Member Reviews

This was an extremely interesting history of teen movies and how they reflected the reality of the time period. Beware of spoilers if you haven’t seen the movies mentioned in the book. I recommend this book to all cinephiles, especially those who love teen movies. While reading, I was able to make a lot of connection to YA literature as well and how those books reflect the current times.

Look I am a SUCKER for these kinda of books. The entire history of a genre? count me in. I loved this book. You get an in depth analysis on the major films, directors, and actors of the teen movie. From good ol’ Andy Hardy to the John Hughes films to The Hunger Games
You also get side by side views on how America viewed the teenager during these eras of film. From awe to fright to economic pandering, you a great look into American society’s complex relationships with adolescents and how the films handled that as well.
Also, learned a LOT about Mickey Rooney’s “private” life if you catch my drift. I knew that man was a dog but wow.
Overall, great read. I would honestly love to see this book revisited one day as the teen movie genre shifts more and more

4 stars
A treatise on influential teen movies from Andy Hardy to “The Hunger Games” films from a former writer for “Vanity Fair.” Rather than a broad overview of a lot of movies, Handy does a deep dive into some of the most important/influential including “Rebel Without a Cause,” the “Beach Party” genre, “American Graffiti, “Fast Times at Ridgemont High,” the John Hughes oeuvre, “Boyz N the Hood” and “Mean Girls” among others.
Sometimes there might be too much information if a reader has never seen a particular movie/read the book(s) on which a movie/the movies is/are based, but the book is well done and written by someone who (mostly) appreciates teen movies (although it’s fairly easy to tell which of these movies Handy likes versus those he doesn’t much care for.) This won’t be for everyone but I enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to catching at least one Andy Hardy movie sometime.

I loved this book. Honestly, I was mainly interested in Fast Times, the John Hughes films, Clueless and Mean Girls. That being said, even the parts about old teen movies like Mickey Rooney and Rebel Without a Cause were interesting. But for my money, the coverage of Fast Times and John Hughes makes this book worth the price of admission right there. Really great overview of the changing nature of teen movies as well as teen culture.
I received a free e-galley of the book in return for an honest review.

I have always been a fan of film history books so when I saw this title as an option for request on netgalley I knew I had to read it. I was not dissapointed, Handy takes through the history of the term "teenager" and explains all the way that the movies (from 1930s onward) reflect the lives of the teens that were living at the time (1950s movies are very different than present day ones in how they depict teenagers.) An excellent book that should be on any film lovers list.

I studied television and film in college and when I saw this book, I knew I needed to read it. I've always been fascinated with how television and movies play a huge part in our culture. I think Handy compiled a very detailed account of the history of Hollywood shows and a look at the ones that stand out in America. I loved it. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.