Member Reviews

This was my second novel by Manchester and it seems that his novels always have a similar premise. They are about redeeming one’s life and making dreams come true before crossing over to the next journey. I did enjoy this novel much more than the previous one I read. This book was good, but nothing that hasn’t been written before. With this type of plot, you know the person is going to die at the end and although it is sad the story is about how to celebrate one’s life with the last of the time God has granted you. So with that in mind, there should be some kind of revelation, excitement, or climax to differentiate from all the other “last months to live” books out there. This book just did not do anything for me. I felt the characters weren’t very developed for a novel that was more based on emotions and family connections; yet would go into great detail of the different deeds that Don accomplished. I would like to see Manchester try his hand at a completely different premise in stories. I have stopped reviewing his books, hoping there are different reviewers for him.

I had a hard time relating to this book, in part because I myself never served. I suspect this romantic tale will ring true with the right audience - sadly, it was not me.

I quickly became a Steven Manchester fan after being asked to read Twelve Months and not being able to put it down. With each book of his I get the honor to read I become a bigger and bigger fan of his. Gooseberry Island just cemented the reason that I will always read his books.
Gooseberry Island is a story that is told from a man’s point of view, a story about leaving for war, fighting in war, and then coming home and having to handle all that was seen and done while gone to war. There is nothing easy about these topics. This is also a story about true love. The way Lindsey and David meet and their instant connection and how their feelings grow even while they are on different continents shows how strong true love can be.
When David returns from war, he is not the same man as he was when he left. He has PTSD, which Lindsey is too familiar with. David shows his strength and determination to get back to Lindsey and show her how very important she is to him. While the journey is not easy, Steven Manchester handles the topic with great compassion and respect. The story of David’s recovery into civilian life was eye opening and heart tugging. I just wanted to hug him and tell him that it would all be okay, but knew that he had to want to find his way and deal with the PTSD. Lindsey also realized this. She never failed to support him, but she did not enable or make excuses for his actions and behavior. If anything she gave him more reasons to get a handle on his life.
I highly recommend this book. It is not a soft and fuzzy story, but it is a true life love story that will open your eyes to the world of military life.

This was a very good read and the look at mental issues will be an eye opener for some, I enjoy how the author added info from previous wars into the current war on terrorism. I have enjoyed several books by this author and will keep reading them in the future.

Gooseberry Island by Steven Manchester gave me a new understanding of P.T.S.D. afflicted soldiers. I now see just how deep the wounds can go when they have to go against everything inside of them all to obey a command.
David McClain is an army ranger who is looking to settle down & start a family after his final tour with the United States Army Rangers. After advice from his trusted friend Captain Eli he issues his request to the Heavens. So when his answer Lindsey Wood literally runs right into him while jogging he couldn’t believe the horrible timing.
Lindsey whose father Denis Wood is suffering P.T.S.D. believes there is something about David that makes her want to get to know him better. Lindsey finds out how life can have a funny sense of humor as David his impending deployment. They agree to keep in touch while David is away & intend to start an actual relationship upon David’s return.
Unfortunately for them David’s tour is one that will haunt him for a lifetime. Unlike any tour David has experienced this tour deals a deadly hand. David has to watch a child being brutally beat to death while commanded to do nothing. His father he so desperately wanted to make proud suffers a massive heart attack & dies. David’s fellow ranger Al loses his legs while saving David’s life & he can’t help but feel guilty.
David comes home & is trying to handle it all. He doesn’t tell Lindsey any of the things he has seen while he is away & he doesn’t let her know of his return. Once Lindsey finds out David is home she reaches out but David shuts her out. Lindsey wants to help David; to comfort him. David however, doesn’t want love because of the pain he is suffering. David spins into an alcoholic depression after learning of his fellow ranger Max’s suicide. He nearly kills himself in a car accident before accepting that he can’t heal alone.
Having help from Lindsey, David seeks treatment & begins the healing process. During which time he reaches out to Max Jr. so that he will know his Dad was a hero. You will have to read the book if you want to know how the story ends.
Steven Manchester definitely crafted a story that would open eyes & break hearts.