Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy.

In volume 2 we continue with Lucia and Modeus becoming closer, and Lucia finding ways to use her magic. There are some hard truths learned by all. But I have no doubt that these two will be able to rise to the occasion.

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I absolutely love this story. I read it on webtoon, and was thrilled to see it here and eager to reread. The art is so good, if I could eat art I'd eat this. The characters are all so brilliantly written, the world build unique and familiar all at once. I enjoyed every second of this story!!!

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A fantastic Volume 2! My patrons are loving this series and are looking forward to next as much as I am! The artwork is amazing and I love how we are learning more about Lucia and fairy magic and meeting another fairy. She still has a lot to learn about her self as does Modeus. Lady Kirsi and King Reimund are getting closer as the wedding nears but Kirsi's father is still to sick to come back so I look forward to learning more about his storyline along with more information about fairies and what that will mean to Lucia.

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I would like to thank the publisher for sending ma an arc in exchange for an honest review through NetGalley.

Lucia is excited about starting her mage apprenticeship with Norrix, still the lady-in-waiting for Lady Kirsi when she's not practicing, and doing all of this while being accompanied by Modeus -- the suit of armor that was enchanted and brought to life by Norrix for help with the human-fairy war. Lucia's and Modeus's becomes a bit strained when they discover the truth as to why he's been created, but Lucia is determined to show him the beauty of life and the world around him, offering him a chance to make his own choices. As Lucia begins to discover the darker side of the truth, she'll have to make decisions she's not ready for. Will she be able to find the answers she's seeking?

UGH I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH. I honestly stopped reading the webtoon at like episode 10? (Not because I wanted to but because I lost the name of it) and so this was all new to me and I couldn't get enough of it. My heart broke when she learns his true purpose for having been built, and then to see her struggling with trust because for the first time she finally can trust someone was just a punch to the gut. This poor girl has been living in fear for over a decade now, and of course everyone immediately begins to become suspicious of her because of her trust in Modeus and the way they interact and it was heartbreaking. And then that ending?! MY HEART IS BEATING WAY TOO FAST NOW.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

The continuation of Lucia's story as she seeks answers about her past and the future of her kind was even better than the first. In the first volume, we were introduced to the story and its setting, getting a general overview of the characters. But in this volume, we get to know the characters more deeply, and the mystery and main plot evolve as they embark on a hunt.

I find the conflict between humans and fairies fascinating, especially the half-truths and possible lies Lucia has grown up with all her life.

It’s a pleasure to see Modeus’s character learn new things and reveal different aspects of his personality. His development is one of the most enjoyable parts of the story. He’s like a Frankenstein’s monster, where the real monster is not him, but his creator. He’s all gentleness, yet can’t ignore the fact that he was created to kill.

And, just like the first, the artwork is stunning, with moments that are so beautiful (like the fire butterflies or the blood scene) that they are breathtaking and manage to perfectly convey the emotions of the characters.

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I am really interested in this story. It's interesting to see a fairy and a magic'd armor become friends. I also love the illustrations.

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I love this book so much. I loved seeing how Lucia and Modeus’ relationship grew and changed in this volume, and also just the growth in Modeus character as he started to learn more about the world around him. The scene with the fairy deer was such a sad, well done point in the story,

I also really love Sir Baynard and Peres and hope we keep seeing more of them in the next volume!

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This book touched my heart just as much as the first one in the series. While the first volume had charming moments and set the stage beautifully, this installment delves deeper into the rich world it introduced. The focus on fairy and human lore becomes even more intriguing as this one is more explored. I loved to read more about the evolving character of Modeus as he starts to assert his personality. The interactions between Lucia and Modeus are simply heartwarming. I've also grown fond of the blossoming romance between her friend and the king. Seeing the cast develop their unique identities as the story progresses is nice.
I'm looking forward to more of this series in the future.

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While the first volume of this series did a great job of setting up the plot of the book, this one focuses on advancing it by giving us even more background on the world the author has built. The conflict between humans and faeries is interesting, and I want to know more (especially considering the main character is secretly a faerie herself). There haven't been much developments in the romances for the main character and I'm curious to know which suitor, if any, she will pursue.
I also enjoyed the additional chapter that both chapters had which focused on the romance of two very likable side characters. I'm interested to continue this series and see where everything goes.

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*e-arc received from the publisher +NetGalley*

A good follow up to vol 1! This really fleshes out the characters and the world more than the first volume. The only issue I had with it was the love triangle between Lucia, Modeus and the mage Norrix? 😳

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Volume two we go on a hunt. If you haven’t read book one go no further. We know Lucia is a fairy and that modus can talk. We follow these two further in their life and understanding of who and what they are. We also get to see the king and future queen at least talk to each other if not begin to fall in love. Of course, this book ends exactly where you don’t want it too. And I’m very happy. I have volume three on my iPad, waiting to be cracked open. I really do like that. The author includes a bonus chapter at the end of each book and so far in volume one and two we get to follow the love story of the knight and his sire. I am thoroughly loving and enjoying both of these stories and I want more.

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Aaahhh!!! I love this series so much, I am so happy I got approved to read the ARC!

I was only going to read a few pages today but I got so into the story than I ended up finishing it. And the way I screamed when I reached the end. I NEED MORE. Hopefully when the third volume is up as an ARC, I'll be approved as well (though sadly my netgalley feedback ratio isn't very high because I had a reading slump for a while.)

This book has so many amazing things. I love the characters, I love the world building, the plot, the relationships. EVERYTHING.

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It's time for the great hunt! Wherein Lucia learns more about Norrix the mage and the purpose behind Modeus' creation, Kirsi and Reimund take a chance on their fledgling relationship, and more questions are raised about just what's happening in the fairy war and what could happen if Lucia were to be discovered. This volume focuses on relationships, and how seemingly simple things become complicated when at court. There's a spotlight on Lucia and Kirsi's friendship, with the constraints created by Kirsi's authority even though she means well, and both of their interactions with Reimund. We get to see more of what he's like as a king and friend, and it's neat to see the tentative trust and admiration forming between him, Kirsi, and Lucia. Having previously read this story online, I've got a soft spot for the bonus chapter, which continues the previously unpublished Baynard and Peres' backstory.

Beautiful art, as always. The creator is so adept at conveying sharp moments of violence, negativity, or fear in a way that's gripping but also keeps graphic depictions off the page. Enjoy this volume for the quiet moments, and the hooks of intrigue and fear building in the background.

Volume 2 includes Chapters 18-38 and bonus materials from the ongoing webtoon, which currently has 145+ chapters. In other words, the print books won’t be catching up any time soon.

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Enjoyed this continuation of the story, including the deeper dive into main character’s identity and their magic. The artwork was also cute. Looking forward to the next piece of the story.

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Purpah does a phenomenal job in the volume of Suitor Armor, continuing to beautifully illustrate and tell Lucia's story by delving into her journey with magic, growing tensions in the Kingdom, and her relationship with Modeus. I absolutley love how Purpah shows the complexities of Lucia's character throughout the first and second volume, seeing how she struggles with her hidden identity and finding someone to somewhat confide in with both Norrix and Modeus. We see her character continue to grow and evolve as more secrets of the kindgom come to light, as she triexpress es to find a solution that can help both the fairies and the kingdom who took her in.

A phenomenal continuation of Lucia's story that I can't recommend enough!

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Suitor Armor: Volume 2 continues to expand on the enchanting world of Suitor Armor, diving deeper into Lucia’s magical journey, the growing tensions within the kingdom, and the complexities of her relationship with Modeus. As Lucia begins her mage apprenticeship with Norrix, she starts to embrace her abilities while also seeking to rescue her fellow fairy, Quinn, from the kingdom’s dungeons. However, in doing so, she uncovers unsettling truths about the fairy-human war that shake her trust in those around her. Meanwhile, Modeus grapples with the violent purpose for which he was created, adding a layer of conflict to his bond with Lucia as they navigate their deepening connection.

This volume balances world-building, character development, and intrigue exceptionally well. Lucia’s personal growth is a highlight as she begins to carve out an identity beyond her role as a lady-in-waiting. The romance between Lady Kirsi and King Reimund adds another dimension to the story, while Norrix’s past provides new layers to his character. The fairytale-style artwork remains stunning, complementing the story’s whimsical yet dramatic tone.

With every volume, Suitor Armor becomes more engaging, blending romance, magic, and political tension in a way that keeps readers hooked. This installment not only raises the stakes but also strengthens the emotional depth of its characters, making it an excellent continuation of the series. I’m excited to see where the story goes next!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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I continue to love this story with each chapter.

In this volume we start to get a little more character development with all of the main and supporting characters.
Modeus seems to becoming more and more his own "person". The growth and development with his story line is fantastic.

Modeus has a moment where he starts to really show his humanity when he is entrusted to help an injured bird and then again when he sees Lucia truly scared.

We get some more information on the fairy war and things may not be what we thought. Lucia is starting to piece together information from books and our captive fairy friend in the dungeon, leading her to a suspicious dark market and to a man named V.

We start to get more of the lore of not only the fairies and some of the pixies , we start to see other races as well ( briefly so ) such as elves and animals that were formally fairies

I really enjoy the bonus chapters of Pres and Baynard, and seeing how they became apart of our group of misfits.

I really dont want to spoil anything so I wont, but miss Purpah...that cliff hanger has me needing the next book to make sure our cinnamon rolls are ok.

Thank you NetGalley and Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Press for the digital ARC
#SuitorArmorVolume2 #NetGalley #SuitorArmor #Webtoon

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I was immediately drawn back into this incredible story with Volume 2. The artwork and layout are absolutely stunning, capturing every detail beautifully. I especially love watching Lucia come into her own. The stakes have definitely been raised, with a new conflict between fairies and humans. By the end of the volume, I was eagerly anticipating what comes next!

Thanks for arc NetGalley

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I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Suitor Armor is an amazing story that tells about the war between humans and fairies.
The tension and romance continues from volume 1 and on.
I love Lucia and Modeus. The character build-up only gets better. I love how Modeus is now able to advise his friends and ask for help. He is becoming more self-aware and even more swoon-worthy throughout his interactions with Lucia.

Volume 2 introduces more conflicts and threats, including internal ones within Lucia. She is slowly learning how to deal with the royal court and all of the players.

The artwork is also just excellent and really makes the story come to life.

Totally recommend it if you are interested in laughing and sitting at the edge of your seat!

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I am in love with this story! I’ve kept up with the story on webtoon and I am so excited to continue the published version! This story has strong themes of overcoming prejudices, found family, and hints at romance. I fell in love with the cast of characters and so far the character development is a big theme as well!

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