Member Reviews

I was very surprised by this manga. I went in blind and didn’t even read this synopsis. I enjoy dark fantasy, and it seems like It will be very dark. I like the complex nature between the two main characters, how one is often going to battle, and the other is training for battle, and how their perspectives about the war differ, affecting how they see each other and interact. Sheena is slowly waking up to the realities of war against their ideologies. Mimi and Sheena are both young, but this reality has been placed on them since birth. I want to see how the Sheena pushes Mimi and how Mimi pushes the Sheena. I like the concept of a training school for magic users and a mysterious war. Themes of death and love. Excited for this release and volume 2.

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Mimi's age being 10 -- and later finding out the others are the same age only AFTER they kissed for "healing magic" -- was not the best reveal. It's like when guys are attracted to me because they think I'm 15-16, then tell me I look like a 15yo after finding out I'm in my early 30s -- and people thinking it's okay because I'm NOT actually a teenager, I'm legal.

The kiss healing magic also gave me the ick because the school nurse has kissed people before. It wasn't shown in this volume, but the joking about it alone was not cool. Mimi jokes about the nurse being an "old man dressed in drag" -- regardless, having her potentially being a drag queen OR a trans person who ALSO gets excited over kissing CHILDREN is extremely problematic. This is NOT the representation the LGBTQ+ community needs. While the author may have intended these as jokes...they're not.

I've lived in Texas my whole life...this is exactly why LGBTQ+ books get banned. The story was/is really cute, and I AM interested in the second volume...but it's NOT one I can recommend. 10-year-olds kissing is not it for me. If these girls were teenagers, it would be completely different.

I've also read manga regularly since 2009...I've seen how such themes have changed in Japanese literature. I looked up when this manga came out in Japan and found 2019 the earliest -- really? I thought we were past these kinds of attitudes, but I guess not in yuri/GL. For an English-speaking audience, because cultural differences are also being accommodated, I think the English version should've had more appropriate lines or "jokes", even if it would change this part of the story, because this is NOT it.

Healing magic requiring kissing in a book with 10-year-olds is a slippery slope into sexualizing children -- which I daresay has already been accomplished, because Sheena didn't consent to the kiss. Prior to needing to be kissed to heal her arm, she had shared whether she consented to kissing.

I' Not feeling this. I love the premise -- that's the tough part. This was a complete miss.

Also, they don't really even act like 10yo kids. They literally could've been older. The kiss healing magic could've been left to the teens to do on each other, rather than putting it on the teachers...

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This had some aspects that made me deeply uncomfortable. I regret asking for this manga. It sucks because I really liked the premise. However, had I been given content warnings I wouldn't have requested this manga.

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⭐ Rating: 1.5/5 stars
🗓 Publish date: Feb 18, 2025
🏷️ Tags: GL manga, fantasy world, mysterious war, wouldn't recommend

I'm very disappointed by this manga, unfortunately. I'm always on the lookout for fantasy GL/BL, so I was excited to request this.

The concept of orphans trained in a magical school for battle with (currently unknown) enemies is very intriguing. This first volume only had time to establish the characters and some of the world, but I imagine future volumes will include more intense plots and twists. I must say, part of me is still curious about what happens next.

Unfortunately, there were some aspects of the story that really ruined it for me. In particular, the character of the school nurse (Ms. Fran) who is referred to as an "old man" and as being "in drag." She is also called a "pervert" by students and honestly acts like one (particularly when she is giggling excitedly about being able to kiss a teen girl in order to heal her). This made me extremely uncomfortable and it's difficult not to interpret this as anything other than a very transphobic portrayal of trans women (using the typical stereotypes transphobes make up in their heads).

And I liked the art, overall, but Ms. Fran was always drawn in a way that's very... Provocative? Also, I had mixed feelings about how the young girls were drawn, often coming across more as objects than people. I know it's supposed to be a dark manga with dark themes (which we saw some of in this volume), so I'm guessing the mangaka is choosing to draw these girls as cute and innocent as a sort of contrast to the killing they are forced to do. But mostly, I just felt uncomfortable every time they kissed because it seemed the audience is supposed to enjoy it?? I honestly don't know, it just felt off to me.

As well, the trope of "oh no, we have to kiss to transfer spiritual energy/mana/magic" is one I've enjoyed in many books, but I didn't enjoy its use among such young girls (and the implication that adults like Ms. Fran are also kissing these kids to heal them). Overall, I was left with an icky feeling from this manga and I doubt I will continue and I can't see myself recommending it to anyone.

Thank you to Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for the ARC. All thoughts shared in this review are my own.

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Gorgeous art for a story about children being raised to be magical soldiers. The first volume does a great job of introducing the main characters and doing some basic worldbuilding and I hope to see more about this long running magical war in future volumes. I also heard this is getting an anime adaptation and I'm excited for that!

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It has been a while since I read yuri manga, especially with darker plot, but I am happy I picked this one up.

Teens with magic abilities trained to be weapons of war can be a very emotional story and the scene of Mimi's second return from battle was truly heartbreaking. But the sadness is balanced quite well with very cute dynamic between the quiet, contemplative Sheena and the bubbly, seemingly naive Mimi.

Overall, a beautifully drawn, well-paced, very promising first volume with an intriguing plot (I do want to know who Mimi truly is). Honestly, I would have loved this one as a teen and I am looking forward to both volume 2 and the anime adaptation.

P.S. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanking Netgalley for making the ARC of this manga available for the readers.

The plot seems so very interesting and the drawing style is stunning, but there are some important issues that I have to address here.

I do not like that the characters are 10 years old, the plot would not have been hurt at all by them being older. You can have high school or even better, college students who are sent there; you can make them all lose their parents at a certain age so it is compulsory for them to attend and in that way you won’t have literal CHILDREN of 10 years old kissing in the mouth and interacting with a nurse called “perverse” by the students when you know what the expected audience for this can be: pedos.

The device of kissing on the mouth in order to heal someone can be quite interesting if explained well, but you will have to address the consent and age issue. It is assumed that those who heal the kids hurt in the combat are ADULTS kissing kids ON THE MOUTH; something not inherently sexual, but can lead to it if your protagonists can get to experience romantic feelings. Which should not happen. Because we have ADULTS kissing children.

I’m sorry, it seems like a big issue to me maybe because I’m too conscious of the quantity of perverted people that can read this. Let’s all try to protect kids people, either fictional or real. There are people out there who do not know the difference between fiction and reality, and that is scary.

I think that if the issues talked about in this and many other reviews is solved, this manga can become so popular for its originality. I will be checking the second part to see if this is addressed in any way. If not, this is a nono for me.

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Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for this ARC!

As an avid Yuri reader and fan of magical girls, when I heard the premise of this manga I knew that it was going to be right up my alley, and it certainly didn’t disappoint.

The story is set in an orphanage where girls and boys are being raised as magical weapons of war, I thought that was a very interesting angle reminiscent of the system of exploitation in Madoka Magica (a favorite series of mine), the first volume sets a very good introduction to these themes and I’m curious to learn more about the worldbuilding and how this system affects the characters as the story progresses.

The art is very pretty, and I loved how it conveyed the different emotions of the characters, I’ve never heard of this mangaka before and I really want to check out more of their work after this.

Overall is a really great start to a promising series, and I would recommend it to any fellow yuri readers (especially with the anime coming out this year!)

Also as a note, there seems to be a mistranslation regarding Mimi’s age, is shown as 10 in the dialogue when she’s supposed to be the same age as Sheena (14), since I noticed some negative reviews about it.

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I’m not sure what kinda sexualization or nudity the other reviewers are talking about. There was no nudity and no sex either. Yes, there’s kissing, but there’s also kissing in kids movies/books (Disney), so i don’t see where the problem is. Sure, they’re a little underage, but it’s not kissing in an intimate way, it’s a form of healing someone (transferring mana). Like mouth-to-mouth CPR. You wouldn’t call CPR sexual either, would you?
Someone is on the verge of death during war, and if the only way to save them is by 'kissing', are you really gonna call the sexual assault police first??

Okay, the perverted nurse (who’s either a crossdresser or a misgendered mtf) might be a bit unnecessary and I’m not very fond of her – though mostly cause she called Mimi’s dismembered body “disgusting” –, but also nothing new in Mangas.
Perverted teachers are a thing in Japan like it’s a thing in American movies to wear your outdoor shoes at home. Does that mean every author should include it in their work? No, but it’s unfair to rate it 1 star because of something that happens in 80% or more works.


The story is quite slow-paced, just like the protagonist, Sheena. Sheena is an orphan living in this orphanage where magic-users are sent to train for the war. What exactly the war is about or what’s going on, isn’t touched upon (yet) because Sheena hates war and killing, and would rather hide than fight. She’s quiet and keeps to herself, always stays low. Using just a little magic tires her out.

That is, until her roommate dies and she gets a new one, who also is a new student: Mimi. Rumored to be the secret, most powerful weapon that the school’s been working on. Sheena is quite surprised that that killing machine is a girl her age, smiling ever so brightly like a cute, innocent child.
But Sheena has seen her before, covered in blood, so takes a bit of a distance from her.

Not for long though, as the next mock battle comes up, and now that Mimi is part of her class, using her usual strategy doesn’t end very well this time.


I’m really curious about the world building and where the story will lead. It’s giving ‘The Irregular at Magic Highschool’ (but set during the war) and ‘The Promised Neverland’ (although I’ve never seen/read this one) vibes so far.
The art is really cute and soft, just like the protagonist. Poor girl just needs some peace. And a home, cause she sees the orphanage as nothing but a school.

I also like the names of the characters: Seiran, Sheena, Ari, Fran,
Not the usual Japanese first names.

Seiran and Ari a couple, albeit in secret, and I pray nothing happens to them. After Sheena, of course.


Thank you to Kodansha on Netgally for an e-ARC!


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At an orphanage, children with magical powers are trained to become soldiers in a gruesome war, but despite the world they find themselves in, love still finds a way to blossom.

The story itself has a lot of potential, but the fact that the characters are 10 does not sit right with me. The way they behave is not befitting of a kid, and not only that, but a 10 year old is just not mature enough to know what love is.

I will continue this series, though. At least one or two more volumes to get a better grasp of this story as I do really like the concept. I'm just hoping for a time skip so the characters would at least be teenagers.

Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for the arc!!

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I thought I knew what I was getting into but... I didn't okay. School that takes in orphans and turns them into magical child soldiers. Great, I love when you put together two things you often don't see together; in this case cute things and a war. And it's yuri! Amazing!

Enter; a teacher. No, wait, a nurse. An adult - okay. Adult. Do you want to know how they heal the kids that get hurt in a battle? By kissing them. I think, perhaps, it could work in some context. . If that's how the magic works - sure. So, why are we sexualizing these little girls? Why is the nurse referred as "perverted teacher". Why is no one doing anything about it? There is a lot more wrong with the character too; possibly portrayed as transgender or crossdressed which I find just.... disgusting? Is that the word I am looking for? It's a very harmful stereotype and I would like to point you towards the amount of cis-men who are the large majority doing these kinds of things in real life, in this essay I will—

There are also of nonconsensual kisses between the girls too and it's just never really discussed.

So, like I don't know what I was actually expecting? For some positive; I really enjoyed the art style and found both Mimi and Sheena very interesting characters. I just don't think it's enough for me to continue this series. Especially with the kind of direction the series seems to be taking. If it was all about dismantling the system or something I would be into it... it just doesn't seem to be in that direction at all.

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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This was a very promising first volume! I was able to read up to volume 3 so far and it definitely gets much better as the story progresses.

I saw a lot of negative reviews due to mimi’s age so I want to say it’s a mistranslation. The correct translation is that she arrived at the orphanage when she was 10 years old. It’s confirmed in volume 3 that she’s 14 (well, there is also more to it but it’s spoilers).
I would also like to address the sexualisation allegations. nudity ≠ sexualisation. The scene in question was actually very devastating and here to show the horrors of war. I’m actually shocked some people would see it as sexual and it’s a problem with their perception of teenagers.

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Nothing groundbreaking for a first volume. The relationship is just beginning to blossom and I’m impatient. As dull as the first volume is, I’m curious about how the story progresses.

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Thank you Net Galley and Kodansha for volume 1 to review!

I was initially interested in this manga because I heard it has an anime coming up and the art style is very pretty. The premise is also interesting, it is a yuri manga about orphans who are taken in and trained to fight in some unspecified war involving magic and monsters. The main character, Sheena Totsuki, is a quiet, mild-mannered girl, who at the start of the manga loses her roommate to the war. Mimi, our other main character, is the opposite of Sheena. She looks a lot younger than her age and is loud with no boundaries. The story is basically about their relationship and being raised as weapons for war.

Overall I found volume 1 to be a promising start to the series, I'm excited to see where it goes. I would rate this 12+ as there are themes that are not suitable for young children (gore, war, etc). I would like to see the lore about the war expanded on in future volumes, however, i think this is a promising start and the art is absolutely gorgeous. The pacing is a tad bit up and down, but the characters are likeable. I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes fantasy series that are more focused on romance than lore or world building

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I really wanted to like this, and there were definitely aspects that I did like - the art was well done, I actually liked a cute love story with a darker theme to it - but I couldn't get over the age of the girls, and how the way they heal is through kissing.

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I do not like that the girls are so young. Sheena said Mimi is only 10 years old and then later said she's the same age as her as well. I don't know if that was a translation error and the girls aren't actually 10 but... honestly Mimi is drawn very young and Sheena is too. This is fetishizing young girls and lesbians as well. The overall plot sounded interesting but I don't think the age of the girls is appropriate in the slightest.

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Absolutely great for a first entry of a series. Is sets the tone well, and shows the reality of how this world works. It does this while still having fun, and adding stakes. I will definitely enjoy the rest.

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I'm not one for yuri manga or school settings but I found this enjoyable. It got the right about of set up for a first volume and I will be checking out the next volume because I want to know more.
My only critique of this is for things that are typical in these kind of stories.

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First a Thank you to NetGalley, the Author and the Publisher for this ARC

I'm not sure where to start.
This was a weird one. It wasn't bad, just plain, I guess. The drawings where gorgeous.
I did like the contrast between the leads, although Mimi was a bit annoying for my taste, so I get how Sheena feels at first.
I'm not a fan of the whole "kissing = healing" thing. Like I understand that they need a way to get the "stamina" from one person in to the other. But "kissing" was just weird and way to personal.
I would have loved more clearance on the war and the "what's" and "why's" and the history of it.
Maybe I have to wait for the next volume for more clarity.
But I don't think I'll be following this series.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this arc.
The art and the story would have been great if not for the sexualisation of minors. It made me uncomfortable and ruined the story for me personally. Nude images of ten year olds and them kissing (even if it is to use healing magic) is never okay even if they’re supposedly immortal. Without this I would have enjoyed this volume way more.

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