Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for this ARC!
Both our main characters have a secret here..they’re hiding a “dark” personality behind their squeaky clean and beautiful personas at school. Personally I didn’t find their personalities too dark just more how a regular person would talk but…Japanese politeness is in play here I think.
I really liked the art work - especially some of the panels with blocky bold writing. Some really great facial expression work as well.
I’ll definitely check out volume 2.

I actually heard about this manga on tiktok sometime last year but I was super excited to see it on NetGalley. The art in this manga was really cute and I'm excited to see how their relationship develops through the series.

Loved the cute story of the main characters accepting the true side of themselves with each other. Quick read and can’t wait to read volume two

thank you to the publisher for an arc!
this was a sweet start to a new shojo series — both our mcs are regaled as angels, but actually have two-faced personalities (altho they’re still super sweet at their core!). i’m excited to read vol 2!

This one was a sweet surprise! It’s a very cute story about two beautiful people with darker sides to them that they don’t want others to see. They accidentally show these sides to each other and it just makes them grow closer. It’s sweet! ☺️
It is a bit slow though. Nothing much really happens - it’s very slice of life. I probably won’t continue but still, it’s cute!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the e-arc!
This series had some hype surrounding it so I was curious to see if it lived up to it. I can say that it did and I am happy I decided to pick it up. I am a sucker for the trope of two-faced characters. The main two of this series are known for being smart and studious to their classmates but deep down they both use these perceptions as a facade. The romance in this so far is a slow burn and I think that pairs well with the story. I will be keeping up with this series in the future and I would recommend this if you like Kaguya-sama: Love Is War.

I've been waiting for the release of this title and I'm so excited to get a print of this series!
I love this! I found the characters and the theme of hidden self interesting. The way they present themselves while concealing another side offers tension to the story. I also love the exploration of expectations and vulnerability with the main characters. I think those ideas can resonate personally with others and it's something I can understand in more depth.
It's also cute with a nice touch of comedy! Usually, narcissism in characters can be off putting but I find it more amusing when it comes to the MC. She's not wrong, I would agree with her. Her confidence leads a lasting impression.
It's overall a light read for the first volume. I love the art as well!
I look forward to reading volume two!

Two seemingly perfect students, each with a “dark side” connect - what could possibly go wrong?
Quite fun to read, although it is a bit far from reality. Artstyle is lovely though!

It's cute! It's fun! Honestly it's not something I probably would've picked up, but I took a chance on it because the ARC was available and I unexpectedly really enjoyed it. The art is cute and the protagonists are both the type of characters that I always love, so I had a good time and I'll probably pick up the next volume when it's available.

A delightful rom com about two people who appear perfect... but are hiding their real personalities and can spot the other... and possibly fall in love with one another. Otogi looks perfect to everyone around her, she's an angel to them... except thats what she wants you to think. Otogi is actually an extremely calculated, ruthless, and sharp person but has hidden it behind her mask... and then there's Toki, a fellow classmate who also appears to be the school's paragon of perfection... except he also has his own hidden personality. When Otogi accidentally reveals her real self to Toki and he reveals himself as well, he tells her that they are now "partners" in crime... but Otogi feels herself falling for the one person she definitely shouldn't be, and so begins this hilarious romance. This was such a cute start to the series and I will absolutely be reading the rest of the series! The art is gorgeous and the characters are so much fun. The romance is really soft and slow in the first book but I can't wait for it to pick up later on!
Release Date: February 11, 2025
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

Thankyou to netgalley for sending me a copy of this manga in exchange for an honest review. This was a really cute manga, definitely depicts what it's like having a high school crush. It did read a little young for me but that's because I'm older now but if this had been out when I was in high school I would have been dying for the next one! However, this will not be negativity impacting my rating as it was still very enjoyable and it's down to me the fact that it reads younger when it's clearly marked at ya so I knew what I was signing up for when I requested it.

I can't wait to see how the story continues. 2 main characters who look perfect on the surface but deep down there is more to them

Fall In Love, You False Angels is only the first of what I hope is many volumes, and it's already off to a great start. The main characters (and the illustrations in general) are so pretty that I would pause before flipping to the next page just so I could admire all of the details. The side characters all seem distinct, leaving me eager to learn more about them. The story is also set up well, and I'm especially excited to see how the romance between Otogi and Toki unfolds.
The main premise--the two main characters having hidden sides--reminds me of Horimiya, so I think any fans of that series will love this one as well! I'll definitely be on the lookout for the second volume.

"I finally found someone I can be myself with."
...who knows that human beings can be so multifacted? just kidding!! but this is somewhat the gist of this book -- two "perfect" students who try to hide their "dark" sides but end up exposing themselves to each other, thereby forming a tentative alliance to combat trouble at their school.
i don't really have much to say. Coco Uzuki's art is incredibly cute -- i kept catching myself staring at the manga panels instead of turning the page. our central couple is endearing (even with their narcissistic tendencies) and may or may not be nursing a sizable crush on each other -- it's just your classic shoujo manga. i enjoyed watching them circling around each other and i cannot wait to see how their relationship would progress next! the supporting cast is spare but we do have some interesting faces, i have my eyes on the twins already!
anyway, if you're looking for a fluffy shoujo with low stakes and beautiful arts -- make this your next read, you won't be disappointed.

This manga has our two main characters, who appear to be perfect angelic people to everyone else but are secretly not perfect at all. I didn't really get the romance aspect at first. Otogi acts is if she is a humble beauty who is kind and lovely. Secretly, she's vain to the point of almost being narcissistic and she really doesn't care about other people. Ninomae acts as if he is a soft-spoken beauty who is gallant. Secretly, he speaks very roughly and leans more to acting like a punk. The story really focuses on showing that a lot of people have two sides to them. The side they show publically and the side that only exists in private. The art style of this series is gorgeous and a highlight of the manga.

This first book in the series introduces us to two seemingly flawless characters who, beneath their angelic exteriors, are anything but perfect.
Otogi presents herself as a humble, kind-hearted beauty admired by all. However, beneath the facade, she is shockingly vain, teetering on the edge of narcissism, with little genuine concern for others. Ninomae, on the other hand, appears to be a soft-spoken, chivalrous figure. Yet, his true personality reveals a rough demeanor and a rebellious streak that’s more in line with a punk than a gentleman.
In book one, the romantic angle felt off—it was hard to see how these two could connect beyond their shared tendency to deceive those around them. I'd be interested in seeing what would happen between them in Volume 2.
Teens and lovers of anime would like this book and possibly the whole series.