Member Reviews

This was an interesting reading experience. It is not quite the same as my previous experiences reading a traditional manga; it was written as a series of short scenes between the two characters who met by chance one day and begin working together at the local police station. The female main character is blind and at the beginning of the book is depicted as using a can for accessibility but within the story it is reported she stops using it and it is unclear what other aid she may be using? Maybe just the MMC to guide her?
The art is vibrant and really enjoyable to look at. I am interested to see how it continues in Volume 2.

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Veil is soft and decadent, perfect for a cozy winter afternoon.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not super well versed in manga. I’ve read a couple of series, and have two or three on my shelf, but wouldn’t consider myself a connoisseur. That said, Veil was unlike any of the manga I’ve read before.

Veil piqued my interest visually before anything else. Seeing the cover of the first and second volumes, and the way they twined together and completed one another caught my attention. So, that means that I have to talk about the art style first, right? This manga looks like it’s come straight out of a vintage Vogue magazine. It reminds me remarkably of the design sketches on vintage sewing patterns. Each panel is truly a piece of art, and the illustrations between chapters could truly be something I’d expect to see on an art collectors wall or in the sketchbook of a fashion designer. The lines and colors are delicate but purposeful, decadent but meaningful. Picking up a copy of Veil is worth it just to flip through the illustrations.

Don’t go into Veil expecting a traditional narrative. The chapters in Veil carefully weaves around all the big events to show the reader small glimpses into Emma and Alexander’s moments together. We don’t even learn the character’s names until their character sheets listed in the back of the book. The names aren’t important, what’s important is their moments together, the way their lives wrap around one another, the soft intimacy of their interactions.

This manga was perfect for someone like me who doesn’t enjoy reading gratuitous romance in, well, just about anything. Each of the snapshots are full of connection, intimacy, and companionship without their being a need for more. The characters dance together and around one another without the pressure of needing to be anything different and more than what they already are.

As I said in the beginning, this manga was perfect for a cozy afternoon. There’s no drama or big conflicts. Instead, we’re given an entire book that only includes all the soft moments between two deeply affectionate characters. I’m appreciative of the translation team for gracing us English-speakers with such a cozy, indulgent piece of art.

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i absolutely love this manga and the art style is chefs kissssss! i love the short chapters and love the color choices in this manga

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Veil is about a blind heiress, Emma, accidentally running into a policeman, Alexander, and their lives together afterward. Through short, random glimpses of their everyday lives we learn more and more about them.

This manga is perfect and groundbreaking in my opinion. Let me talk about the best part of this manga. The art style. Reminiscent of old school vogue fashion illustrations, if this story was horrible it would be well worth a purchase purely for the drawings. Luckily, the plot is just as good. These characters are crafted with such utter tenderness.

The next best thing? The characters themselves. While the story is more of a series than a serial (glimpses of their lives, each short chapter having it's own seeming menial narrative) which some people might not like, I LOVE. It really feels like catching a glimpse of these two people falling more and more in love through small gestures. Him moving a table for her she can't see, her asking him to stop smoking. You watch these two people who met each other by chance express their newly budding love for each other in snapshots, stolen moment, and gentle gestures.

There's tenderness and heart-warming interactions in every small detail this author put into their work, from the art to the character.

This while being separated by beautiful art work and designs and little written stories? I don't think it could be any better. I will be purchasing a physical copy of this.

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The story overall was fine, it didn't hook me enough for me to go racing after the next volume but the artwork is just out of this world. I love the art style and the colors used so much.

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A rich heiress meets a policeman and suddenly, they're intertwined in a funny and cute relationship.
I loved the way this manga mixes art, fashion, sequential storytelling and illustration. Sometimes a fashion magazine, sometimes with plain text, this work of art maintains a fresh approach to a witty love story. The art of Kotteri is breathtaking, she uses saturated colours and a loose line to draw her characters in such a stylish way, I've never seen something like this. I'm going to read the whole series.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and Udon Entertainment for accepting my request for an ACR of this book!
“Follow if you must. But I’m not going to Wonderland”
This is one of the manga’s that I’ve been waiting to read for over a year. When I first came upon it I had been looking for a manga that was different then others and didn’t have such a long run. The story itself was hard to distinguish when translating myself, but when I saw the ecopy of Netgalley, I knew I had to pick it up and see, finally, what it is truely about. What I found is one of the most gorgeous pieces of art in manga form with an origin of what I would see as a unique romance with beautiful characters set in the glamous background of France. Though there isn’t a lot of plot in this first volume, I will gladly await the second volume to be translated to see what is next for the couple in the police office. And to also learn more about these characters

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I wanted to like this book but I just wasn’t a huge fan. I’m hoping volume 2 is better than the first. Although I did like their story and romance. He was so sweet to her and she clearly had feelings for him I just felt as though it was very slow and confusing at times. Overall I did enjoy the story I just wasn’t a huge fan. I felt as though it could have been done better but it was still cute. Overall it was a 2.25/5 stars for me.

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"Veil" was a wonderful experience from beginning to end. I didn’t know what to expect beyond the illustrations I had seen before, but it absolutely did not disappoint. This manga isn’t a traditional story but rather a blend of short comics, illustrations, monologues, and dialogues that come together in such a beautiful and captivating way.

The plot revolves around a police officer and a blind girl who has run away from home, and their relationship is… strange, but in the best way possible. Nothing is explained explicitly, and that’s what makes it so special. Their connection is incredible, as if everything is left up to the reader to decide how much to read between the lines. For me, this manga explores the depth of human connections with impressive delicacy. It’s felt in the smallest gestures, like a touch of hands, or in those moments that exist somewhere between friendship and romance. It’s simply beautiful.

I also have to mention the excellent translation work. I’m so happy that mangas like this are reaching more people thanks to such thoughtful translations. I really hope they keep bringing more works like this because they’re truly a gift.

I’m incredibly grateful to have had the chance to read Veil thanks to NetGalley and UDON Entertainment. If you’re looking for something unique, this manga is absolutely perfect.

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I enjoyed the first volume of veil to an extent but this was not enough for me to want to continue reading the series. I loved the art style and I was in awe of many of the illustrations and I found myself marveling at the beauty of them. The story was enjoyable but at the moment I can't see myself continuing on with the series.

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I think the visuals of this are absolutely stunning. The style is very vintage fashion sketch. Very elegant, high fashion. The color is beautiful. The manga itself is full of individual scenes in their life. If you're looking for a full cohesive story, this isn't it. This is moments. Snapshots. Like you are just looking in the window of someone's daily life, which is truly beautiful in it's own right.

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I really enjoyed this one!

I loved the art design and how immersive it is. When reading this volume, I felt transported to a different time period. I adored the characters, although I believe that the relationship is up for interpretation. However, I found it romantic in some elements and friendly in others.

I do plan on reading the second volume, and, hopefully, the rest of the volumes!

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This full colour manga is an intriguing and fascinating story that follows an on- duty police officer and a runaway heiress.

She is on the run and looking for work. He is a police officer who met her by chance. And that was the beginning of their story, the one filled with friendship, understanding and patience.

This story brings you a blend of witty, quirky dialogues, desirable fashion sense and of course characters that will leave wanting more.

I absolutely love this first volume. The vivid colourful illustrations gave me a one of a kind reading experience. The storyline is engaging and the very first chapter piqued my interest in the series. Besides the illustrations, I also loved the chapters of his and her monologue. I am going to pick up volume two and I can thoroughly vouch that I'm immensely looking forward to enjoying that as well.

P.S - Their names are revealed in the end along with a few other details.

For all the YA manga readers, this was for you!

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A gorgeous, nostalgic, and almost film-like manga featuring two unlikely people who have a chance meeting and their life in the city as a friendship and romance begins to bloom. An on-duty officer and a runaway heiress end up running into each other, he seems the world in one way and she see's it in a completely different... yet together they create a beautiful city life together. The story revolves around their budding friendship and a possible romance as they navigate their lives together. Filled with gorgeous illustrations, artwork, and a soft and beautiful story, I was completely enchanted from the first page. Every page is so beautifully designed and the story itself just feels so soft and sweet, it's got such a vintage classy film-like vibe to it, and I absolute loved it. I will be reading the rest of this series and will absolutely be purchasing the box set when it comes out!! I am so in love with this book and can't wait to recommend it!!

Release Date: March 11,2025

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

*Thanks Netgalley and Udon Entertainment for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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With a bold art style these full colour illustrations mesmerise the reader.
A somewhat of an avant-garde style of story telling its not always clear what is actually happening within the narrative. The 'heiress' appears to have a visual impairment- but she never opens her eyes. The exploration of someone with visual disabilities seems a bit primitive for this day and age.

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Thank you Netgalley & Udon entertainment for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

This is a full coloured romance manga told in such a unique way, and with the most beautifully charming art style.

The story isn't linear and is instead told in the form of snippets (scenes) of Emma & Alexander's life after she accidentally bumps into him. The relationship is so innocent (they aren't even together), but it also feels intimate at the same time. It almost feels like you're intruding on a private moment between the two. Veil is so wholesome, and although each scene is short, you still get an understanding of their relationship and feelings towards each other as the story progresses.

If you are a romance girlie, then this is a manga you need to check out. The story gets better throughout the volumes, and I can't wait to get my hands on a physical copy when it's released.

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Veil isn't what I expected. There is no plot, no time given to settle into the story. You're given a prologue about when the characters first meet and that's the extent of foundational information. The rest is simple vignettes of small moments in the shared lives of these two characters. The relationship between the two is really left up to the reader. Whether you want to believe they're romantically involved or just very good friends the chemistry between them is undeniable. In just a few pages you're shown the deep understanding they have for each other, and are treated to daily banter and going's on. It's truly a lovely manga with a very soft and beautiful art style. I'm excited to read more!

Thank you to Udon Entertainment and Netgalley for the ARC.

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