Member Reviews

This book really mirrored the thoughts I have been having for several years. While it is a slower start the discussion of Liz Shulman battling with the Zionistic way she has been raised is incredibly intriguing.

Liz Schulman. Is passionate about Israel, a raised Zionist, until she sees the other side of the conflict. She finds herself drawn to Palestine's diaspora and slowly sheds her Zionist beliefs. Sent to many summers of camp, this is also a story of a young Jewish girl finding her self through place. Love interests and school as she ages shapes her values that were so carefully crafted by her parents and social sphere. Schulman sexualized a lot of her experience, like finger painting as a child, and she repeats events ,like making out with an Israeli soldier. She doesn't capture the politics or rawness of a grim separation, rather staying on the edge of the conflict. A solid read about a subject of interest.
Copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley

This book was reallty interesting to me. It was about basically a break up story with Israel. When I started reading it, I thought it was kind of boring and then as I kept reading I was hooked and I could not put it down.

I got this as an arc on Netgalley and it will come out in February. I was tentative going into this book, which is a story about unlearning Zionism, but I think it's a good addition to the books already out there and really looks into the propaganda and other mechanisms Zionism uses to make it work. It's a personal story and the author doesn't shy away from looking at her privileges and it's impact or from getting uncomfortable. I didn't find myself agreeing with some sentiments, but I also learned a few things.

An excellent read for any and all readers! Author comes at you with both barrels and knocks you out of your shoes! Great job fleshing out all the characters. I give this book FIVE stars! Definitely recommend!

I looked forward to reading this book as I struggle with my own views and relationship with Israel. Unfortunately, I found the essays somewhat repetitive and to have too much overlap. I also wished that each essay had a year listed under the title since the essays were not chronologically ordered. I do appreciate Shulman's point of view and candidness in her recollection of her Jewish upbringing.
I particularly liked the essay on Birthright. I distinctly remember my fellow participants' pushback during a particularly one-sided educational session.