Member Reviews
Share just enough of the plot (or facts, if nonfiction) to hook the reader without giving too much away, and without veering into book report territory.
What happens when you read the 4th book in a series without realizing it? You fall a little in love and commit to going back to the beginning.
Just This Once was unexpected to say the least. Elements felt quite strange at first (paranormal aspect) but realized there is a history I need to catch up on. It was fascinating and dare I add, realistic given the conversations I've had with many different people over the years.
Hope is likeable, even loveable at times, but her immaturity did bother me. As a reader, something was missing, and I think I wanted more interaction between her and Alec. That sibling dynamic needed a better base. Her emotional scars felt real as did the road she traveled to fall in love with Parker.
Parker was the perfect asshat, because unraveling his layers felt like a gift.
Certain times, the story felt as if it was moving laterally instead of forward, but at the 3/4 turn, whoa. This book had me in TEARS. (the good kind) The hopes, dreams, and hardships had wormed their way in without my knowledge.
It is well written but has potential for improvement.
This author has a new fan.
Loved this book from the start, grippen emotionnally and the romance in this book was amazing.
Definitely recommend to read the series ans this author in 2025
Overall an okay story. It was not one of my favourites from this author but it was okay. I did have a difficult time to get into the story about Hope who has a bucket list for fulfill. Told in a dual pov.
The blurb for this book sounds like a straight forward angsty new adult read. It is missing a key element of the plot, the supernatural including ghosts and those who can communicate with them. I was not all prepared for that part of the story. I haven’t read the previous books in this series and while this works as a standalone, I wonder if the supernatural aspect had been set up better so I would have found them less jarring. As it stands, they did not work for me at all and took away from the central story which was already also competing with the foundations being laid for future couples in the series. Parker and Hope got lost in it all and their connection never really developed for me. I have enjoyed books by Kage before but this was a disappointment for me.
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review..
I enjoyed the idea of the story and thought it was emotional at times. Made for a quick read. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.
Hope necesita un trasplante de hígado urgente y, dado que sabe que es poco probable encontrar un donante, decide pasar sus últimos días con su hermano. Además de estar con sus seres queridos, tiene una lista de cosas por hacer, y para cumplirla le pide ayuda a Parker, un amigo de su hermano con quien nunca se ha llevado bien, pero con quien se siente atraída.
Había dicho que no iba a leer nada sobre universitarios, pero es un libro de Linda y no pude resistirme.
Sentí que los temas tratados, como el abandono y el alcoholismo, no fueron explorados a fondo, lo cual es una lástima porque el libro tenía muy buenos elementos. Por otra parte, fue interesante la inclusión de lo sobrenatural.
Tengo mucha curiosidad por la historia de Nova y Thane. Espero que, si la teoría de Hope es cierta, Nova haya buscado ayuda psicológica y que, aunque duela estar lejos de Thane, intente seguir adelante.
Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.