Member Reviews

Finders Keepers was so fun! This was my first Sarah Adler book and I will definitely be reading others from her. The story starts with an interview of the man who hides a treasure on his property. Then we meet Nina, a washed up 30yr old, who ended up home after some fall out with her job and boyfriend. We find out that Nina’s childhood best friend, Quinten, is living next door to her again and the hilarious rekindling of their friendship ensues. Banter, competition and a treasure hunt leads our FMC and MMC to face their feelings for each and learn to overcome their fears of not being good enough for each other. Nina’s mental health rep was so well done, I was very empathetic to her because I have been in her place. Quinton was so sweet and such a cinnamon roll with Nina. I loved this story, the amount of millennial nostalgia in this story was fantastic. Monty python, S club 7, cheap old navy flip flops, modest mouse, franz Ferdinand, RadioShack…so good! The only thing that I wish we had was a Quinten POV, I would have loved to see more of his thoughts during some of the scenes (like that perfect window scene 🤭), otherwise I have no notes. This book was laugh out loud funny and cozy with a hint of mystery. Thank you NetGalley and Berkley for this amazing ARC opportunity.

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I believe Sarah Adler sprinkles some sort of intoxicating drug within the pages of every one of her books. I squealed and kicked my feet the entiiiiiire time for this one. Like her previous novels, she layers a bit of a two for one story deal - a second chance romance AND the untangling of a decades' old mystery.

Former neighbors and childhood best friends, Nina and Quentin, are back in their hometown seventeen years after their friendship blew up in high school. Both of them are down on their luck, having lost their jobs and relationships along the way. Nina doesn't know what to think about Quentin, the former gangly goofball that she knew in her youth is long gone. Soon, the formerly confident woman is finding herself tripping left and right around the man in front of her - the very same one she was starting to have feelings before everything went to hell in high school. The glue that brings them back together? Spend their abundance of free time with a renewed search for a fortune hidden somewhere in their small town by the mysterious and deceased seltzer entrepreneur, Julius Fountain - continuing the same hunt that ruined their friendship all those years ago.

The banter, the hilarious inner monologue of our FMC, the slow all had me savoring every chapter. I just adored these two characters so, so much, but when Quentin said, "well, ho there, howdy, and good morning to you" mimicking Nina's utter loss of words around seeing him again, I was sent straight over the edge. Trust me, when you read it yourself, you'll know and squeal too.

Many thanks to Berkley Publishing Group, NetGalley, and Sarah Adler for providing me with a digital review copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I loved Mrs. Nash's Ashes so when I saw Sarah Adler's newest release I had to get my hands on it! While I enjoyed the banter between the two main characters and their childhood friendship was like a warm hug, I felt like more could have been done with 'treasure hunting' plot of the book. It left me feeling wanting and felt like a missed opportunity. There was a lot of internal dialogue, which made sense as the FMC was finding her new self, but it began to feel repetitive. Overall, I still enjoyed the read and might recommend to others.

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This author is new to me, but I will be keeping an eye out for anything else they publish. I loved the story and the characters. The pacing of the story was great and the characters were relatable.

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I’m such a sucker for second chance romances and best friends to lovers so this book was right up my alley! Quentin was my dream book beau, and Nina felt so relatable that I couldn’t help rooting for them both.

Based on the cover/description I was really hoping for some more treasure hunting/Indiana Jones energy, so I was a bit disappointed when the plot focused more on rebuilding Q and N’s friendship. However, I really liked reading the progression of their relationship from estranged friends to lovers.

I’ve always liked Adler’s writing style; I find it easy to digest, well done, and funny. Some of the phrases in this book I don’t think will age well (ex. “not on my bingo card”), but it’s not obtrusive enough to make me super conscious of it.

This was such a fun, quick read that had great pacing and kept me engaged throughout. I loved the banter, the side characters, and the treasure hunting theme. Would definitely recommend!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the ARC.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 stars

Another adorable romance from Sarah Adler. This heartfelt romance is about two estranged best friends, Nina and Quentin, find that their long-abandoned treasure hunt might be the key to a fresh start and to finding love.

I adored this book. Such a sweet and interesting story with an absolutely adorable romance at the center. I loved that Adler went the romantic adventure route this time and that aspect was very interesting. The characters were lovable and the dialogue was perfect.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Nina and Quentin were childhood best friends until a blowup and a move tore them apart. Now they’re both back in town, staying on either side of a duplex and trying to put their respective lives back together. When Quentin proposes resuming a long ago hunt for actual treasure, Nina reluctantly agrees. But spending time together again may bring up some long-buried feelings, if not actual buried treasure.

This was charming. I enjoy a romantic adventure story (blame Romancing the Stone). I liked Nina and Quentin and was rooting for them both, even though they were awfully slow to figure out what was really happening between them.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

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3.5 ⭐️ An easy small town, second chance romance. Loved the banter and friends to lovers aspects. Nina’s character was a little annoying at times.

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Sarah Adler’s books are perfection! I love the romance aspects but she always gives us more than your average romance read. I really enjoyed this one! It felt like a cozy spring read!

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Finders Keepers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Read this book if you like:

-Childhood best friends to lovers, now in their 30s
-Treasure hunting
-Glimpsing into a treasure hiders reason for hiding the treasure
-FMC with generalized anxiety disorder
-Character growth after major life events
-Quirky MMC
-Fun & funny banter
-Slow burn & spicy scenes
-Unexpected endings

As a female also in her 30s with GAD, I really resonated with this character and kept saying to her, I’d be thinking the exact same thing girl! This was such a beautiful love story between two characters who hadn’t spoken to one another since they were 15 years old because of drama surrounding the first time they started hunting for this treasure. Now coincidently back in their childhood duplex homes due to major life events, they’re back on the hunt. There’s a ton of character growth going on as they reflect on their teenage past and the time they spent apart growing into adults. You also get a glimpse into the past learning more about the man who hid the treasure, why and also his own character development. A beautiful love story of finding yourself and finding love with lots of laughs, tears and unique spicy scenes along the way! (p.s. if half way through you think you’ve figured out the ending, keep going, you’re wrong!) I can’t wait to check out what else @sarahadlerwrites has written!

#sarahadler #finderskeepers #netgalley @netgalley #romancebooks #anxiety #treasurehunting #bookreview #bookrecommendations #friendstolovers #bookstagram

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I loved Happy Medium by Sarah Adler, so I was incredibly excited for this ARC! The first 60% was a little slow for me—which might be a “me” problem since I really wanted the romance and treasure hunting. It’s a slowwww burn, but the ex marks the spot. 😉 I adored the end and it was super cute!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

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Finders Keepers is a fun summer treasure-hunting rom-com!

When Nina has to move back to her childhood home in shame, newly single and unemployed, she doesn't expect to see her ex-best-friend Quentin living on the other side of her family's duplex. She DEFINITELY doesn't expect him to ask her to re-embark on the same treasure hunt that tore their friendship apart back in high school.

It was a delight to read about these ex-friends reconnecting and rehashing their history! I also LOVED the primary source research and archives angle of this book as someone who is studying to become an archivist!

Thank you so much to Berkley and NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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sarah is one of my favorite writers of all time for good reason. this was insanely good. heartfelt. beautiful. I loved the plot and the romance.

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Another Sarah Adler book that I absolutely adored!! Thank you Berkley Romance and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for a review!
Two estranged best friends find that a long-abandoned treasure hunt might be the key to a fresh start - for both their futures and their feelings... 
Nina has been one of the most relatable FMCs I've read in a while. All of her inner-monologuing makes you better understand her anxiety disorder and the hesitations and second-guessing that come with it. I love the way her brain works out the best-case, worst-case, most-likely-case scenarios, keeping her anxiety at bay while still being able to make light of stressful situations for herself. And Quentin - we love a man who can admit he was a dumb teenage boy who made dumb decisions and who will make all the effort to try and spend time with you in the ways he knows how while trying to rebuild trust after so many years apart.Their chemistry and banter was off the charts, I loved seeing them get to know each other as adults, but considering how (mostly) honest (at least about the big things) they were being now, it made the teeny 3rd act a teeny bit unbelievable. I believed in the hurt that it dragged up from the past and how hard that was for either of them to let go of, so I can see how Anxious Nina could have won out over Badass Nina in that moment... 
 I really really really enjoyed reading this heartwarming, second-chance romance story with a touch of adventure, nostalgia, and self-discovery. I highly recommend reading it when it comes out on June 24, the perfect summer romcom!

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3.5 Stars!
If you are looking for an author that knows how to write a contemporary romance novel, Sarah Adams is your girl!

This is a second-chance romance between Nina and Quentin who pick up right where they left off from their childhood in their hunt for treasure, ultimately leading to the sweetest love story. The ending had me in the ultimate swoon!! I enjoyed the humor by all of the characters, but Nina’s mom continuously made me laugh, reminding me so much of my own!

I was a little exhausted by Nina’s self doubt throughout this book. I am glad she grew through it by the end, but it did drag a little more than I would have liked.

“I lived a life that was more wonderful than I could have ever dreamed. Some of it was luck, yes. Some of it was intelligence and business savvy. But most of it, Louisa, was you.”🥹

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for this sending me this ebook/arch for my honest review! I thoroughly enjoyed this sweet little love story so much.

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This is my first Adler book and it was cute and lighthearted. My favorite trope is second chance romance so this was super cute to read. Although I did enjoy it, I do feel as though something was missing, I think it was the lack of chemistry. But overall it was cute!

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Sarah is one of my favorite authors for a reason. This is fantastic. The blend of second chance/ friends to lovers and the plot was magic.

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Overall, 4 stars. What a sweet and funny story about two childhood best friends who were estranged at 15 who find each other again in their 30s. My heart hurt so much for Nina, having her whole life turned upside and needing to run home to heal and rebuild. I absolutely loved the self-discovery aspect of the book and how Nina had to look into the past to figure out what went wrong and learning how to trust herself again. Teenagers are dumb and make mistakes but boy, I can't imagine digging up the hurt 17 years later. I will admit I was confused as to why the J.J. Fountain interviews were sprinkled in, but it made sense at the end, and boy it was so sweet. The humor and banter in this book were great and gave me the giggles.

Format: ebook

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the ARC!!

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The writing in this book was great to be honest but the story line lacked a bit for me. I am not huge on treasure hunts so the first half of the book took me awhile to get through. The second half on the other end when the characters began to fall in love or realize they were in love is when the book picked up for me. I enjoyed the romance aspect of the story.
I also enjoyed the banter of the characters.

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Giggling and kicking my feet … Sarah Adler you have charmed me 😌🥰

<i>Thanks NetGalley for sending the arc in exchange for honest review</i> 🫶🏻

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