Member Reviews

No Place Left to Hide is a YA mystery thriller by Megan Lally that came out on January 7th. This one is FULL of messy girl drama! It’s a fast paced who-dunnit of sorts, starring a crew of high school senior girls who are totally boy crazy and extremely catty. The bottom line in this one - Trust No One! I personally found it a smidge too immature for my taste but that’s my own fault because I requested the audio arc before noticing it was YA.

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I just couldn’t get into this one. It’s definitely for a much younger audience (however, the unnecessary cursing was a bit ridiculous. It felt like it was every other word). I just felt the entire thing was a bit immature and offputting. I enjoyed the previous book by this author, but this one wasn’t for me. It just felt like listening to a bunch of whiny teenagers.

The narrator was decent and fit the teenager role well.

Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and RBmedia for letting me preview this book in exchange for an honest review.

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No Place to Hide is a total page-turner! This YA book throws you right into the drama with a group of friends who are being stalked. Think Pretty Little Liars with a dash of Gossip Girl – secrets, lies, and tons of suspense. I couldn't put it down! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I am thorn between 3 and 4 stars!

The book was such a quick read that I could not but appreciate this. The mystery was not complicated. I grew a real anticipation towards Brooke and I kept wondering whether this is not weird or not :)
The book was easily predictable, though there were details, which were hard to foresee.

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I’m going to start off by saying that this was more of a YA book…so, my thoughts on this one may be swayed due to that.

Brooke is a HS Senior. She comes from a very wealthy family…and their mindset is that that they CANNOT be touched. Her father is a local bigwig attorney who is now up for a judgeship….

If and when Brooke should ever find herself in trouble, all she has to do is call Daddy…

So, that ticked me off right there! I’m sure we all have someone on our radars who have similar tendencies…and I’m going to guess that they are NOT well liked…

That being said, her parents are NOT warm, fuzzy people. Actually, they don’t seem to care for her much at all…. But, being as her father’s carreer is notching up, she needs to always be on her best behavior…. And, being as she’s gearing up to be accepted at Yale, she needs to be her absolute best!

She does have friends at school, but are they truly her friends, or just in it for what she can bring to the table with her $$ and assets??

And being as we open up with the death of one of their classmates…well, this one is just all over the board…with feelings, rumors, accusations, and just normal…everyday…teenage drama.

I did enjoy it, but feel it was geared towards those much younger than I am!

#NoPlaceLeftToHide by #MeganLally and narrated nicely by #JustisBolding.

Thanks to #NetGalley, #RBMedia and #RecordedBooksMedia for an ARC of the audiobook which was released last week, so you should be able to find it on shelves now!

3 1/2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 for me!!

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Thanks so much for reading! And if you ‘liked’ my review, please share with your friends, & click ‘LIKE’ below… And, let me know YOUR thoughts if you read it!! 📚⭐️

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This book was very well written. I love a book that I don’t see the twists coming and this book definitely succeeds!!! Definitely should be added to your TBR.

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That ending!!!!! The first half of the book I was completely enthralled. The story was interesting and the time jump added so much to it. The suspense kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to keep reading. From halfway up until about three quarters through it seemed way too similar to another book I had read and my attention started to fade. Until that ending! Brilliant! Thank you netgalley, Megan Lally and RB Media for this ARC. It was very well written and the narrator was perfect

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An accident happened 6 months ago at a party that Brooke was hosting. An accident that resulted in the death of a former friend and classmate. Brooke insists that she had nothing to do with the accident but someone is not convinced. Now, things are about to come to a head…

This book was engaging and pretty fast paced. Most of this book happens in a day but it does go back and forth between present day and the night of the accident. I did find some of it predictable and I was slightly annoyed with how much language there was. Most of it is towards the end of the book as things became more intense. But overall a good book!

Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to listen to this audiobook in exchange for my honest review!

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Megan Lally has quickly established herself as one of my favorite authors in the thriller genre. The plot twists in her stories are completely unexpected, adding an exciting element of surprise. Her skillful character development ensures that readers remain invested in the narrative from beginning to end. Lally has a remarkable ability to maintain a high level of suspense throughout, keeping me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The narrator did such a great job bringing this story to life!

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A HUGE thank you to RBmedia and NetGalley for the chance to listen to Megan Lally's latest thriller, "No Place Left to Hide."

Set in the Oregon mountains, two girls fight for their lives on a windy, desolate road from a masked man who wants just one thing from Brooke Goodwin- a confession. This young adult thriller toggles between modern day, with Brooke and her best friend, Jenna, speeding home from a high school party with no service and a very terrifying follower and a year ago, where events unfold at another high school party, leading to the death of her former best friend.

So what really happened that night? Brooke seems to be the only one to know the answer besides the driver following her and they want her to tell the truth- or else.

I enjoyed Megan Lally's first thriller, "That's Not My Name" and while this was a completely different tone, the atmosphere was absolutely creepy. I found myself wanting to stop a few times because the characters were finding themselves in such terrifying situations. The book does a great job jumping back and forth between timelines and was predictable in some way, while still holding an element of surprise for all. I won't give anything away but I can say that you'll want to keep going until the very end.

The audiobook version of this novel was incredible. Narrated by Justis Bolding, the tone was spot-on and the clarity of the words were perfect, even at higher speeds.

Check out Megan Lally's latest "No Place Left to Hide" if you're looking for a creepy and terrifying ride yourself.

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I absolute loved this book! It was faced-paced and hooked me from the start! As I got deeper into the book, at times I could feel myself feeling tense and clinching my teeth. The twists and turns of this book kept me on my toes! The narrator for this audiobook did a wonderful job and I'm eager to find more titles she's narrated! Highly recommend this book!

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Holy smokes - what a fast-paced thriller about revenge, teenage popularity, and the need to be the best of the best for your parents. The red herring that takes place pretty early on did give me an idea of where it was really going but it still got me with a deeper twist than I was guessing. I also cannot believe how much I could dislike a main character while still being engaged in their story! Megan Lally did great on this and I think for this being a YA book, it was perfect for its targeted audience.

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This author writes such amazing books! I read “that’s not my name” by her and this one and they were both great. The audio was good, the plot twists I didn’t see coming, and the characters were interesting. Def reccomend. 🚗

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Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

3.25 * Stars

I really enjoyed Megan Lally’s book,That’s Not My Name, and was excited for another gripping thriller. Unfortunately I didn’t love this one quite as much. The premise had promise but the story itself I found to be underwhelming.
The characters were unlikeable as a whole. No redemption and really no one to root for. In the end, it did come around with enough twists and turns to give it a 3.25. I still have hope for this author and her future novels, this one just didn’t work as well for me as her previous novel.

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No Place Left to Hide is what you’d get if Pretty Little Liar and Mean Girls decided to go full throttle into a YA mystery thriller. Be prepared. It will feel like you are stuck in a high school chat group with how catty these bitches are! lol

Brooke Goodwin is the picture of perfection like a perfectly filtered Instagram post… or at least she was until a not-so-innocent party at her parent’s summer house turned into a deadly disaster. A tragic boat accident left one of her classmates and her sworn enemy, Claire, dead. Brooke’s pristine world is splintering, and the cracks are starting to show. Claire's brother isn't exactly sending sympathy cards—he's making public threats, and someone with a serious grudge slashes her tires and plasters ominous newspaper clippings on her car like it's a mobile true crime exhibit.

Brooke's solution? Pretend none of it exists—because that always works...Lol She's been bottling up every threat, every creepy phone call, and every shadow that lingers too long, refusing to tell even her closest friends or family. Her master plan? Get into college and bolt from this nightmare. That is until her ride-or-die bestie, Jen, drags her out of hiding for one last hoorah at a beach party. The bait? Logan—Brooke's longtime crush and, oh yeah, Claire’s ex. Jen swears it'll be a harmless celebration, no drinking, no drama, and no breaking curfew. Famous last words.

Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)
Audiobook: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5) Justis Bolding

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This one definitely was a bit rocky for me. I loved Megan’s first book and was so excited to get my hands on this next one however after sleeping on it, I think I have to admit I wasn’t a huge fan. After considering it a DNF a couple of times, I finally decided to stick it out and hold onto hope for a twist and (although predictable) I was given a couple which did help to save the book for me. I liked the pacing and enjoyed the scenes in the car during the action but the characters fell short for me making it hard to really care about how it might all end. As mentioned, we were given some twists in the end (literally the very, very end) and I’m not mad at how they were done, I just wished the whole book had given more throughout. Another complaint I have is specific to the audiobook itself, I wish it did a better job of distinguishing the alternating timelines, I’m sure this is easier to handle in the physical book but I can’t tell you how many times I got lost trying to figure out what time we were in (past or present). All of that to say, I still adore Megan and will pick up more from her I just think that this one was not my cup of tea.

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Brooke is having a great night. First, she gets accepted to Yale. Then her best friend convinces her to go to a party, where her longtime crush finally asks her out - which almost makes up for the anonymous, threatening texts she's been getting ever since the party last year when her former best friends showed up and things turned sour quickly. But when Brooke and her friends leave tonight's party, someone is following them - and they're determined to get to Brooke this time, and the secrets she's been hiding.

This was a fast-paced story, with the main plot occurring in present time interspersed with chapters that reveal what happened during "the incident." While trope-heavy, the plot still manages to pull off some unexpected twists and surprises. Brooke is not a likable or sympathetic character, and many of the characters feel a little two dimensional or stereotypical. However, fans of plot-driven YA mystery thrillers will find this one entertaining.

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This was another fast paced shorter book from the author. I must say that whilst I enjoyed it, it was missing something that I can't quite place. However, if you like books that feel like mean girls, I think you will like this one. Plus you add in the mystery and its even better! I will say that I adore all of the PNW references.

Thank you to netgalley & the publisher for my early e-arc.

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Megan Lally’s ‘No Place Left to Hide’ is my second read (listen to this one, it’s amazing!) from this author. I couldn’t put this audiobook down! It grabbed me from the very beginning. The clever plot, which switched between past and present, kept me guessing. And then, an unexpected twist blew my mind! Justis Bolding’s narration made the characters feel so real.

You have to read/listen to this!

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A good mystery for YA, although some of the issues between teens could be triggering for some teens due to the treatment of some of the characters in my opinion. Putting that aside, the author does a good job of building the storyline. The set up of the story, then and now, kept the story moving along at a good pace. The use of DMs at the end was a captivating way of revealing all who were involved, but not really surprising.
#noplacelefttohide. #yathriller #netgalley #audiobooks

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