Member Reviews

Please be aware I am about to gush!!!
This was a transformative, incredible conclusion to a sparkling trilogy. An ending that matched every thing we learned and loved about our conflicted but noble heroine, Emiko.
Not every trilogy gives you a satisfying ending that has you screaming and cheering, but this one poured that out and more from chapter one to the final sentence.
The plot was simple. Whatever could go wrong...did. Furthermore, it all ended up in Emiko's lap and she had to find a way to fix it. From a dweller of a another realm, to her relationships with friends and family coming into screeching focus. There was no running away. There was no cowering. There was only Emiko standing in her truth and finding a way forward that may just break all the rules she was drilled to observe and follow.
With non stop action and continuous secrets being revealed the authors steal your breath away page by page. Whenever things seemed calm it was only a space for strategy and startling truths to be disclosed. It was all so exciting and dramatic at times lol...making it such a fun read!!!
For me though, one of the most important arcs throughout the series, was that relationship between Emiko and her parents. It started full of tension, mistrust, and with Emiko feeling as though she was so much less than they needed her to be. But in this book, we get that satisfaction of knowing exactly why things went the way they did, and when I say the fam bam SHOW UP...they SHOW UP!!!! Not going to lie, reading this specific part had me tearing up. It was perfectly written, for all of us trauma babies lol!
In reading this story, look forward to action, bad stuff happening, and unorthodox solutions... heavy on that part especially :D!!!!
Unreservedly, loudly, and with heartfelt fervor, I recommend this book, this series, these authors. When I picked up book 1 of Phoenix Hoard, Ebony Gate, last year I had no idea of the ride it would take me on. And I have ABSOLUTELY no regrets going on this journey. Sincerely, I hope many more join me as fanatics of Emiko and her world so we can get even more stories about them!
If action filled fantasy, relatable but bad a$$ FMCs, ancient lore, found family, and humor are your thing...you should be chapters deep in this series already. Stop stalling and get into it today!
Thank you so much to Net Galley and the authors for allowing me to review this arc. It was a true pleasure!

Giving this book a 5 star.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC of Pearl Cit.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with the way the book ended. READING THE ENDING COMMENTS FROM THE AUTHOR. i was like omg. Yes Emiko, did we go full circle from book 1 to now. and the answer is YES. YES WE DID.
This book is full of non-stop action. Seriously, I'm like.. how many fights are we going through? That said, even though Julia and Ken include a summary of previous books, I think I needed to reread the entire series because sometimes I was like wait what happened. I did not want to wait and go back and read the two books so honestly that's on me. LOL. I have questions about the ending in the sense that ...like Julia and Ken you two know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I have questions. I want answers. LOL.
My only "complaint" is that I wish we could actually spend more time with Emiko and her family. There are some things that could be a bit more flushed out, like I just wanna know more, but take that as a good thing. Julia and Ken made me love the characters so much I want to know more.
Like I mentioned in my review of Ebony Gate, it's fun and weird to be reading about books set in SF because..is there or is there not jiaren in the city? Will I basically walk past Emiko on the streets. Is Bao just a big chow chow I walked past. Is there a *insert spoiler* in Japantown??? LOL

I immediately drop everything that I was reading so I can start reading this book once I got an approved eARC! I needed to know what’s going to happen with Emiko. I have been with her since the beginning, and I will continue to do so until the end.
I don’t know how to say it, but Pearl City literally outdid my expectations and more. I could not believe my eyes when I finished this book. I still thought I was reading until I reached the last page in one sitting. It was that freaking good. And I want more of Emiko and the others from the universe. I don’t want to say goodbye.
Let’s get back to why Pearl City outdid itself. I won’t say too much because it will ruin the plot and the overall story. I will say that this book is made for all fantasy readers who love John Wick or Studio Ghibli. It has the vibes of them, plus the endless complexity within the characters.
Emiko!!!! She is my girl! Literally, I have rooted for Emiko no matter what, especially with a certain ex. I won’t say anything more than she is my girl. Emiko has always done her best and more. And she has learned even more as she settles within herself.