Member Reviews

Another brilliant addition to the Tom Thorne series and this the 19th book is for me head and shoulders above its predecessors.
As always the writing and characters are so realistic that it's like meeting up with old friends we've not seen in a while they are so down to earth.
Gripped me from page 1 and I struggled to put it down,with its subject matter that is very much in the news all to often.
A web of lies is unravelled with a shocking outcome that I guessed at BUT did I get it right?There is only one way to find out read this book as soon as you.
Thanks to Netgalley and Grove Atlantic for the Arc.

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Starting off fairly slowly, the pace picks up and there is a lot of action in this book. Several twists along the way, police who committed crimes and were in a position to cover it up . Tom and Nicola follow evidence and piece the case together, bit by bit. The book definately kept my interest and the plot was intricate and interesting. The characters are well portrayed. The book is part of a series, but reads fine as a stand alone.
Thanks to Net Galley for a great read

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I was hooked... Will leave you with shivers down your spine and chills in your heart. Some of the twists in this book left my jaw on the floor. The ending blew me away.

It was an outstanding piece of work by a truly masterful storyteller, not only that it was dark and disturbing this book will really get your pulse racing and definitely be a story you won't forget.

I’d highly recommend this book! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars 😊

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The 19th book in the Tom Thorne series and maybe one of the best. The twists and turns in this one had me reeling - definitely some I didn't see coming and potentially some of the best I've ever read.

When four police officers are left donuts thanking them for their service, they're thrilled. Little do they know that the donuts are poisoned and in a short time they'll all be dead. Was one or all of these officers the target? Is this the beginning of an assault on police officers? As Thorne and the team investigate, the case unravels into something much bigger than they could have anticipated.

What I like about the Thorne books is that the characters are realistic and multi-faceted. Tom Thorne doesn't care if people like him or if he annoys anyone. He doesn't much give a hoot about anything, except the victims in his care and his friends.

As always, the returning support characters are a win for me - they're such strong characters, particularly if you've read the series. Tanner, Brigstocke, I'm thrilled Holland is back and most notably my man Hendricks who is my favourite.

The pacing was steady - potentially slow in places - but worth the pay off. This book is an emotional roller coaster I wasn't prepared for.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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While this is part of a series, as a new reader I found it absorbing and entertaining, and easy to follow. This is a fairly dark tale, but strong characters and an engaging plot made it very readable

Police Detective Tom Thorne is feeling more than a little worn down. Recent events have revealed that the police force is riddled with bad actors, including serial rapists and domestic abusers. The public’s faith in the force is at a low ebb, and Thorne can’t say he blames them. Nor is he the only one; everyone he works with is acutely aware of the justifiable lack of trust they must now deal with.

So when Thorne and his colleague Dave Holland find themselves drawn into an ugly case that includes murder, rape, and police corruption, it’s particularly challenging. The case is bad enough, but they don’t know who to trust, and they’re increasingly horrified by each new revelation.

This is a really strong novel. It’s a police procedural, but it stands out from the crowd because of the investigators’ reactions to their discoveries. They’re not just empathising with the victims, they’re genuinely horrified and revolted by the crimes. They’re also battling a sense of demoralisation as the extent of police misdeeds is revealed.

I hadn’t read any novels in this series before, but the characters are strong and engaging. Thorne is not just a police officer, he’s also reflective of how the ordinary person might respond to some of these events. Billingham infuses Thorne with more humanity than some crime writers manage, and this is one of the elements that draws a reader through the story.

The procedural aspects are specific and well handled. Many readers will feel that they “know” how police operate as a result of years of reading or watching TV. Billingham gives enough detail to provide a strong sense of the investigation, but doesn’t linger so much as to bore the reader. He shows how a balance of diligence and luck is needed to find breaks in the investigation.

I really enjoyed this novel, enough that I’ll go looking for Billingham’s earlier work. This is a strong crime novel, with human and empathetic characters. It’s original, while respecting the tropes of the genre, and a very satisfying read.

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What an interesting direction for a series I started reading when it debuted quite a few years ago now. Tom Thorne is a detective in London who has run into a dicey case: someone is killing cops, but it turns out the murdered cops are not exactly London's finest. While trying to uncover the identity of the killer who is on a tear, he and his colleagues simultaneously make a troubling discover. Not only are a number of cops committing truly despicable crimes, someone on the force is tagging along for the ride.

It's an interesting story, with the requisite twists and turns, and the ending is something of a stunner for long-time readers of this procedural series.

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Wow! Twenty five Tom Thorne novels and I have been here since Sleepyhead! Thank you, Mark Billingham! This series is so enjoyable and the characters are some of my favorites.

In this book, everything Tom has known and believed about his career and colleagues is called into question when the story opens with the death of some police officers. Why would someone poison donuts and wait for 4 officers to die at a crime scene?

A disturbing pattern of police brutality emerges and the web of who is involved becomes tricky. Witnesses and victims also begin to disappear. Tom, Dave, and Nic are chasing down the leads and making the connections necessary to find the source of the corruption.

Thank you to Grove Atlantic, Netgalley, and Mr Billingham for all of the wonderful entertainment and for allowing me to read this ARC. I hope the last sentence in the story does not come true, we need another twenty five years of stories!

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Along with Bosch, Rebus and Logan McRae, Tom Thorne is in the Premier League of contemporary fictional detectives and I always look forward to further instalments in the series. ‘What the Night Brings’ didn’t disappoint. It got off to an electrifying start and the fast paced plot made it difficult for me to find places in the book where I was willing to take a break rather than reading on to discover what was going to happen next. The trademark gritty realism and graveyard humour were present as usual, but I was impressed with an intriguing plot that referenced the abuses of power that have been perpetrated by officers of the Met. It was especially difficult trying to ascertain who was manipulating events and why. The boundaries between right and wrong became so blurred at times that I could even sympathise with the vigilante who was waging a targeted revenge attack on the police. The shocking finale offered a resolution of sorts but left me eagerly anticipating the sequel!

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I fell in love with the, then, haunted DI Tom Thorne within the first few pages of Sleepyhead and have been a loyal fan of the series ever since. There's always something lost about him, at no time more so than in this episode. The series has a great cast of characters including Phil Hendricks, Nicola Tanner and Dave Holland, all of whom would take a bullet for Thorne. This case is probably one of the most complex cases they have ever had to deal with and the sense of urgency in the plot echoed with the urgency I felt while reading the book.The tension positively crackled like a lightening storm and there were so many twists I could barely keep up. Never in a million years could I have guessed the horror that was to come, I was so shocked I almost forgot how to breathe. Every book in this series deserves a minimum of 4 stars but this one is a masterpiece, head and shoulders above the others.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book

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I was lucky to get an advance copy of this book, as I haven't read any of the Tom Thorne novels before but after reading this book, I'm going to start at the beginning of the series.

Four police officers are given doughnuts to eat as a thank you gesture. Three end of dead, and the 4th is fighting for their life.

Great twists and turns in this book, what an ending. Wow

Very enjoyable,

Thank you.

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I haven't read a Tom Thorne book in a while, so I had to do a little catch up with the regular characters but was definitely worth it.

Tom Thorne is on a raid with various other police, afterwards as they are all chatting four police officers were handed a box of doughnuts but didn't share with Tom, luckily as by the morning 3 of them were dead.

Probably not the easiest book to have written with some recent issues around policing, but was an enjoyable book and I did not see the end coming at all.

Highly recommended

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The beginning was slow and it took some time for me to get into it. After around 40% the pace picked up and was interesting even though one could guess to some extent where it was all leading. 4.5 stars

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I was very lucky to be sent a review copy of this outstanding crime novel. I generally read in the evenings but this latest in the long-running DCI Tom Thorne series had me reading through the day as well. It begins with the murder of 4 police officers by a killer who believes he is avenging the false imprisonment of his brother for rape but the story widens out into the mystery of which individual is feeding the killer information and why. Thorne and his fellow officers, Nic Tanner and Dave Holland, believe that a high ranking officer may be involved and, as more killings follow, the race is on, not only to find the killer, but the man who is orchestrating the whole thing. There are multiple twists and a huge amount of suspense which leads to an explosive and totally unpredictable finale. I highly recommend this book to all lovers of crime fiction, whether you have been following the series since it began 25 years ago, or this is your first Mark Billingham novel, this is one not to miss.

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What The Night Brings by Mark Billingham, a DI Tom Thorne book.- Sometimes a book just grabs you, and this is one of those. Police officers working a crime scene find a box of doughnuts on the hood of their car and a note saying “Thank You For Your Service”. All very nice until three turn up dead and a fourth is fighting for her life. Tom Thorne and Nic Tanner are on the case, and find the perpetrator has a deadly grievance against police in general and is killing them for revenge. In no time the number has grown to seven dead with no clear connection to the killer. There are fantastical twists and turns ahead, as things get obscured and darker, a real page turner. Thanks NetGalley for this great ARC

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Well all I can say is holy shit that ending! To be fair it took me a while to get into this story, it wasn’t grabbing me but being one of my favourite authors I kept going (not that I would ever give up on a Billingham book!)
The story starts with 4 police officers being poisoned while on duty. A kind stranger had left them a box of donuts as a thank you for all the police do. 3 of the police officers die and one is left fighting for their lives. DI Tom Thorne was there when the donuts were being eaten and almost asked for half. Now he is in charge of finding the murderer. Then another policeman is murdered and the link seems to be they were all guilty of using their position to rape someone. Well not the first 4 who were poisoned, only one was a rapist but the others bore the consequence's. Thorne soon finds that the man they are after has a brother in jail on rape charges. He has always maintained his innocence and now Alex, his brother is murdering the cops he knows have raped girls. As it becomes apparent that Alex is getting inside information, Thorne closes the circle of people he can trust as they hunt Alex and the person giving him info.
I cannot tell you any more as the twists at the end are huge! So much so that I hope by the next book Mark has changed his mind about a few things and restored order into my life!

#WhatTheNightBrings. #NetGalley

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I loved this book! I somehow missed this author and the previous Tom Thorne books, so it took me a while to get the characters down. I love a police procedural and this one was very much like 'Line of Duty' and the bent coppers. I will go back and read some of the prior ones now.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC and the opportunity for a new series for me.

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What the Night Brings is a captivating compelling read that keeps the lights on and the pages turning.

A new DI Tom Thorne book is like a birthday and Christmas all rolled into one.

Welcome back Tom, how you were missed.

Tom and the gang are back and desperatley trying to solve who is murdering police officers .

They are racing against the clock as the bodies pile up one after another.

It seems these officers mostly fall into the category of the corruption in the force but not all.

The deaths are nasty and no one deserves to die like that.

Mark Billingham takes the reader on a journey that includesTwists and turns, secrets that can explode, red herrings and so much more.

That's all I will say so I do not give any clues away to the ending.

Its hard to believe its been 25 years solving cases with Tom and What the Night Brings is the best yet.

Thanks to NetGalley and Grove Atlantic/Atlantic Monthly Press for the privilege of reading and reviewing my all time favourite detective Tom Thorne in What the Night Brings.

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You expect to get a solid read from Billingham, and this book delivers exactly that.

What I like most about Billingham's writing is its transparency. Some writers seem to work hard at making certain readers see that they're 'writing well.' Billingham doesn't do that. He gives you writing you look right through to see the narrative.

And what a bang-up narrative WHAT THE NIGHT BRINGS delivers. I have to admit I'm not really a fan of the title, but the book more than makes up for the title's clunkiness. Highly recommended.

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A killer is targeting the police. Is it payback? And is it justified?! Good book! This book had great suspense, intriguing, action packed, murder, mystery, a good who done it and a few crazy twists and turns! The story was interesting! It wasn’t one of my all time favorite but still worth reading! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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DI Tom Thorne attends a raid and gets chatting to four uniformed officers who can't believe their luck - a member of the public has left them a box of doughnuts. A few hours later three of them are dead and the fourth is in a coma.

As Tom and his team rush to discover whether this was a random attack on the police or targeted at one or more of the victims, they soon discover that the body count is rising. Can they piece together the evidence to catch a serial killer?

Now I'm guessing that starting this series at book 19 isn't necessarily the best intro, but I recognised the author's name and thought there must be some merit in reading it since it appears to be popular. Whilst there were references to previous cases/former wives etc I found it easy to read as a standalone.

On the whole, I did enjoy it. Perhaps as a new reader I found the culprit's identity to be somewhat obvious, but then I often suspect two or three people in each book. One thing I did find a little jarring was what felt (to me) like an inclusion by numbers of diversity (and I write as an inclusion and diversity champion) with variously a lesbian, a gay man, a single mother, a man in a wheelchair etc. One might of course argue on the other hand that non-CIS gendered people can find institutions such as the police a less than welcoming environment (no matter what the PR team say) and therefore if a leader shows that they are inclusive then people gravitate towards them creating very diverse teams as a result. Just an observation.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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