this book after having read a fictionalization of Mary Tudor’s life, and it was so interesting to compare the two.
Here, there’s a real wealth of information about Henry VIII’s younger and favorite sister; I especially found her marriage negotiations insightful - they make it so painfully clear that women (of the royal household) were nothing more but pawns and used to strengthen political alliances. So it’s even more courageous of Mary to marry for love (after having done her duty and her first husband, the French king, died because of old age) - also because Henry VIII isn’t exactly known to be forgiving when you cross him.
All in all, a great book about Mary Tudor who appears in so many other books about that particular period in history but mostly remains on the fringes.

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When one thinks of Tudor history, the towering figures of Henry VIII, Mary I, and Elizabeth I usually come to mind. But what of the minor Tudors, such as Henry's siblings Arthur, Margaret, and Mary? In her latest book Mary Tudor: Queen of France, author Amy McElroy pens a meticulous and vibrant history of the youngest Tudor sibling, the lively and lovely Mary, Queen of France and later Duchess of Suffolk.

The Tudor dynasty seemingly attracts those drawn to its romance: the relationship between Anne Boleyn and Henry, the love between Mary and Charles Brandon, the did-they-didn’t-they dynamic of Elizabeth and Robert Dudley. Although important, of course, other facets of those lives enhance each of these stories, and it's this focus on Mary's beauty and relationship with Charles Brandon that Amy explains but also expands upon in her illuminative work.

There's more to Mary than simply her second marriage: her familial dynamic, her first serious betrothal, her life in France, her struggles to find happiness and prosperity amidst uncertain economic circumstances, her passion for clothing, dancing, and pageantry, her proficiency in wordsmithing, and so much more. Amy broadens our understanding of Mary's life from her youth to her passing in 1536.

On March 18, 1496, Mary Tudor was born at Sheen Palace to Henry VIII and his wife Queen Elizabeth of York. Her parents had married in the aftermath of the Battle of Bosworth, uniting the divergent York and Lancastrians lines of descent from King Edward III. Mary was the youngest of their surviving children. Sadly, Elizabeth of York succumbed to complications from the birth of her last daughter, Katherine, passing away on February 11, 1503.

Amy details Mary's life from official records, inventories, letters, and more, painting a compelling portrait of this astonishing woman. At the book's beginning, she devotes significant time to Mary's childhood, paying particularly close attention to the princess’s education and her first betrothal to Charles, Prince of Castile, the son of Philip the Handsome and Joanna of Castile. After this fell apart, especially after Henry VII’s death in 1509, Mary married the French king Louis XII. She ruled as Queen of France for a few months before Louis died on January 1, 1515. It's after this point where many recognize Mary's story as the wife of Charles Brandon.

Before Mary left for France to marry Louis, she extracted a promise from her brother Henry that she could marry for love should Louis predecease her. As a result, she married Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk and Henry's best friend, shortly before her return to England. Evidence supports this marriage as a love match, and signs indicate that Henry was aware of their mutual attraction. The couple roused the king's ire, however, when they married sooner than expected, in March 1515, and without his firm approval. He fined them, but eventually allowed them to return to England. Mary and Charles lived happily together until Mary's death on June 25, 1533.

Mary Tudor: Queen of France is that rare non-fiction piece that combines deep research and engaging narrative to create a highly absorbing and informationally-rich book. Amy encourages readers to examine Mary's life more thoroughly, that she deserves to be remembered for more than just her appearance and her family. “Mary's beauty and ancestry should not be her only legacy; she was clearly a highly competent letter writer, using her skill to get her way and protect herself and those she cared about.”

I appreciated Amy’s focus on three particular aspects of Mary's life that often receive little attention: her first betrothal, her writing ability, and her care and support for those who served her.

Mary's betrothal to Prince Charles - who would go on to become Charles V - reflected her father's affection for her (in addition to her value in a marriage alliance) and her chance for a respectable and perhaps content marriage. The negotiations between Henry and Charles’s protectors - Maximilian, the Holy Roman Emperor; Margaret of Austria; and King Ferdinand of Castile - proved long and complex and ultimately fell through. However, in behavior which counteracts his normal frugal reputation, ensured a bountiful dowry for his daughter so that she would be provided for and have a comfortable life.

Mary's ability to influence by her adept writing and her support for those in her employ often go hand-in-hand. Amy recounts several instances in which Mary wrote to influential characters such as Cardinal Thomas Wolsey in an effort to find them gainful employment, reward them, or attempt to return them to her service. This paints the Queen as a generous, intelligent, and politically astute woman with a keen mind and kind heart.

Amy’s biography of Mary Tudor offers readers a refreshing, balanced, and nuanced look into her life. Mary was a multifaceted and complex woman who deserves the telling of her story in a compassionate and authentic manner, and Amy McElroy has done just that. This book was a joy to read, and those interested in Tudor history, women's history, or English history will find much to engage with in Mary Tudor, Queen of France.

Thank you to Amy, Pen & Sword Books, and NetGalley for an ARC copy of this book!

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Mary Tudor by Amy McElroy is a concise yet engaging historical exploration of the life of Mary. McElroy brings Mary’s complexity to life. While the narrative is informative, it could be found boring by some who don't often read history.

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Mary Tudor by Amy McElroy is a fascinating biographical account of the life of Mary, Henry VIII's sister, and not to be confused with his daughter.

The story is quite remarkable, and while I knew something about her, I didn't know everything. The chapters, which follow her through the 3 marriage proposals she receives, which result in 2 marriages, are quite astounding. So much time and effort went into trying to wed her to Prince Charles (later Emperor Charles), and then all of a sudden, she married Louis XII of France. I found it most fascinating. If anything, her 2nd marriage seems almost anticlimatic, even though it evidently wasn't at the time. And, with all we know about Henry and his marital difficulties, Mary appears to have been somewhat serene about everything. I imagine she perhaps had a happier life, if one often troubled by the terrible debt her brother placed upon her (families!).

I really appreciated the author's desire to keep this narrative to Mary and not to her children and grandchildren. It seems fitting to have a title devoted exclusively to her.

A fine portrayal of Mary's eventful, if short life, with a lovely writing style.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

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A very complete and thorough look into a lesser written about Tudor. The author does a great job of outlining Mary's life with so much fascinating detail. Some rare photos too at the end of the book. A must read for any Tudor fan! Thanks to Netgalley, the author and publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve always been obsessed with the Tudor era, particularly King Henry VIII and his six wives. This was a nice change to read about someone connected but not the usual, such as Anne Boleyn (my favourite person to learn about). This was well written and I’m so thankful to have been gifted this book from the publisher (it was a wish item and it was granted). I enjoyed this very much.

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This is an interesting and informative book about Henry VIII’s favourite sister Mary. Although not that much is known about her character, the beautiful Queen was apparently quite kind to her ageing French husband, the King, and she was also kind to her servants and helpful to courtiers and officials. She seems to have been a rather sweet person.

She was also highly intelligent with a gift for writing letters, which can came in useful! She was able to wrap Henry around her little finger, ensuring that he was not too angry with her when she married Charles Brandon.

I could never read enough about Mary! I enjoyed this book very much.

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Mary Tudor is one of my favorite people from the Tudor Era. She is not talked about as much as her brother and all his wives. I enjoyed Mary Tudor: Queen of France by Amy McElroy. The book was well written and very informative.

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I really didn't know anything about Mary Tudor, Henry's sister so this was a great read for more. It had that element that I was looking for and thought everything worked as a nonfiction book. Amy McElroy has a strong writing style and had that historical element that I was looking for.

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Mary Tudor, younger sister to henry VIII, either gets skipped over or hardly mentioned in both fact and fiction retellings of the Tudor era, which is a shame, because she had a fascinating life with a romance that ended much, much better than almost any other love story in the Tudor era.

McElory follows Mary's life, mostly through invoices and other housekeeping accounts, but also through high stakes international treaties, letters between kings, and popular ballads. We rarely get Mar's voice, but on the few occasions we do, her voice rings out clear, educated, and determined - this is a woman who knows what she is worth, what she wants, and she is going to get both what she is entitled to and what she wants.

So its no accident that she ends up with the man she wants AND with titles, properties, and jewels worth a king's ransom - even if quite a lot of those jewels are wisely given over to her brother to get his stamp of approval on her second marriage.

Mary might have played the damsel in distress when advantageous, but she was just as determined as any Tudor to get what she wanted, no matter hat the consequences.

McElory points out that, sadly, Mary doesn't live long enough to meet her granddaughter Jane Grey, but that Jane definite inherited a lot of her brains from her grandmother, a woman who understood the power of words and how to use them.

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The life of a 16th-century princess is not all that it is cracked up to be. You can have jewels, and glamorous dresses, attend the glittering yet treacherous court, and have numerous homes. You must marry the person the king says you should marry to create strong alliances for the kingdom, so the concept of marrying for love is not in your vocabulary. You had to ensure your opinions were kept in line with the monarch’s views so you didn’t meet a disastrous end. In other words, the closer you are to the throne, the more scrutiny is forced upon you. No one understood this advice better than Mary Tudor, the daughter of King Henry VII and the younger sister of Henry VIII. She was a daughter, a sister, a wife, a queen, a duchess, and a mother. Her remarkable story is told in Amy McElroy’s book, “Mary Tudor: Queen of France.”

I want to thank Pen and Sword Books and Net Galley for sending me a copy of this book. I have read Amy McElroy’s previous books, “Women’s Lives in the Tudor Era” and “Educating the Tudors,” and I enjoyed both books. When I heard that she would write her first-ever biography on Mary Tudor, I jumped at the chance to read it because Mary is my favorite of the children of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York.

McElroy begins with a quick overview of the conflict that brought the Tudors to the throne, the Wars of the Roses. The marriage of Mary’s parents, Henry VII and Elizabeth of York united the kingdom and started the Tudor dynasty. Like any dynasty, it was important to have heirs, spares, and daughters who could be used essentially as pawns in the marriage market to create strong alliances. Mary’s eldest brother Arthur married Katherine of Aragon to form an alliance with Spain and her older sister Margaret married James IV of Scotland for another alliance. From a young age, Mary Tudor was a proposed bride for Charles of Castile, the son of King Philip the Handsome and Queen Joanna of Castile and Aragon, who would become Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. Unfortunately, this marriage plan fizzled, but another bride groom was waiting in the wing, King Louis XII of France.

Mary’s marriage to King Louis XII of France and her time as Queen of France did not last long because Louis died mere months after their wedding. Now Mary could have returned to England or stayed in France and waited for another royal match to happen, but Mary chose option number three. Mary’s heart belonged to her brother Henry VIII’s best friend Charles Brandon, and the two devised a plan to marry in secret. It was out of the ordinary and it did create quite the scandal, but at the end of the day, it was a love match. Charles and Mary had a family and were involved in court politics including the Great Matter, before Mary died on June 26, 1533.

I think what has impressed me about McElroy’s books, including this one, is her ability to reveal something new to the subject material. While I knew quite a bit about Mary’s life, it was the marriage negotiations and her inner circle that truly fascinated me. If you want a new book about the sister of Henry VIII with new insight into her life and the politics of marriage, I highly suggest you read, “Mary Tudor: Queen of France” by Amy McElroy.

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Amy McElroy's "Mary Tudor" offers an accessible introduction to one of England's notable monarchs. As someone with only passing knowledge of Mary Tudor from European travels, I found this biography enlightening and well-structured. The book effectively balances historical detail with engaging narrative, providing valuable insights into both royal life and the broader context of 16th-century England.

While I can't compare it to other works on Mary Tudor, this biography succeeds in making the era and its key figure accessible to general readers. The author skillfully weaves political history creating an informative read for those interested in English history.

Thank you NetGalley and Pen & Sword publications for ARC, all opinions are my own.

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Front and Center: The Mary Tudor

Amy McElroy stood out right off the bat by expressing her gratitude in the Acknowledgments as the first section of the book. It allowed me to appreciate the community of contributors and support it took to collect and assemble the story of Mary Tudor. It was refreshing for Mary Tudor to have the spotlight pointed directly at her.

Amy wrote the book in a very digestible manner that anyone can pick up and process the evolution of Mary Tudor. The tone of the writing was a far cry from the stereotypical stale and stiff historical timelines. There was a vivid picture painted of lineage of Mary’s ancestors and her own life. A friendly read that can intrigue those ranging from history intimidated to buffs.

This book includes a visual of her family tree, portraits and photos of core locations.

I think this book would make a great reference source for university classes, research papers and history minors or majors to have on deck.

I received a free copy of this book from Amy McElroy and Pen & Sword History. I am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions are my own.


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Mary Tudor: Queen of France by Amy McElroy is a captivating exploration of one of Tudor England’s most fascinating figures, a woman whose life story often gets buried under the towering legacy of her infamous brother, Henry VIII. But Mary Tudor wasn’t just "the king’s sister"—she was a princess who married a king, defied another, and somehow managed to carve out a life for herself despite the political landmines of the Tudor court. McElroy’s account of her life gives Mary the rich, nuanced treatment she deserves.

Mary Tudor, often called the "English Rose," was celebrated for her beauty, but McElroy digs much deeper than the surface. She presents Mary as a woman of fierce independence and bold decisions—especially for someone living in an era when royal women’s choices were usually dictated by political necessity. Her marriage to the elderly King Louis XII of France was strategic, of course, but Mary’s next move—marrying Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, for love and without her brother’s permission—was the stuff of Tudor legend. It could’ve cost her everything, yet somehow she not only survived Henry’s wrath but kept his affection.

One of McElroy’s strengths is her focus on Mary’s complex relationship with Henry. As his favorite sister, Mary had more leeway than most people who dared cross him, but that didn’t make her immune to the pressures of his volatile temper and political ambitions. McElroy shows how their bond shifted over time, shaped by Mary’s decisions, Henry’s ego, and the tumultuous events surrounding the Tudor dynasty.

The book also does an excellent job contextualizing Mary’s marriages—not just as romantic dramas but as reflections of larger political tensions. Her brief but significant reign as Queen of France and her subsequent life as Duchess of Suffolk paint a picture of a woman who was both a player in the grand political chessboard of Europe and someone determined to pursue her own happiness in a world that didn’t exactly encourage personal freedom for women.

McElroy’s writing is engaging and approachable without losing the depth of historical analysis. She strikes a nice balance between personal anecdotes (letters, portraits, and court gossip) and the broader political events of the time. The result is a portrait of Mary that feels intimate yet rooted in historical fact.

If there’s a critique, it’s that at times the narrative slows when recounting some of the more peripheral political events—necessary for context, but they can momentarily pull focus from Mary herself. However, McElroy always brings it back to the heart of the story: a woman navigating an extraordinary life in the shadow of one of history’s most domineering monarchs.

At 4.5 stars, this is a must-read for Tudor enthusiasts and anyone fascinated by royal women who dared to live on their own terms. Mary Tudor’s life is often overshadowed by the dramas of Henry’s wives, but McElroy ensures that readers will see her not just as an accessory to Henry’s legacy, but as a complex, courageous figure in her own right—equal parts princess, queen, rebel, and survivor.

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240 pages

4 stars

This book covers the history of Mary Tudor, daughter of Henry VII and his wife, Elizabeth of York. She was a sister of Henry VIII and Margaret who went on to marry King James IV of Scotland.

Unfortunately, not much was recorded about Mary’s early life. It is supposed that she was raised with Henry and Margaret with the aid of their mother and various nurses, tutors and maids.

Even at age three, offers for Mary’s hand in marriage began to appear.

Following several offers, contracts and machinations, Mary was finally betrothed to King Louis XII of France. Louis was in desperate need of an heir and it is supposed (perhaps), that the elderly King overdid his exertions with his very young bride. The marriage with King Louis XII did not last long.

Following the death of King Louis XII, Mary wanted to marry Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk. Intense negotiations ensued between Mary, Charles, King Henry VIII and the French delegation. Payments would be made and Mary and Charles would return to England.

All evidence shows that Charles and Mary had a happy marriage until her death in 1533.

This is a very good book. It is full of facts and interesting tidbits. The book is easy to understand and is easily comprehensible for any readers. I enjoyed it very much having not read much about Mary.

I want to thank NetGalley and Pen & Sword History for forwarding to me a copy of this good book for me to read, enjoy and review. The opinions expressed in this review are solely my own.

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I so enjoyed reading about Mary Tudor - she has so often been a character in other Tudor history books I have read, both factual and fictional, but has always been on the periphery. With Amy McElroy’s wonderful book she is now taking centre stage and the result is an engrossing and enthralling study of this fascinating woman. From Princess to Queen to Duchess and her roles as daughter, sister, wife and mother Mary takes the spotlight in this excellent book. I would not hesitate to recommend Amy McElroy’s latest work.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Pen and Sword books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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3 ⭐️ I enjoyed reading this in depth look at the sister of King Henry VIII.

Most of what is known of Mary Tudor involves her romance and marriage to Charles Brandon, Henry’s best friend. This well researched biography gives a glimpse into Tudor life drawing on historical writings.
All the workings of the court, dowries ,clothes, jewels, marriages, births, deaths are all discussed.

Thank you NetGalley and Pen and Sword History Publishers for the ARC in exchange for my honest review

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