Member Reviews

Run Like a Girl by Amaka Egbe is a young adult fiction. I knew I would enjoy the book immediately I read the description on Netgalley and I wasn't disappointed. I breezed through the book in a short while. Born to a Nigerian father and a black American mother, Chidera (Dera) was happy with her life, especially her status on the track team, despite her father's absence. When she suddenly has to go live with her estranged father in the middle of White Suburbia, and attend a school with no girls' track team, her dream of getting into college and the Olympics is threatened, but she is determined to overcome the hurdles - being different, bullying, dating issues, dad issues, etc. This was both an interesting and inspiring read.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from HarperCollins Children's Books | HarperCollins through Netgalley. All opinions expressed are mine

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