Member Reviews

A fast-paced, quick read. The plot is heavy with a variety of abuses (parent-child and teacher-child). A couple of twists along the way and told from a few characters with past and present timelines while unwinding the mystery.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for a free copy in exchange for my honest review.

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A story of trauma tinged with Hope. The author doesn’t shy away from tough subject matter. They truly capture the voice of so many who have experienced similar trauma. Mind the trigger warnings. But as someone with very similar trauma I felt the same sad sort of comfort in knowing that I wasn’t alone in my experiences or my feelings that came from them. Well worth reading.

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This was fantastic. I love how Marieke Nijkamp always makes me think and reflect. This will definitely be added to my collection.

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Thank you SourceBooks Fire and Netgalley for this eARC, these opinions are my own. The high school in Fenix burned down. Unfortunately Eden was inside when it happened. She died trying to escape. It’s ruled a tragic accident and the town grieves for a girl they didn’t know or really care about but 5 teens hold crucial pieces of what happened that night. But each has something to hide. Can they keep their secrets or will the truth come out? A story about finding courage and speaking out! Thrilling and intriguing! Will keep you turning the pages, would highly recommend checking this one out!

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thanks to netgalley and sourcebooks for this awesome arc!

the story follows a series of kids trying to tell their community about their disgusting teacher. they decided to expose him about vandilazing his classroom. tragically, things don't work out in their favors.

this book is so good!! i loved the characters. i wanted to give them all hugs because they all def deserve it.

if you want to cry, please read this book when it is released!

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Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for accepting my offer of an ARC!
I want someone to tell her story and the story of Pierce High School.
Because no one will trust me. Not in any way that
And they shouldn't.
No one will believe my truth.
But Eden deserves justice.
And so do I.
This is my second Nijkamp book I have ever read, he first one being one of my favorite books of 2024, This is Where It Ends. Though similar, After We Burned had a different tone than the previous book. Yes, it was different but that's what made it stand out as well. I enjoyed seeing the plot be told through everyone's eyes. I found myself at times going along with Theo, trying to piece this jigsaw puzzle together. All the POVs were very well written, and I was thankfully able to keep them separate, because sometimes, when it comes to different POVs the characters can sometimes end up sounding very similar, but not in this case. I felt like each one could stand on their own and their voices showed through their POVs. It was a truly heartbreaking story of grief and the means to find justice.

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Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Marieke Nijkamp delivers an emotional and gut-wrenching YA thriller in “After We Burned,” a story about grief, trauma, and the power of speaking out. The book centers around a devastating fire at Fenix High School that claims the life of Eden, a girl whose death raises more questions than answers. As the town mourns, five teens hold pieces of the truth, each carrying their own secrets—some of which they are desperate to keep hidden. Before going into the book review, I do want to provide a content warning of my own (a detailed, well-meaning content warning is also placed at the beginning of the book) involving child physical abuse from a parent and SA from a teacher on minor students.

The book primarily follows Payton, Eden’s secret love interest, who had been planning to escape with her to flee an abusive home. Through Payton’s perspective and flashbacks from Eden’s point of view, the story slowly uncover the layers of tragedy leading up to that fateful night. The book tackles heavy topics, including abuse and power dynamics in a school setting.

One of the strongest themes in “After We Burned” is the suffocating grip of privilege and silence. The story highlights the ways those in power manipulate narratives to protect themselves, and how victims struggle to be heard in a town where no one wants to admit the truth. At the heart of the mystery is a teacher whose legacy keeps people quiet, making it even more painful to see how Eden—and others before her—were failed by the system. The book is unflinching in its portrayal of trauma but also emphasizes the importance of safe spaces, support systems, and collective action.

Despite its powerful themes, some aspects of the book felt a bit underdeveloped. With multiple characters connected to Eden, it can be difficult to keep track of all the relationships, and while the mystery unfolds steadily, the plot never fully reaches a climax. Additionally, the ending, while poignant and hopeful, feels a bit abrupt, leaving a few questions unanswered.

Even so, “After We Burned” is a gripping, thought-provoking read that will resonate with fans of emotional thrillers. It delivers a strong message about standing together against injustice and the importance of breaking the silence, making it a powerful and necessary book for today’s readers.

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2 stars

The high school in Fenix, Colorado burns down, killing Eden, a student there. The town mourns her even though no one cared much about her before. And what was she doing at the school that night? Did she cause the fire? (It seems like the the only person wondering that is me, actually when, um, I’m sorry she died and all, but she does seem the obvious suspect, right?)

There are a group of teens who all know something about the fire, but they all have their own secrets. Can Eden’s two best friends trust each other enough to get at the truth? And what about the two Lewis girls (daughters of the family that runs the town) and their friend Cameron?

I didn’t realize this book was YA until after I started it, but should have guessed given the subject matter. It’s told from multiple POVs, including Eden’s. It is very melodramatic and a lot of it doesn’t make tons of sense, especially around Eden’s death. Maybe some YAs would like it, but I did not.

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A group of girls from different social groups decide to take down a teacher whom almost everyone likes after he sexually assaults them. This becomes mixed up with the night that Eden and Payton planned to run away together. Before that night ends, one of them dies and the other is horribly traumatized. Even worse, no one in power believes them.

This is the basic plotline, so it’s clear that this book takes on serious issues. Be aware of this before you decide to read it. For me, it brought up memories of a similar teacher from my high school. Seeing as how I rang up his order at a bookstore—and it was all Barely Legal magazines—I fear he did the same to some of my fellow classmates.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing a free ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

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After reading multiple books by Marieke, the books she wrote were all so good and so thrilling. 54 minutes was the first one I've read and I'm always looking out for new stories she's written since.
So, when the opportunity presented itself, you can bet I absolutely needed to request this book! (it's on Netgalley!)

After we burned is set to be released on Juli first of this year. It's in a school setting where we follow Kelsey, who is one of the populair kids on Pierce High. We follow Eden, a bit of an art geek, with close to no friends. Payton, who is secretly in a relationship and Theo, writer of the school newspaper.

This book is filled with secrets, secrets about the night of the fire. Secrets about a teacher. Secrets that some people don't want to come to light. Will they all stay hidden? What will eventually come to light? Will this small town finally know what has been going on for at least a decade? What happened to Eden? The truth will blow your mind, just as the will people have to keep their friends save.


Ik heb meerdere boeken gelezen van Marieke, wel allemaal in het Engels moet ik bekennen. Stuk voor stuk waren ze zo goed, al haar boeken hadden kunnen slaan op echt gebeurde verhalen. Het eerste boek dat ik van haar gelezen heb was "54 minuten" sindsdien let ik altijd op nieuwe releases van haar. Het feit dat ik dit boek tegen kwam op netgalley, ik moest hem gewoon lezen. Duh.

After we burn zal uitkomen op 1 juli, dit gaat om de release van het Engelse boek. De Nederlandse kan ik je helaas niets over zeggen. Het boek heeft net als "54 minuten" een school setting. In dit boek volgen wij Kelsey, een van de populaire meiden met een hechte vriendengroep. We volgen Eden, een kunst nerd met nagenoeg geen vrienden. Payton, met een geheime relatie en Theo, de editer van de schoolkrant.

Dit boek zit vol geheimen, geheimen over de nacht van de brand die de school verwoest. Geheimen over een leraar. Geheimen waarvan niet iedereen wilt dat het aan het licht komt. Zullen ze allemaal begraven blijven? Of vinden een paar of misschien wel alle geheimen toch het licht? Zal dit kleine stadje eindelijk weten wat er al minimaal een decennium gaande is op school? Wat is er nou eigenlijk gebeurd met Eden? De waarheid laat je hoofd tollen, net als de wil die sommige vrienden hebben om een ander te beschermen.

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Es fällt mir unglaublich schwer, eine Rezension zu After We Burned zu schreiben, ohne zu viel vorwegzunehmen. Dieses Buch setzt sich mit sexuellen Übergriffen, häuslicher Gewalt, Alkoholismus und Vernachlässigung auseinander – Themen, die erschreckend realistisch und authentisch dargestellt werden. Wer empfindlich auf solche Inhalte reagiert, sollte sich dessen bewusst sein.

Eden flüchtet sich in die Kunst des Holzschnitzens, um den endlosen Kreislauf wechselnder Freunde ihrer Mutter und die fehlende Unterstützung in ihrem Leben zu verdrängen. Ihre einzige Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben ist Payton – gemeinsam wollen sie aus ihrer Kleinstadt entkommen. Doch in der Nacht ihrer Flucht geht alles schrecklich schief.

Die Stadt selbst ist fest in der Hand einer einflussreichen Familie, die nicht nur Arbeitsplätze stellt, sondern auch die gesamte Infrastruktur kontrolliert. Einer von ihnen, ein angesehener Lehrer, genießt das Vertrauen von Schülern und Kollegen – doch hinter verschlossenen Türen geschehen unaussprechliche Dinge. Opfer haben versucht, ihn zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen, doch jedes Mal wurden sie ignoriert oder zum Schweigen gebracht.

Die Geschichte wird aus den Perspektiven von Eden, Kelsey, Payton und Theo erzählt. Besonders Kelseys Kapitel haben mich tief berührt – ihre Erfahrungen werden mit einer schmerzhaften Sensibilität erzählt, die sich real und greifbar anfühlt. Doch auch die inneren Konflikte der anderen Figuren sind eindringlich dargestellt, und jede von ihnen kämpft auf ihre eigene Weise mit den Schatten der Vergangenheit.

Ich muss zugeben, dass es mir schwerfiel, das Buch am Stück zu lesen. Die Themen sind so emotional und tiefgründig, dass ich immer wieder Pausen brauchte, um das Gelesene zu verarbeiten. Gleichzeitig ist After We Burned aber auch ein empowerndes Buch über Zusammenhalt, weibliche Stärke und den unaufhaltsamen Willen, für Gerechtigkeit zu kämpfen. Es zeigt, dass Betroffene nicht alleine sind – und dass manchmal der Wunsch nach Rache nicht nur verständlich, sondern auch der erste Schritt zur Heilung sein kann.

💡 Marieke Nijkamp hat hier einen eindrucksvollen, mutigen Roman geschaffen, der nicht nur eine fesselnde Handlung bietet, sondern auch aufzeigt, wie tief Missstände in einer Gesellschaft verwurzelt sein können. After We Burned ist kein leichtes Buch, aber eines, das man nicht so schnell vergisst.

Danke an netgalley für das eARC im Austausch für meine ehrliche Bewertung! Pub Date: Jul 01 2025

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A devastating fire at the local high school claims the life of a student, Eden, and shakes the town of Fenix. While the community grieves, questions arise about who really knew or cared for Eden, and why she was at the school that night. Five teens hold crucial pieces of the truth about the tragedy, but they each have their own secrets they’re determined to keep hidden. As time passes, the truth will eventually come to light.

I liked this but something kept me from loving it. The story never really hit a climax and by the end, there were still quite a few loose ends left untied and questions left unanswered, as if the ending was almost too abrupt? It was a decent read but unfortunately maybe just not for me.

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