Member Reviews

Never Let You Go was full of suspense, drama, and crazy twists. I really enjoyed it.

Ariana and Daniel were great main characters. Ariana was strong, determined, loyal, and relatable. Daniel was intense and complex.
I liked Caleb's writing style. I was drawn in immediately, and I found it hard to put down.

Never Let You Go is the first book I've read by Caleb, but it definitely won't be the last.
I highly recommend.

4 stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Netgalley, Inkubator Books, and Caleb Crowe for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Never Let you Go by Caleb Crowe is a rollercoaster of a story in the best way!

The story begins with the prologue in which Ariana wakes up to find her house is on fire. She is rescued is having trouble locating the two young children who were in the house.

The story is told in Ariana's voice and has two alternating timelines. The first is the present, and the second is ten years in the past, when she is seventeen.

Since the prologue begins the story in the past, chapter one starts off the story In the present, where Ariana is twenty seven and married to Henry. Shortly after, Daniel who is the son of the kid she was an au pair for when she was younger appears and comes back into her life.

This book is full of page-turning suspense that has you rushing to see how the two timelines come together!

Special thanks to Caleb Crowe and Incubator books for working with NetGalley. I received an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion and review.

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Thank you for allowing me to read this book as an ARC!
Absolutely wow, just wow! I flew through this book as it had me so glued to it! Caleb Crowe does not disappoint and has the reader captivated to the story and not being able to put it down. The story goes back and forth from 10 years ago to the 'now.' I loved the jump to the past each time as it helps build the storyline...and especially how each chapter in the past ended with a sentence that started the 'now' chapter off. What a beautiful and clever transition!
While I thought I had things figured out at first, I most certainly was wrong a few times. So, when you are reading this, stop guessing and just keep on going--I'm sure you are wrong just the same!! :) The story builds nicely and allows the characters to develop throughout the story. It has the reader engrossed into the story so it feels like the reader is right there next to the protagonist and gets to experience all of her feelings. This book has been a suspenseful and mysterious ride! Well done and I cannot wait to read further books by Caleb Crowe! 5 stars

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I really thought I had this one figured out from the jump way early on, and turns out, I was correct. Nothing really shocked me in this thriller. It gives major Netflix show “YOU” vibes. If you know, you know. I enjoyed it, I just wish the twists were twisting. But that’s not the book’s fault or the author’s fault, I just read too many thrillers and can easily spot a twist. It did keep me turning the pages though, I can say that.

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I had to DNF this. It just wasn’t for me. I wasn’t really interested in the story and didn’t find it to be thrilling in the least. I really had high hopes for this.

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This book was super twisty and I did not see the ending coming.

I am rating it 4 starts instead of 5 though as the start was quite slow and I initially did have a lot of trouble with staying focused on the book so I almost put it down, but I am so glad that I did not.

I also think that past to present was down so well in this book. Sometimes timeline books can feel a bit clunky to read, but this was one smooth read once the pace picked up.

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This is the first book I have read of Caleb Crowe's and it will not be the last! It was one of the best thrillers I have ever read, it had me immersed into the plot and I was turning pages so fast I had finished the book before I even knew it. The writing just flowed and was engaging, I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense and plot twists. This would make an excellent movie.

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A very creep read of a very psychopathic lying manipulative obsessive murdering person that begins at the age of 12 and and continues until adulthood when he finds his person. He was creepy and I thought Ariana was too gullible but I liked the story. The ending seemed ambiguous though I know what ending I preferred.

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Never read this Author before.
I really liked it and will be looking at his other books to read.
The book is written in two timelines now and 10 years ago.
There is lots going on in the story read it.

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A fast paced thriller with a cool twist going back and forth in time with the last sentence of one chapter becoming the first sentence of the next in the past/future. This novel had lots of twists and turns and was very engaging. Two troubled teens find out that they can't escape their past forever when they are thrown together again as adults.

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It said it was addictive and I agree. I could not put it down. I love that the last meaning in the chapter is the first in the next one - cool! Scary and twisty and never let me breathe. I read it in one sitting. Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for giving me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A clever and captivating puzzle with thrills at every turn. I gobbled this up and couldn't out down. I was so engaged in the characters and the mystery. Will be looking for more from this author for sure.

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Cleverly written with the last sentence of one chapter becoming the first sentence of the next. The dual timelines made for excellent cohesion in this page-turner. This was my first book by Caleb Crowe and it will not be my last. I still am amazed at the writing style this book took on and the way it helped the book storyline flow.

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Absolutely impressed by this book. I really liked how the last sentence in one chapter became the starting sentence in the next.
The story was well written, the characters were believable.
There were times when I became frustrated with the MFC, her not seeing what was right in front of her, but that added to the thrill/mystery.
Yea, at some points the story is predictable but it doesn’t take away from the puzzle you are supposed to put together.
The ending is *chefs kiss*

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Never let you go by Caleb Crowe.
This is the first book I've read by this author. It was a really good read. I liked the story, writing style and the plot. I really didn't see that coming. Twisty and gripping. I read in two sittings. I was surprised with the ending.

Eleven years ago, Lindsey Nash escaped into the night with her young daughter and left an abusive relationship. Her ex-husband, Andrew, was sent to jail and Lindsey started over with a new life.

Now, Lindsey is older and wiser, with her own business and a teenage daughter who needs her more than ever. When Andrew is finally released from prison, Lindsey believes she has cut all ties and left the past behind her. But she gets the sense that someone is watching her, tracking her every move. Her new boyfriend is threatened. Her home is invaded, and her daughter is shadowed. Lindsey is convinced it’s her ex-husband, even though he claims he’s a different person. But has he really changed? Is the one who wants her dead closer to home than she thought?

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Caleb Crowe is a mastermind in writing. I really enjoy his stories.
However, this one is a 3.5 rounded up to 4 stars, I found this specific book was quite predictable.
Still a great storyline, but just predictable for me.

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Caleb Crowe has become one of my favourite authors. He has done it again. This books was amazing. The story line had you hooked. It shows how someone who is desperate to fit in or be loved is willing to believe anything. They can turn a blind eye and not see certain truths. It also shows how far someone is willing to got when they love someone and does not want to lose them. I absolutely love how th transition between chapters are written.

Thank you, NetGalley, the author and the publisher, for th e advance copy for an honest review.

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First time reading this author and loved it and everything about it. You wont be disappointed, has so many twists and turns which i love about books. I would definitely recommend to anyone.

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Such a great face paced thriller that follows Two troubled teens who get reconnected as adults. Read this in one sitting!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for an ARC of this book. I enjoyed this book and I read it in one sitting. I could not put it down! And I thought I had it figured out and I did not!! Loved the twists! I would definitely recommend this book.

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