Member Reviews

An excellent book for anyone interested in starting or maintaining a sketchbook habit. This manages to be very comprehensive without being overwhelming, and I appreciated the mix between practical information about supplies and techniques, background on why sketchbooking can be so fulfilling, and projects to work through.

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Arc Review:
Overall Rating: 3 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

A nice guide on how to use a sketchbook in the most artistic way possible, and it gives you lots of tips.

Thank you NetGalley

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There are some lovely ideas in here for how to make your sketchbook practice less stressful—especially if, like me, you’re prone to paralysis when faced with a blank page. Moody reminds readers that sketchbooks are mainly for your own pleasure and there’s really no bad way to make them. She leads us through basics like media and tools, colour theory, and more, and provides many tips. Finally, she presents projects to inspire.

One of my favourite things about this book is that Moody covers many different kinds of media for art-making—from pastels, gouache, and inks, to watercolours and more—which inspires me to be more exploratory and intrepid in my own sketchbooks. Highly recommended.

Thanks to Leaping Hare Press and NetGalley for early DRC access.

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Sketchbook Joy by Katie Moody was such a great book! I'm thinking about getting a physical copy so I can have it in my hand to reference it. It is a great book for someone who has never had sketch book and for those who have tons of sketch books. It tells you everything you need, how to use it, and what to do! There is something for everyone who loves art! I give it 5 stars!

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I received a copy of this eBook from netGalley for a honest review.

I like this book of ideas and thoughts on how to use a sketchbook for fun and art.

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This book is a great one for those who are starting out their art journey. As a beginner I find I often fall to the same pitfalls talked about in this book, wanting perfection, things not going as well as I want or imagine. Katie helps you give yourself permission to just have fun with your art. Going through mediums, inspirations, beginning colour theory, she gives you everything you need to get you started with just making art. The projects at the end help give a starting point, walk you through a new technique, or just a group of ideas to look through if you find yourself stuck for what to sketch. A wonderful resource to help you fill up your sketchbooks. I read this e-book through NetGalley.

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I’ve been following Katie’s art for awhile and absolutely love her carefree marks. I’m constantly inspired by what she does in her sketchbook, so I was beyond excited when I found out she’s releasing a book! This is such a nice guide to have — full of inspiration, prompts, tips and techniques to really cultivate a sketchbooking habit. Definitely recommend picking this one up!

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A great book for beginner artists, with lots of information on the various materials (watercolour, brush pens, colour pencils, etc). The first half of the book goes over techniques and has plenty of advice, while the second half has various projects to try out.
The projects are simple, perfect for beginners or if you haven't drawn in a long time. I liked the prompts list at the end, too. I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to start their art journey.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This book is perfectly titled! I feel so inspired to try keeping a sketchbook, despite always believing that I can’t draw.

I would love to be able to paint, but have always been held back from trying because of my fear of failure.

This book explains everything very clearly without being patronising. It talks about all the different mediums you can use to create art and I am keen to widen my horizons beyond painting. Each page is gloriously illustrated to inspire and demonstrate the steps being described, and once you have understood tools, materials and papers, there are many projects you can attempt to fill your sketchbook.

I am inspired and will definitely try some of the ideas in this book. If you want to explore your creative side, invest in this book because you will return to it time and time again for new ideas to explore!

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This was a pretty good guide for beginners who are interested in starting/workiing in a sketchbook. There were various prompts, tips, and techniques. I loved the included resources.. The book started off with detailed information on materials, color theory, etc. while the second half had various prompts. I wish there were more prompts and the first half of the book was definitely longer than the second half.

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"Sketchbook Joy" by Katie Moody is a delightful guide that encourages readers to embrace their creativity and find joy in the simple act of sketching. Moody's passion for sketchbooks is infectious, and her book is filled with inspiration, practical tips, and beautiful illustrations. Whether you're a seasoned artist or a complete beginner, "Sketchbook Joy" will inspire you to pick up a pencil and start creating.

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Sketch artist Katie Moody had created this beautiful instruction book to help start you off on your sketchbook journey.

Upon finishing this, it has created a creative spark inside me, to return to doing art projects that fill me with joy.

This book shares many ideas of what you can try art wise, to find what is right for you, giving inspiration and help you find your style. There are endless options. It also suggests different types of sketchbooks and art mediums that you can use and teaches you how to mix colour and mix different media.

There are many projects shared, which serve as great starting points and I personally would love to have a hand at creating the ink flowers, butterflies, wildflowers and it has sparked an idea to create my own sketchbook journal, which also incorporates my reading.

Thank-you @netgalley @quartobooksuk @leapingharepress and Katie for a Digital Advanced Readers Copy, in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is one to savor! From remedial art techniques to inspirational cues this is full of positive insights for newbies and blocked artists as well. I give myself permission to dabble without my inner perfectionist judging me and holding me back. See the world around you in a different light and simply enjoy the process of creating. The illustrations are beautiful and informative. I recommend this book for anyone needing a fresh outlook and a new discipline.

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I really loved this book, lots of easy to understand information on using different mediums as well as pencil, along with some great lessons / pictures to try. An ideal book for beginner to intermediate and really helped me understand how to use different sketching & painting types. The projects at the back section are easy to follow and as a beginner even I have managed to produce pictures I am happy with. Definitely on my list of books to recommend to my craft groups.

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This is a lovely book for anyone who wants to keep a sketchbook, full of ideas, inspiration and fun. It isn’t intimidating! She suggests several different types of sketches to include. One that I especially liked was the old-fashioned commonplace book.

Katie Moody provides a lot of useful information on materials as well.

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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What a gorgeous book! If you picked up a copy for the illustrations alone, I wouldn't fault you. In fact, if (when? 🤞) Katie Moody releases an art book of some kind—whether that's literally just a compilation of her work or something more unique, like a children's book—I'll be first in line to snag a physical copy.

As it stands, I found the organization of the book a bit interesting. About half of the book (or at least a good thirty pages) is taken up by a breakdown of very simple sketchbook practicalities—how to pick out a sketchbook, what mediums to use, hue vs. saturation. This content was fascinating and as beautifully illustrated as the rest of the book, but ultimately, it ended up reading very "sketchbooks for beginners"—which was odd because other content felt much more advanced, and once the content transitioned into projects, many felt beyond the beginner level. I personally don't consider myself a beginner at all and still felt intimidated by a few!

• Fans of Katie Moody, of course!
• Anyone who wants to admire the stunning art (get this in hard copy, folks!)
• Those who like step-by-step guides to completing specific art projects
• Someone looking for a "sketchbooks for beginners" sort of book but is ready to take on a challenge—this book will let you hit the ground running!

• Folks looking for some sort of nebulous "inspiration"—this isn't a book of prompts, though it has a few great pages of prompts at the very end
• Super experienced artists (unless you're willing to sit through some review)
• Total 100% newbie artists (unless you're okay feeling a little lost sometimes or letting yourself learn as you go—which, to be fair, is fun!)

Ultimately, this book wasn't at all what I expected from the description. But it was fun anyway! If it had been marketed differently and reorganized a bit, it would have been a sure five stars for me.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the temporary digital loan of this book! All opinions are, of course, my own.

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I received an arc in exchange for an hoesnt review for this book.
I love books that are creative and provide joy through doing. I loved how this book approaches sketching and how we can make it fun and joyful. Enjoyed every bit.

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This is a fun introduction to keeping a sketchbook and to different art mediums. Moody a brief overview of major topics like selecting materials and mediums, techniques, and colour theory without veering into the territory of information overload. The projects at the back also provide a great starting point for newer artists. My favourite parts were the sample art throughout the book and the overall sketchbook/scrapbook feeling of the page layouts.

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If you are considering sketchbooks as a way to start or reinforce an art practice, this little book may be just the nudge you need.

None of the content is new or revolutionary. Still, the information is solid, the advice is practical, and (best of all) the illustrations are delightful.

The author's artistry is beautiful but not so intricate as to be intimidating. Her step-by-step instruction may inspire even the greenest beginner to experiment with various media and techniques in the low-pressure pages of a sketchbook. While appreciating her sweet renditions of chickens, coastlines, and everyday items, I grew eager to open my own sketchbooks and play with the stash of gouache I've been hoarding but have yet to try.

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A very beautiful guide to sketchbook. The illustrations are superb and reflect the true philosophy of a sketchbook, as it's explained : imperfect but compelling representations of one's inspirations and surroundings. The guide offers very insightful advice, technical informations without being overwhelming, and wonderful ideas and prompts. I would recommend it to beginner as advanced artists, who can also be remembered of the simple joys of drawing without a propose other than these joys.

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