Member Reviews

A cleverly written family drama filled with sadness and suspense. The emotions had me tearing up. The happiness had me rejoicing. The author is a master at bringing your emotions to the surface.

A good gripping read although a bit of a dark read in places.
The characters were well described but for me personally I preferred her previous book.
Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC which I can thoroughly recommend.

Such a gripping and emotional read at times, This was a tough read in places but I loved every chapter and will be looking out for more books by this author .

June Marlow was so ashamed and humiliated to tell anyone her husband was abusing her, one night twenty eight years ago the violence escalated and she defended herself and protected her two daughters. June was convicted of murder, she was sent to jail and her girls were raised by their grandmother.
A nervous June has served her time and is due to be paroled, while her mother Elena and her daughter Lu have visited over the years, her oldest daughter hasn't and refuses see or forgive her. June has been hiding a secret and she’s not the only one and she sacrificed a lot for her children and did what she thought was the right thing at the time.
Lu a struggling artist and part time dog walker is excited her mum is being released and she can’t wait to give her a big hug. Cole feels very defiantly, a psychologist and trauma counsellor, she was ten when her mother killed her father and she’s never forgiven her. Cole hates how her mother being a murderer grabs the media’s attention, she’s worried about it happening again and then she finds out a TV network is considering doing a story on women in jail and she wishes they would mind their own business.
I received a copy of To Save My Daughters from NetGalley and Boldwood book in exchange for an honest review. One in every four women in Australia is a victim of domestic violence and Louise Guy story empathises how it can happen to anyone and in all walks of life and we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.
I really liked Lou and Ali and Luella, and Cole, Tori and June grew on me and they added diversity and alternate points of view to the narrative. Another five star read, a story with lots of highs and lows and made me think what I would do if I was in the same position as the characters and Louise Guy is well on her way to being Australia’s version of Catherine Ryan Hyde.

Do you like women’s fiction? To Save My Daughters by Louise Guy was a book I couldn’t put down until the very end.