Member Reviews

want to thank NetGalley for giving me this opportunity to review this book.

This book is one of those times where I did not want it to end! Blair and Melody are both strong women, fighting against each other. Melody and Caryan are bound together. But Blair and Caryan know each other from their past. So much hurt and betrayal between the two. Riven Caryan’s right hand man loyal to Caryan but finding his feelings for Melody hard to be as loyal as he should be. I absolutely loved the story, thought the characters were well rounded and could not get enough. I can’t wait for book two to see what will happen next. It’s not often you find a book you cannot put down but this one did it for me

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A unique story with amazing characters, I really enjoyed reading this book. It's nice to read a book that stands on its own in the overflow of romantasy (I'm here for it, but some stories are getting to be so similar it's getting to be repetitive). I also really like that the author went heavy on the fantasy side, which was obvious from the get-go with the glossary and intro. I'm a Tolkien girl, so I've loved all things fantasy since the 6th grade. This book made me happy, and I recommend to all the fantasy/romantasy girlies out there.

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Alexandra Thomashoff's debut novel, Kingdom of Two Moons, is an enchanting entry into the realm of fantasy literature. The story centers around a strong female main character (FMC) and a morally complex male character, with a captivating love triangle that brims with tension, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.

Thomashoff's innovative approach to a magic system adds a refreshing twist to the genre. The world-building is meticulously detailed, enhanced by an extensive glossary, making this book an intermediate-level fantasy read. Despite being her first novel, Thomashoff's writing is polished and sophisticated, suggesting a seasoned hand rather than a newcomer.

Intricate and imaginative world-building
Engaging and morally grey characters
Unique magic system
Well-crafted writing style

May require a bit of patience due to its depth and complexity

Overall, Kingdom of Two Moons is a must-read for fantasy enthusiasts looking for something both familiar and refreshingly new. Thomashoff is an author to watch, and this debut sets a high bar for her future works.

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3.5 stars

I found this book hard to understand; the paragraph and sentence structures are odd and very short, and the POVs switch from first person to third person. The characters are well-developed but can be annoying sometimes, but the plot makes up for it. It's a good romantasy book, it has a great storyline, but I would steer clear if you don't like love triangles.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing and e-ARC.

Xaden and Rhysand move outta the way cuz there’s a new bad boy in town CARYAN! Omg this book was so much fun, the world building, the suspense, the characters it was all so well done and I was hooked. Definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys a good plot with some steamy romance. *4

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“The Scarlet Death - that’s what she is. That’s what some call her. One of the most feared witches in the whole fae world. And beyond it seems”

“He would die for her. Would rather die than harm her - that’s what he meant”

Absolutely crazy. But absolutely amazing. This adult fantasy book is quite unique to be fair. There’s something about it that from the very beginning interested me and I felt made me so attached to it than I finished it in one sitting, despite it being quite long. As per usual, when starting a new fantasy series, I felt a bit lost at the very beginning. But, once the characters were outlined and I started to see the beginning of their story … the only thing I wanted was to jump straight into the action with them to see where they were going. Melody is, I’m afraid, the classic chosen one character. But she has darker edges that I did appreciate more than I dare to admit. Blair is an absolute marvel. She does remind me a lot of Cara from the Sword of Truth series: unapologetic, strong, fierce and resilient. I’m pretty sure she has still so many things to say to us and I want to see more of her in the future. Riven … I’m not sure how I feel about him. I think there’s a part of my heart that is falling for him. His devotion, his sweetness are kinda unmatched in this book and despite him being mildly morally grey, there are a few things I can say badly about him. And Caryan … he reminds me so much of Taristan from the Realm Breaker series … he is the definition of morally grey. He is the powerful demon/angel who will ensnare you with his aura and of course, I fell for him. Hard. There are so many parts of me that are still trying to figure out what this story will lead him to, especially after that last revelation … but I can’t wait !!!
And to be fair, the characters’ dynamics were to die for !!! Especially in their tension !!!!! I can’t wait to read more !!!!

“Here, she was the storm. Beautiful and haunting and terrifying. With rain in her eyes, ice in her heart, and chaos in her veins. Craving nothing but lightning under her fingertips. And one day, she was going to break loose. She would rage, the sky would split, and the wyverns would dance. And this world would change forever”

“Shall I tell you that I’ll be careful with you? That I shall try to keep my horrors from you? … Or shall I promise you that there is nowhere in existence you could run that I would not find you. That there is nothing I would not do to save you. That I would rip apart every world, every dream and every nightmare for you. I would even rip apart the hells”

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4.5 Stars! Rated using the CAWPILE system by Gi from BookRoast

I was hooked from the first chapter. I had an immense love for Blair and her reasons for being so cold-hearted. I was waiting with baited breath for Melody and Blair's path to cross and the outcome was so good. I am desperate for the second book to find out where they end up and the first book hasn't even been published yet. It's going to be a long wait!!!

The casual usage of a character having two mums and not having to make it a plot point was a huge win for me, it's so rare to find a book that is inclusive without feeling like its a deliberate marketing strategy.

I want to know so much more about the history of the realm and why the traditions are what they are and I really hope that's explored more in a novella or the 2nd book in the Fallen Angel series.

Riven has my heart and I only want the best for him. The angst, the lust, the morally grey characters! What's not to love!

There are some minor grammatical mistakes and words used in the wrong tense, however that can be easily overlooked in a 600 page indie published book! That is probably my only fault!!

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This is my review on Goodreads

Spoilers! Thank you Netgalley for the arc copy of the book!

Alright. I have so many thoughts on this one that I think I need to break it down to be clear and fair.

I think this author has some pretty great ideas but at times it felt as though the brainstorm session all made it to the page and the overall execution of the plot could have been better.

The very basic plot that there is a prophecy about Melody being the one to fix the blight and how that is interpreted makes sense. Her being the daughter of someone that hurt Caryan and that there is this over arching background story we need to know all makes sense. That however is overshadowed by the love triangle thats not really a love triangle (more on this later), the curse that's not really a curse but just him saving people's lives and being gloomy about it, and all of the Blair interactions and flashbacks. (Also more on this later). I think if the book had some more editing and some of the repetitive scenes like the multiple celebrations that all ended similarly, or even some of her repetitive days at the fortress this book could have been more readable.
World building:
I think the author does well with describing the main systems of the society, where this fantasy land is, and clealry gives us the open history lesson of the war. However one something i usually love about fantasy is that the book paints a world for you, it describes somewhere you will never really be but makes you feel attached. I'm not sure i could even describe the main characters bedroom and she spends tons of time in it. The author does not emerse the reader much in their surroundings and it made me unable to get lost in this story.

POVS and Style choices:
I have seen some reviews that people were on the fence about the switch from 3rd person to 1st and I have to say that style choice did make it incredibly hard to read this book at times. Pushing us in and out of perspectives only really lent to added confusion and disconnect from characters. We get Melody's pov, but then we are outside looking in on everyone else. Yes that means that Melody is our main character, but with how much the other characters are pushed on us I would've wanted some actual feelings attached and some insight from first person style choice or not.

Speaking of style. I think the hardest thing for me as a reader was the way the paragraphs were structured. Short paragraphs with short sentences. Again this could be a style choice that just isn't for me, but I just felt like it was paragraph break after paragraph break and it broke my focus on the book.

Characters and that elusive Romantic Spark:

Blair. I hated her chapters at first, she was so cocky even after all her failures mentioned later in the book I could not figure out where this level of confidence was coming from. Especially after finding out how emotionally embarrassing she is with Caryan the whole back history. It was rough to read her switch to being this hot and cold crazy chaotic mess but you feel for her, and by the end I didn't mind her when she wasn't pining after Caryan.

Miss Melody is the run of the mill 29 something savior from the human world. That's it. Please refer to any Sarah J Maas book, or really any fantasy book. She has the basic looks, the traumatic and attachment nightmare back story. She wants freedom at any cost and does many many stupid things to try for that goal. She has powers, lacks confidence, and somehow when dropped into a crazy fae world with new rules, expectations and lore she is worried about whether or not the complete douchbag of a king likes her or thinks she's pretty.

When I read the Oracle say that Caryan was Melody's mate.....I realized I may not be picking up the next book. I'm NOT a fan of love triangles in books but to be honest if we had to have Caryan I was hoping for a reverse harem situation because Caryan is not my favorite. (Will expand later.). If this is. Way for us to care about him and find him a new live interest later on, the author did too good of a job. He was almost the only redeemable character in this entire book. He stood up for her, protected her, and lied to his king when he didn't feel she was safe. All the things we scream at men in books to do he did. And somehow I feel like he is going to end up a side character "understanding" that Melody belong with Caryan 🙄

Honestly. A lot of what he does it not okay. I read dark romance and fantasy and believe me I have read many a QUESTIONABLE things but it all boils down to consent and connection. He physically harms her, mentally harms her, and is an overall asshole to everyone and we are supposed to not only like him but find him redeemable enough for a mate. I can't even count the cave and how he held her because one nice thing should not erase how he bruised her neck, or hurt her arms, or painfully hurt her with ruins against her will that read on page very noncon and rapey in the execution. I am not a fan. So cub would have to happen to make him my pick here.

Extra notes and overall:

This author clearly reads as much fantasy romance as those who will read this book. This book is filled with similarities to other popular books and is paired with tried and true tropes of this genre. Quite a few things did mean toward popular aspects of Sarah J Maas in quite obvious nods of inspiration, I see mostly the Throne of Glass comparisons when I read this, examples: Tell me Blaire is just Manon this whole book? Fangs, sharp nails, calls herself a wing leader and rides a wyvern. She also is in a coven of witches and references 13 leaders. Mam.....she then had her red hair stripped of color and now have pale silver locks.
Then we have the white lion and the cadre he leaves behind. Which obv. And then countless different sayings and quotes that are so painfully similar it is hard to say it was directly from that. Riven says MULTIPLE times that he is with Caryan "To whatever end".

Then we have the clear connection to ACOTAR which I hate when people say books use it as an influence just because it's so popular, but the book chapters literally have a mountain range with stars and bat boy wings. Our main character Melody had a hard life aside from her beautiful life like paintings that bring her joy and happiness. She has is the human that will save everyone from the "blight" which is exactly what they call everything happening because of Amarantha in ACOTAR. again, some coincidence I can stand by. But the level of influence should be noted. Not that it's bad by any means. It just is.

Overall, I think the author had a good idea and that the multiple POV kept the story line moving. I think a lot was going on and the plot was neglected for a love story that didn't really feel believable or worth routing for at this point. It makes me hope someone better comes along to make her happy even if Caryan is her mate. I will say that I have not written a review this long in sometime and that this book did leave me with a ton of questions and thoughts which does not always happen. Definitely a lasting impression.

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I AM OBSESSED! This book, man, this book had me in a fucking chokehold. I literally stopped reading this book for a day or two just so I didn't have to leave this universe so soon. This was over 600 pages of pure perfection. I could sing its praises for DAYS! Ok ok. I'm going to try to articulate the immense emotions I had into words...

This book is told in multiple POVs. We get Melody's POV, which is told in first person. We also get Blair and Riven's POV, which are told in third person. The writing in this book was so unique and so incredibly detailed. It was also interesting to get it from both first and third person POV. I felt it really added another layer to this book...but anyways, we're introduced to Melody (a half human half fae) who has special gifts. Blair and Caryan are on the hunt for Melody because her special gifts can help them find relics that have been hidden for years. According to an oracle, Melody is part of a prophecy that is going to change things in a coming war. Caryan is an angel who is immortal and has blood bonds with his kingdom which include one of the high lords Riven. Blair is a witch who has been searching for Melody for her coven. Caryan and Riven find Melody first and take her from the human world to the fae world where Melody is slowly learning about who she is and her past while also trying to stay safe from everyone who is coming for her.

Honestly, this book is so complex that there is no way I can come up with a good enough synopsis.

Melody is one bad ass bitch. I love her. I'm actually obsessed with her. She has a connection with Riven and Caryan. You can feel the intense connection through the pages. The slow burn was slow burning! I don't even know who I want her to end up with more. Riven and Caryan are so different in the best of ways. Blair is also a pretty bad ass bitch with a hidden soft center. She just wants to be loved and live her life. Each character, including all the side characters are amazing. Evil or good, each character was written so beautifully.

The world building was so elegantly detailed that I felt as if I was in this world. It was a bit poetic at times but that just added to it. We learn about the fae world and its customs with Melody, so we're gradually getting introduced instead of bombarded and trying to understand. We also get to feel Melody's fascination, confusion, and irritation as we learn what she learns about herself, her past, her environment, etc.

Throughout we also get chapters of Blair's past so we can gain a little backstory on the war and how animosity began. That ending left me reeling! I NEED the next book. Not want, I NEED it. I swear I can go on and on and on and on about the perfection that is this book but I don't want to give too much away.

All I can say is if fantasy, romance, or fae are your things pick this book up yesterday! Read it!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

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Unfortunately, this book was not for me personally and as a mood reader, I had to DNF. The author was very creative with her writing and it was fast paced. I loved the prophecy and the artwork on the pages, but I wish it had been set in more of a fantasy world rather than several types of fantasy creatures living in the real world with humans. It just wasn't my personal cup of tea, and that's okay. The book was also too long for my taste personally. But with all that being said, I'll base my rating on the parts I did read. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you Net Galley for the privilege to read an arc for this book. The following opinion is mine and mine alone. This book is incredibly written with a fascinating magic system and world. I honestly adored the book overall, although it was jarring to switch from third person to first person throughout the story, some people may not enjoy that aspect but I thought it well planned out. Melody and Blair are such drastically different characters and they both tell similar but incredibly different stories. I loved Riven and Caryan, they had so many layers and depths to explain who and why they are the way they are. It was all incredibly complex and interwoven so beautifully. Honestly this book is incredible and I highly recommend.
If you liked When The Moon Hatched, Throne of Glass, or Quicksilver you may enjoy this book.

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Wow this book did a number on me. Kingdom of Two Moons by A. Thomasoff, published by Last Unicorn Press is a fantasy, pnr, raw and gritty. Btw. some content warning would've been nice. There are lots of.
Melody is the last silver elf, hold and kept by dark forces.
And there's Caryan, a fallen dark angel and River, his second in command, who are the only one who can save her. Together with a story and characters that had me confused half of the time, I wanted to stop reading more than one time, but I just couldn't.
The story ends in a cliffhanger, consider you informed. 3,5 stars.

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I was so excited to read this book after reading the description but was a little let down. The main character melody doesn’t know what she wants and goes back and forth constantly and every other scene seems to be crying. And while that can be understandable and a part of character growth the story is just slow to progress and seems very disjointed. I am also not a fan of “little girl” especially in romance tropes. There are a lot of similarities and to ACOTAR. This book has a ton of potential but just missed the mark.

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I did end up overall really liking this book. I think at times the shift in time period and the shift in perspectives was a bit jarring and disjointed. Not sure how I feel about Caryon as a character yet, I think there is just so much we don’t quite know about him yet because none of it is from his perspective. I’m used to the tortured shadow daddy trope but I do feel like at times it might be a little too far for me but we listen and we don’t judge right? The ending cliff hanger is really good though and I definitely will want to read the next one and see how this world and story develops more.

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Thank you so much to the author for a chance to read and eARC of this book!

Kingdom of the Two Moons is an engaging fantasy novel that masterfully blends magic, complex characters, and a hint of romance.

The male leads, Caryan and Riven, were fascinating and morally ambiguous, making it hard to pick a favorite. Caryan’s dark fallen angel persona was especially captivating, while Riven’s loyalty and complexity added depth to the narrative. Their intense dynamics kept me invested throughout the story.

A minor downside was the use of certain pet names during romantic moments, which felt out of place and slightly disrupted the mood, and i am not a big fan of triangle situation, so i don't know if i am gonna read the next book.

Overall, if you enjoy enemies-to-enemies tension, witty banter, love triangle, this book is worth the read. Despite some predictable elements, Kingdom of the Two Moons is an entertaining fantasy adventure.

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🤍AD/ gifted!! Thank you so much to Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this E-arc of kingdom of the two moons 🤍

Kingdom of the two moons by Alexandra Thomashoff is an amazing enemies to lovers fantasy romance, with world building and some interesting characters and a specific magic system. There are many types of characters within the plot such as angels, witches, demons, oracles and much more.

This book gave off major ACOTAR, TOG and fourth wing vibes. I feel like there was a lot of world building and sometimes the plot was a little all over the place and sometimes I was a bit lost and unable to fully commit myself to the book hence why I couldn’t rate it a 5 star. I did however have a really good time reading and towards the end I felt connected with the characters and I was wondering what was going to happen in the next book.

I loved the main MMC’s but to say it was a enemies to lovers i feel as if it was very slow, and towards the end i was confused as to who the love interest was deemed to be as it seems to be a love triangle. Caryan is a fallen angel and riven is his second in command and closest friend. I did enjoy the FMC’s Blair and Melody but sometimes Melody frustrated me with how she acted in the plot.

I would definitely recommend this book to any fantasy lover!

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✨thank you to NetGalley for the e-ARC!✨

Okay, so first things first: this book jumps between first and third POV, which honestly had me a little what the heck at first. Took a minute to get used to that. The beginning was a little slow, but I get it—necessary to get to the good stuff. And let me tell you, the world-building? Top notch. I’m seriously hoping we get to see more of it in future books.

Now, let’s talk characters. Caryan is that perfectly messy antihero who wants peace but is ready to throw personal freedom out the window to get it. Complex? Oh, yeah. Then there's Melody—the only human in this whole world. She’s like a walking beacon of hope, and her emotional journey? Hits deep. The romance? Dark, steamy, and full of tension. The slow-burn between Melody and Caryan had me hooked. And don’t even get me started on the love triangle—it added a whole new level of drama, passion, and just perfect chaos.

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*thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️½ – Dark, Addictive, and Utterly Enchanting

Kingdom of the Two Moons pulled me in and refused to let go. This is the kind of romantasy that drips with tension—magic, danger, and a heroine shackled by fate but burning for freedom. Melody’s journey from captive to something far more powerful was so gripping, and the whole “torn between two dangerous, beautiful beings” trope? Chef’s kiss.

Riven is the broody fae warrior we love to suffer over, but Caryan? That fallen angel exudes lethal allure, and every scene with him felt like standing too close to the edge of a cliff. The stakes are sky-high, the prophecy twist is deliciously dark, and the worldbuilding is lush, eerie, and immersive.

Why not 5 stars? The pacing dipped a little in the middle, and there were moments I wanted even deeper emotional beats. But overall? If you love forbidden magic, dark fae courts, and an enemies-to-lovers romance that burns—this one needs to be on your shelf. Prepare to be obsessed. 🔥🌙

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3.7 stars. The world building is there. The relationship building just wasn’t it for me. Definitely give ACOTAR and Fourth Wing vibes which I love!

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5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐
1/5 🌶️


What to Expect:
🐉Dark Fantasy
🔮Magic System
🐉Multiple POVs
🔮Morally Grey MMCs
🐉Full Circle Enemies
🔮Touch her and 💀
🔮Love Triangle


I NEED everyone to read Kingdom of the Two Moons ASAP and come talk to me, because I’m still not okay with it!! And let’s take a moment to appreciate Caryan—the darker, edgier version of Rhysand I never knew I needed. Morally DARK gray? Check. Mysterious and POWERFUL? Check. My new book husband? 1000% yes. I hate to say it, but he add him to my list with Rhysand, Xaden, Anathema, and Kingfisher… and I don’t say that lightly.

What makes this book stand out is how fresh it feels compared to so many other romantasies. Sure, we’ve got a powerful and enigmatic MMC, a traumatized but strong FMC, and sizzling tension—but the world-building is next level/top notch. It’s got The Cruel Prince vibes, a magic system reminiscent of Throne of Glass, and a love triangle that actually HURTS (in the best way though… and I’m not a love triangle girly). Melody, our only human in a fae world, goes through such a raw and realistic transformation. Blair is female rage personified (obsessed), and Riven? Dark, deadly, and devastatingly attractive. The multiple POVs worked so well, making it impossible to put down.

And don’t even get me started on the romance. The tension? The slow burn? The forbidden longing? THE scene? It’s steamy without being overly explicit, and somehow, that made it even hotter. I’m already dying for more! —Thank you, NetGalley, for the eARC!

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