Member Reviews

This book wasn’t a good fit for me. I related to the title but then didn’t relate to the descriptions inside. In addition, it actually made me feel more anxious because it tells negative scenarios as if the reader is experiencing them (You go to a party, you make this mistake, you feel stupid and hate yourself…). It almost felt like anti-affirmations. I do have social anxiety and shyness but I don’t think this book is right for me. I would encourage readers to flip through it and see if it is helpful for them.

When I saw the title of this book I knew I needed it. I am very shy and I guess I tend to overthink and doubt myself alot when in social settings. This is more of a workbook, but I liked how it gave you pointers at the start of different exercises. After reading this I feel I don’t have social anxiety disorder, but more so just very shy and interverted. I really liked how the beginning of the book suggested also working along with a therapist and doing the work in the book. I also liked how the book let you know its a journey to work through these issues and not just fixed by reading this. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this selfhelp workbook.