Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. The opinions written are completely honest and my own.

A lesson in patience and growth. I enjoyed the use of a quilt to depict the building blocks needed to grow into s self confident human. In time, we can reach our goals.

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I received a copy of this eBook from netGalley for a honest review.

This book is a beautiful reminder that we are all still growing and have many aspects to our personalities.

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This book was sweet and an enjoyable read. I think it does a great job at offering up much-needed representation for muslim children and also teaches invaluable lessons about the construction of identity and the ways that kids can grow and learn rather than feeling boxed in with self-limiting beliefs. For shy kids everywhere, this book is a beacon. I find the illustrations just a bit muddy, and wish that there had been more contrast between foreground and background, as well as more contrast between text and illustration for the sake of accessibility,

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What an absolutely beautiful book! The pictures and words with the story were just delightful. It was darling. My kids and I cherished this read.

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I really had no idea what this book was going to be about, and the first page or so seemed a little off with the child not knowing about the quilt he was wrapped up in, but. oh. my. heart! Every subsequent turn of the page was a hug from Saif's patch made quilt straight to my cynical soul.  The infusion of Islam as such a part of his daily activities, his loving family and environment, and the reminder that labels can both hurt and inspire is beautifully done. The illustrations, the tone, and the messaging, is great for kids that have been called "just shy" and everyone who has ever doubted themselves (i.e. everyone) with it's relatable emotions, and reminder that like a quilt, we are still growing.  I cannot wait for this book to be released and I can enjoy a physical copy to share in classrooms, libraries, and bedrooms. One of the best picture books I've read in a while, thank you.

The book starts with Ami asking Saif why he isn't outside playing basketball with his friends.  He replies, that he "is shy."  His mother shows him that the quilt is made of patches of Saif: experiences he has had. She shows him a patch and helps him recall the memory attached to it,  starting with last Eid when he was brave and went down the big slide. As he joins in the recollection, he then owns the label that he is brave.  It isn't that easy though, he tries to be smart like his brother and read a lot, but reading is hard, his brother reminds him he is smart and points out the patch from when he won the scavenger hunt.  Swimming, helping at the masjid, reading Quran, calling the athan, all help Saif to realize he is more than just shy, more than one label, and that he is still growing.

I love the relatability of what Saif is going through, and even though so many of the settings and examples are Muslim centered, the book will resonate with all readers, of all ages.  A tear or more two may have stumbled out as I saw little me in the illustrations and the scenarios, and I have never been called shy. The book releases in March and is traditionally published, meaning plenty of time to pre-order a copy and request your library to shelve it, as it will be available wherever books are sold.

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I loved this beautiful story so much. A shy boy is reminded of his accomplishments when each time he doubts himself, he’s given a patch from clothing he wore the day of some milestone.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this e- copy of Saif’s Special Patches by Hunters Malik in exchange for a honest review. This is a very informative book for young readers to learn about Muslim culture.. This book centers around Saif a young Muslim boy who is afraid to try new things because he is afraid to fail . He draws on his special patchwork quilt his mother made him to give him courage to go on . This book teaches endurance and perseverance. Perfect for elementary school readers.

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Overall, the book was well written and I did really enjoy it. Thank you for this advance reading copy!

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beautiful! the colours took my breath away. this is a must-read for all children, especially those who have been called "just shy".

in this deeply moving and delightful story, Saif, a shy young boy learns about the parts that make him whole with the help of a patchwork quilt made by his mother. he is reminded that shyness is just one patch among many and that labels like bravery, hard work, and intelligence are wide and variable in application.

i adored how he was redirected to his existing achievements every time he failed to follow a certain trajectory to unlock a label. what a brilliant and thoughtful way to teach self-acceptance :')

on top of all this, the book is also a treat for Muslim children who are learning the Qur'an and trying to contribute at the masjid.

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WOW. This story is beautiful. Sometimes when we talk to kids about metaphors - a quilt where each patch is a little piece of who they are - kids take them literally. I love how Saif uses this metaphor of the quilt to discover who he is, outside of being shy. Answering his own questions about himself with an affirmation cements the thought into their inner voice. This story is so beautiful in it's message through a young boy just trying to figure out where he belongs and learning that like his quilt he is still growing. Lyrical writing woven through soft, yet, vibrant illustrations. This is a must-read.

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Things such an endearing book with such a great message and gorgeous illustrations.
I liked the focused topic as young Saif learns about himself and grows through his shyness through a patchwork quilt his mother made him.

l loved that it showed him being able to take charge of himself and set out to add to his quilt and while he had some hiccups he learned food lessons about persistence.

If anything i think the book could have been a bit longer to really drive the message home as the target age

I enjoyed that it showed a Muslim young man but the message is great for anyone to learn from and enjoy.

I am thankful to have gotten an eARC for free from Soaring Kite Books through NetGalley to read which gave me the opportunity to voluntarily leave a review.

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There are many things that Saif wants to do, but he just feels too shy. His mother pulls out his baby quilt to remind him that the quilt, like Saif himself, continues to grow with each new exciting thing he does -- like learning the Quran or winning a scavenger hunt! Saif tries to tackle new tasks, but he quickly learns that many good things don't just happen overnight. Still, he realizes along the way that he is even more brave, smart, persistent, and helpful than he realizes.

This is such a heartfelt story with a wonderful message and beautiful illustrations. Thank you to NetGalley and the author for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review

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Not only were the illustrations very beautiful but so was the moral of this book. As a quilt grows that his mother is making of things he's worn that have special meanings, so is he. Each quilt square is a piece of him that represents how he is as a person throughout the book to show he is not a shy guy but he is smart (there's a square from a shirt he wore when winning a scavenger hunt) and he is persistent (there's a square from what he was wearing when he was learning the Quran), as a few examples. I appreciate that this book has diverse characters as well which I think is great to be showing children at young ages.

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