Member Reviews

This is a beautiful story that teaches praying is a conversation with God. The author uses simple questions to show children that praying can be easy and unscripted. The illustrations are bright and will draw children in. I love this book and will be buying a copy.

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What. a sweet book - a reminder for children & adults that we can pray to God anywhere and at any time. My daughter is only 2 but I can see this book generating great conversation with children who are a little bit older.

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"All The Things I Say to God" is a Christian picture book for children. The narrative follows Abby, who has prayed along with adults but wonders if she can pray to God by herself. Along the way, she asks her mom about the type of things one can pray and then we see her pray about these things. She's shown as praying when in bed, though the text says she prays at other times, too. They covered topics like talking to God about life (and she tells God what happened that day, even small things), asking God questions, thanking God for good things, praying for others, and quietly thinking about God if you have nothing to say.

The illustrations were cartoon-like in style and showed what Abby was doing while asking her mother questions or while praying. It's a good book to start a conversation with kids about prayer, but the mother provided little guidance beyond saying that God loves it when we tell Him about our day, etc. The book didn't cover answers to prayer or God's part in prayer. Abby asked questions of God without seeming to expect answers. It was sort of talking at God. Your child may ask why God never responds to Abby, and you'll have to respond to that yourself. Overall, though, I'd recommend this story about praying to God.

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In this picture book, a little girl enjoys praying with her family, and then begins to explore what it means to pray on her own. She asks her mom questions about praying, and experiences different ways of talking to God. This is a sweet, earnest story that teaches kids about prayer, and I also appreciated the author's personal reflections in the note at the end.

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As a First Grade teacher at a Christian school, this book would be perfect for my students. Many times young children feel like they must speak to God in a formal manner and with a perfect script memorized. They end up stumbling over their words or end their prayer abruptly. Abby, the main character, shows them that it's ok to talk to God in the same way that you talk to your best friend. You can tell Him what you like, what you did, or how you are feeling. Like Arby's mom said, "You can tell God anything." The author does a fantastic job giving examples of what prayers can sound like and the illustrations help to keep the reader engaged.

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My girls have had so many questions about prayer lately. This was such a good read for them as it explains prayer through Abby's inquisitive journey with her mom about what she can say in prayer to God. So good! My girls loved the story and the pictures were beautiful.

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A beautiful, warm family story about learning to pray. Gently introduces young readers to the many ways we pray to God, including in the silence of our hearts. Thoughtful. A great book to spark family conversations. Would make a nice gift, too!

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Sweet little book about a child learning about prayer. Abby learns from her mom how to talk to God and shows the innocence of children’s prayers! This would be a great book to use when teaching kids about how to pray.

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This is a very lovely book about all the ways to pray. It has the beautiful message that there is no one way to pray, and everyone prays differently.

The illustrations were perfect; I loved the use of blank space and the vibrant images. Overall it was a wonderful book, a great way to introduce children to praying.

There's a page at the end with a note to parents, and a couple prayers that the author uses. I thought this was a nice touch.

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This book is lovely! It's a must-own and it's perfect for gift-giving. The heartfelt message about prayer provides wonderful examples for both kids and parents, sparking meaningful discussions and fostering a closer connection with God. Plus, the illustrations are delightful! I can't recommend this book highly enough. I will purchase a copy for me and one for each of my grandchildren. I received a complimentary e-copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you to Zonderkidz-Books, Zonderkidz, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this lovely book. 🫶

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A truly wonderful book. I love this exploration and discovery of prayer. It is wonderful for children as it shows you can bring anything/everything to God even silence. It is also a good reminder for adults as we overcomplicate prayer and make "rules" of what is and isn't acceptable in prayer. Darling illustrations and fun to read, I highly recommend this book.

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This book is so sweet! Me and my daughter loved reading it together! I love that in this book Abby asks her moms all kinds of questions and it got my daughter asking more questions as well. I will definitely be recommending this books to other people that I know. I loved the art and pictures in the book. I love when I am find a good children’s book that talks about praying and what it means to pray and that it doesn’t matter how you pray just that you spend that time with God. This is something that we try to teach our children. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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This is a beautiful story about Abby who learns all the ways she can talk and pray to God. It shares that you can question, thank or be silent when we talk to Him and he loves it all. I think this is a great way for children who are still just learning about their faith to learn more about praying in a very age appropriate way!

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What a sweet picture book teaching children that prayer is talking to God, and we can talk to Him about anything. My 4 year old loved looking at the pictures as I read too. I highly recommend this one.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the advanced copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

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Very positive message to a child about God and that there is no right way to pray. The story starts by showing when/where a child can pray and make a habit out of it, but it doesn't need to be done a certain way. I really enjoyed the fact that the girl didn't ask anything from God, just simply wanted to share her day with him. I would recommend this book to any Christian family who wants to pass the message about praying to their children.

Thank you to NetGalley and Zonderkidz-Books for the advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Really sweet book with back and forth questions and answers between a daughter and her mother about when and how to pray to God. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this book!

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My four kids and I have read this book over and over again! Each parent should own this book and have it in their home library. It is full of beautiful words and just such importance of God to kids.

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This was such a sweet book with very cute illustrations. It does a great job of making prayer seem accessible to children and showing that you can talk to God about anything. As a new mom, one part actually made me tear up - when you read it you'll know which part. I look forward to reading this book to my daughter.

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Thank you NetGalley! What a sweet book. This totally encompasses the train of thought in children regarding prayers. I love the wonder of children when praying to God

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What a beautiful book about curiosity and exploration in learning how to pray. I love how simple it is and yet it is a profound way for children (or adults) to learn how to talk to and listen to God.

Thanks to Zonderkidz for the gifted book. All opinions are my own.

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