Member Reviews

i couldn't not request this manga from that tagline and the comps (i would argue that madoka would more than fit this category well, and um, evangelion, iykyk). and if you're still looking for confirmation: this is the doomed yuri (my beloved) that you've been waiting for.
for a first volume, it does a well enough job of introducing us to the characters and endearing us to them - their cute depictions and relatable personalities even made me forget about the absolutely depressing environment around themsometimes (let's hope nothing bad happens, ha ha). besides that, there's not much "magical girl" stuff happening, in fact, there's almost no worldbuilding at all (we do know that you can transmit mana via kissing and that's really imporant for the plot i swear!! - the plot: my girls kissing) -- but i do have high hopes that the followups would remedy that.
sheena and mimi balance each other out so well. they're the depressed x sunshine pairing of my dream. i'm also a sucker for an overpowered being (?) who is obsessed with one fragile human and would do anything to protect/get back to them.
that cute art style and these lovable magical girls are going to be the death of me, i just know it. not looking forward to the pain, but i guess i'll have no choice except to follow these girls until the end of the line. please join me in this journey if that synopsis interests you, we may regret it but at least we'll regret it together.

I liked this one. Orphanage boot camp for magical students. Good way to start the series and build the story. Unique magic system and interesting storyline with these magical women warriors. Looking forward to more!
Thanks to Net Galley and Kodansha comics for this ARC!

3.5 stars
Thank you, Kodansha comics and NetGalley, for access to this title. And the chance to give my honest review!
Magical orphanage that trains children to be magical soldiers.
Not only does this story show the horror and cost of war on these children, but any normalisation/ cuteness of any kind is still tarnished by dread because of the whole situation. They are cattle raised for slaughter.
While I understand why the cast is so young (to show the terror of war on children), I feel like having them older would have been good, too.
(Listen, I'm just scared from other manga, so I'm scared they are gonna do something unnecessary.)