Member Reviews

Not to sound dramatic, but this manga is so unique and is a masterpiece! The volume starts with a meet-cute scenario where Emma accidentally hits Aleksander with her stick, and from then on it is scenario after scenario. "Veil" isn't your typical romance manga with plot and conflicts--instead, it focuses on the small intimate moments of their interactions and is more episodic. I love this style of manga and can't wait to read more.

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This romance manga provided me the same warmth that Anastasia (1997 film) gave me when I was a child. It felt nostalgic even with me going in blind. *ba dum tss*

From blurb:
Like a classic film, he and she encountered each other by chance. He was an on-duty police officer in the city. She was a blind, runaway heiress. When he learned that she is looking for work, he decided to welcome her as the police station’s telephone operator… this was the beginning of the everyday lives of he and she, and the delicate distance between them.

My thoughts:
I feel like I reverted back to being a child wrapped in my favorite blanket. This was breathtakingly beautiful as a whole. The unique and vintage art style, the slow burn and pure love between the main characters, the witty dialogue and monologue, and most importantly, the wonderful storyline.

With this being a lighthearted, leisure read with beautiful illustrations, you’ll definitely want to take your time to admire instead of rushing.

Regular manga reader or not, Veil will be one of those reads where you think “everyone needs to read this.” I will think of these characters and story for a long time. Truthfully, I cried at a wholesome moment. I cannot wait to read the rest of the volumes.

Huge huge thanks to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment for allowing me to read this auto-approved ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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*Recibí este libro adelantado por NetGalley a cambio de mi honesta opinión. Gracias a NetGalley y a UdonEntretainment por el libro (ARC).*

Este manga me encantó mucho. La historia y el arte son bellos. La historia se cuenta por pequeños episodios y de ahí se desarrolla todo. Los dibujos extras ayudan a resaltar la historia. Es un slow burn pero bien lindo. Los personajes son lindos y la química se da muy bien. Emocionada por leer el resto de los volumenes, cuando salga la publicación los estaré comprando.

Esta versión, es la primera traducción al inglés, y al momento solo hay dos publicaciones. En otros idiomas ya hay más publicaciones a la venta.

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This was one of those novels where I wasn’t quite sure what was going on until I thought about it more. It swaps between monologues of the two main characters and the regular manga style.
There is a blind woman that quite literally bumps into a police officer and luckily finds herself a job. She has run away from a life of riches to start anew. There is an almost codependent relationship that develops between her and the police officer. I’m hoping that the second volume will reveal more of this relationship between the two.

#ThxNetGalley #Kotteri #VeilVolume1

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Kotteri’s full-color illustrations are beautiful. They give an interesting atmosphere to the intriguing story of this encounter between the heiress and the police officer.
Enigmatical, with a touch of sensuality, I already want to read the next one to find out how the dynamic between the two will unfold.

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Veil, Vol. 1: Temperature of Orange is a visually stunning and intriguing start to a story wrapped in mystery and cinematic charm. Kotteri’s full-color illustrations are breathtaking, evoking the elegance of classic film, which pairs beautifully with the witty, noir-esque dialogue. As a movie buff, I was completely drawn in by the dramatic framing and expressive character work.

The story itself remains quite enigmatic by the end of this first volume, offering just enough to pique curiosity while keeping many details about the characters’ pasts and motivations under wraps. The slow-burn relationship between the police officer and the runaway heiress is compelling, though it feels like we’re only scratching the surface of their dynamic.

I’m looking forward to Volume 2 to see where their journey leads. With its unique art style and atmosphere, I could easily see Veil being adapted into an anime with a striking visual identity. If you love gorgeous artwork and a story that unfolds like a classic film, this one is definitely worth picking up!

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What a delightful little gem. I read in another review that it was more of a mood than a story, and I totally agree with that. The art is lovely, nostalgic, and the story is little glimpses into the life of our two characters - a meet cute, co-working, little moments of deeper connection.

Very glad I stumbled upon this and I’m grateful to Netgalley and Udon Entertainment for the digital arc. I’ll be following this series.

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The artwork is beautiful and does a fantastic job of expressing the story. The dialogue is well written. The characters are well developed and likable.

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I’ve seen many illustrations from this manga on social media, and I was so excited to read it! Thank you for this opportunity!

The story told is about a police officer and a blind runway heiress. Mostly, this manga captures different moments of their everyday life together as partners (in what sense - your choice).

I genuinely love the relationships between the characters; they are sweet in every way. The illustration style is stunning, and I adore the color palette and the gorgeous fashion choices!

It’s a delight to read about such sweet relationships and bold clothes designs.

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Thank you Udon and Net Galley for the opportunity to review this series.

I have been very interested in Veil ever since the French translation was released. It's a beautifully illustrated story and I was excited to finally read this in English.

There are two main characters in the series, Alexander, a police officer, and Emma, a blind runaway heiress, who through a chance meeting find their lives delicately intertwined. The story isn't really a story, rather fragments of their day to day lives, the prologue shows their initial encounter and the remaining chapters are mostly glimpses into their lives.

Rather than a graphic novel with a plot, Veil is an art piece with dialogue. There isn't really a story and is a slice of life romance. I enjoyed ever page and I'm excited to read the remaining volumes and see Alexanders and Emma's story come to life.

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Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous work with striking panels, stunning colours and a cute story.

Emma and Alexander meet by accident and then they sort of move in together while working at the same police station. The manga takes us through short scenes of their life together - the meeting with Alexander's sister was the funniest one, and the little monologues were a lovely addition (especially the conversation between a teapot and a cup). Emma's exquisitely beautiful - the full-page images of her as a model are amazing, worthy of being framed and put on the wall.

Curious where the story is going!

Thank you to NetGalley and the poblishers for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An absolutely adorable and lighthearted manga. I cannot recommend this enough for a quick pick me up read.

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I am trying to think of how to start this review because I LOVED THIS SO MUCH!!

I've seen plenty of art of Veil, but reading the volume for the first time FAR surpassed my expectations! I adored it so much!! The number of butterflies I felt when reading and the squeals I had were so much greater than I had prepared for and cannot wait to hold this physically!

Outside of my excited feelings, it's hard to compare this manga to anything I've read before because it truly reads like an art book with a touch of story to connect it all. It's an incredible experience as a reader because there are always pages of art between each chapter and then even occasionally a monologue from our lead's perspective. I really really enjoyed the flow of the story and how it was such a visual feast to the eyes!

For our leads, I LOVED them both! I especially love how smitten our police officer is with our girl! This is the second romance I've read with a smitten male lead and I'm thriving! I love how he couldn't take his eyes off of her and was a total (sincere) smooth talker! I also loved our female lead because she is strong, fierce, and fun! She is a wonderful heroine to read about and admire her wanting to experience the world and all its beauty.

Truly, I cannot wait to read more of this series and desperately hope we have fast physical releases because this is one I am very much looking forward to rereading often! Highly recommend it!

*(I received an e-copy via NetGalley, but have had this volume on PO since December. All thoughts are my own.)*

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At the beginning it was throwing me off and each section was a different story but regardless I really enjoyed this. The characters are likeable and this was perfect to read on the commute to work.

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This is unlike anything I’ve ever read before in a graphic novel or manga. I wasn’t sure at first about it being in color but once I got the hang of it, it’s really a beautiful style. Exploring this couples relationship and friendship is really heartwarming and had me smiling the whole time. What more could you ask for?

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Thanks to both NetGalley and Udon Entertaimnent for the ARC copy. This has not affected my review at all, which are my own thoughts.

I caught wind of this manga because i kept seeing individual art of the characters around social media, and then I found out that the author was making little stories (and compiling them in volumes) for said characters. So here we are.
Very grateful that I was allowed to read an ARC of Veil. And, yet, I can't say i enjoyed it as much as expected. Maybe 'cause I hyped it up a bit too much for myself and then it didn't deliver what i wished it had.
To sum up, it's a clear case of: it wasn't you (the manga), it was me (the reader). Still, I'm going to expose what didn't work for me just in case it can help other people looking forward to veil.

Also, just because *I* didn't enjoyed Veil that much, it does not mean that it is objectively bad.l Keep that in mind. Now, onto my actual thoughts.

With a stunning and colorful art, Kotteri gives richness to the story, creating the perfect ambient for the two main characters: He, the police officer, and Her, the runaway heiress. These two meet by chance while doing their respective thins. being on police duty and running away, never better said. After that, he offers her a job that she accepts ('cause she was looking for one) and so they start spending their lives together.

Chapter by little chapter, we see their moments together, getting to know each other, interactions with other characters... Very quotidian, and not with a defined plot but to make the character interact in genuine and cute moments. And while this isn't a bad thing per se for a story to be like, in the case of Veil the scenes shown in each chapter feel disjointed from one another, like the author just got a bunch of moment they have drawn of these characters and put them together to make a first volume.

This, and the fact that there isn't a plot, not even a simple one, for us to follow chapter through chapter, is what make me not enjoy Veil as much as I expected. But I also believe that other people may enjoy it, because the characters are coherent, cute and their developing relationship feels natural in its slow pace. The art, as I said before, is vibrant and colorful and the characters and its surroundings feel pretty natural..
Everything gets treated with care and the promise of the romance may be enough force to drive other people through the manga that are just here for said romance (which is completely valid, just not my style).

Overall, I've read far worse than Veil, so I do recommend it. If you're looking for a cute romance veiled in beautiful art with well defined characters and a well crafted ambient, then this is the one for you.

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This graphic novel is so cute. It was nothing like I thought it would be, I thought it would be a long cohesive story instead of individual snippets. I loved these small chapters though, they always had a point to make about the two characters and really gave us insight to how these two people fell in love. Overall the art is beautiful and the characters are adorable. I wish there was a bit more story but it works.

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One of my earliest NetGalley reviews was of a translation of a French language comic heavily influenced by Manga. Now here I am here reviewing a Manga that is highly reminiscent of Bande Dessinee. Veil resembles European comics (as opposed to American as well as Japanese) not a little in its almost ostentatious hand-drawnness, loving attention to objects and architecture, slow romantic plot, and color scheme of lovely mostly-black-and-white with occasional spots of rich color (okay, that last I haven’t even encountered in Bande Dessinee). But then again, the world of manga is vast and perhaps it is part of an established vein I am only now tapping.

Veil is the story of Alexander, a policeman in a vaguely early 20th century city, who decides to offer Emma, a blind young woman run away from her wealthy family, a job at the police station. At least that’s the story of the 13 page prologue narrative. From then on, it is it a series of snapshots, almost all two-page and at the most eight-page, vignettes of the two of them in some day to day encounter or other.

The vignettes are gem-like in quality, making profound such small moments as the making of tea, occupying a phone booth, waking from naps. However, these vignettes leave gaps in the context of Alexander and Emma’s lives that are not easily filled. Where is Alexander living? Is Emma’s family still looking for her (this made even more ambiguous by one of the prose passages interspersed though the volume)? Are they romantically involved? It seems like the book could have either given a bit more context before beginning the vignettes, or allowed the vignettes to hold a bit more narrative in explaining changes in Emma’s situation, but instead it hovers awkwardly between the two. Additionally, the portraits of the characters in costume between narrative pages (and stretching longer than the narratives) showcase the author’s breathtaking skill, but sometimes seem a little too luxurious for the lives we otherwise see them living.

In one final note, Emma speaks often of her desire for independence, but this seems often childlike in her boldness and teasing nature. This can potentially be attributed to her sheltered and privileged upbringing, but is uncomfortably close to the stereotype of the saint-like innocent blind woman.

Veil is a work that perhaps has set narrative unity aside in favor of artistic execution--but what lovely execution!

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This is such a work of art. I'm obsessed with Her and Him (Emma and Alexander).

The art style is so unique and nothing like I've read before. I will forever be recommending this to anyone and everyone.

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Oh, I understand now.

I saw the excitement on Twitter when the license for Veil was announced, but I wasn't aware of it other than the gorgeous covers, and now that I've read this full-color feast for the eyes, I understand...

Veil is a story that's set in snapshots around "he" and "she," little moments in time bookmarked by tiny monologues of feelings and it's just, it's just lovely! The whole thing is lovely. I can't believe I read it early as an ARC and now I have to wait a few weeks to go buy the first volume and make sure it's always in reach of my eyes.

Additionally I'd like to mention that the lettering style is really unique to manga, a tilted, almost handwriter-y font that adds to the sort of light feeling of moving through the lives of these two and I adore it.

Can't wait for volume 2.

Thank you to Udon Entertainment and NetGalley for the eARC!

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