Member Reviews

Post Partum is a gripping and addictive psychological thriller that had me completely mind f*cked. Throughout the entire book I couldn't tell what was real, what was not, who was telling the truth and who was not. Although this novel explores postpartum depression, mental health and isolation, it also brings a level of suspense that just kept me flipping those pages late into the night.

Alice was a very raw and realistic feeling character so it was easy to grow attached and empathize towards her. Her struggles, her emotions, everything was valid. The plot unraveled at the perfect speed unveiling twists that left me shocked and turns that made my head spin.

Overall, this was an addictive psychological thriller that kept me hooked. Fans of the genre mixed in with emotional depth will definitely enjoy this one!

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @sterling&stone, @laurenstreet & @nolonking for my gifted ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Twisted and dark is two good words about this book. I enjoyed it a lot! The twist are neverending and I could not for my life predict the outcome.

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for an e-ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was a really tough read for me. If you or someone you know has had postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis I would suggest that this is probably not the book for you.

I really didn’t know what to expect going into this book and honestly almost didn’t finish it.

I put the book down for a few weeks and then came back to it because I received an ARC in return for my honest review and I try to, now that I am not in the throws of toddlerhood, do just that.

The premise itself is interesting, a little twisted if I am being honest. Other reviewers have already given a synopsis of the book in their reviews so I won’t do that.

It did take some twists and turns that I didn’t expect and I was satisfied with how the book ended.

I’m not sure who the audience is for this book so I will end my review here.

#PostPartum #NetGalley #Suspense #Horror

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This book was great! Lots of twists and turns. I thought I knew who was behind Alice’s hallucinations and deliriums, but I was wrong. The story kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

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This one was an interesting read. There were times I thought a certain comment or theme was overused and other times I was like wtf? The story definitely kept me guessing. As a mother, I was able to resonate with some of the aspects of postpartum as far as the blur that is the first couple of weeks following childbirth. Overall, I enjoyed it!

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This book was a complete mind f*ck. It was so dark and twisted, the true definition of a psychological thriller. I had no idea what was true and what wasn’t. I was a step ahead for most of the book but there were so many times I was second guessing myself. This was an excellent read.

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This was a good read it kept me engrossed and wanting to turn the pages to find out what happened and I read it within a few hours!

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An incredible book. I trusted no one, not even Alice. The book had me on the edge of my seat and reading way past when I should have gone to sleep. The ending shocked me, but looking back we were given all the clues we needed, I just didn't want to believe it.

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I love a thriller with an unreliable narrator. I really liked this one, but the beginning was a little long and it took a while to get to the action, but once it did, I really liked it!

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It was just ok I think the beginning of the book dragged and seem a bit repetitive to me I understand that books have to lead up to suspense but I just couldn’t get into it

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A chilling thriller with an unreliable narrator that I felt really captured the hazy confusion of postpartum anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Not for the faint of heart - as a person who has experienced PPA & PPD, I was definitely triggered, but I'm at a point where I appreciate the illustration of it. I could pair this book with The Babadook to explore the horror of postpartum. Separately, it called to mind The Memento and especially The Machinist for me. I could easily see this made into a movie, but that's also what made me feel the overall plot was a bit simplistic in contrast with the complex illustrations of postpartum perspective.

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I really wasn’t a fan of this one. It reads to me like a horrible fanfiction, newbie author that badly needed editing and more consideration. I think it was too quickly written and not much effort was put into it. I did finish it, but it just wasn’t for me. A lot of reviews lean toward the positive for this one and that’s great, but my opinion just wasn’t too high on this one. Thank you NetGalley for the arc and the chance to read it regardless.

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I throughly enjoyed this book. I usually do audio books but this one was not available at the time. I did not want to put it down and I love the twists and turns of this book. It was my first book by the authors but will not be the last.

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Postpartum is a tough time. There are hundreds of thrillers based on women who are postpartum and suffering. Alice is not sure what is real. Did she really just see her husband with a dead woman? There are a lot of twists in this one. They are all set up and hinted at from early in the book. There were some plot holes and some ridiculous dialogue, but it was also paced pretty quickly, when not describing various rooms.

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This book was not for me. It’s written like bad fanfiction; horrible unnatural dialogue, constant long boring descriptions (mostly of interior design), and a plot with more holes than plot. It seems like nobody bothered to edit this one. Through the ARC review process I was able to let the publisher know about the typos and continuity errors, but there are far more instances of major errors in need of the type of editing that goes beyond what an ARC reader can or should provide.

I can see this being a fun book for somebody who doesn’t care about good writing and just wants a light thrill, as long as you can get past the boring beginning to the part where there’s some sort of psychological confusion going on.

I thought the authors had a brief moment of success in the middle of the book when they managed to make the false narrative more convincing than the real narrative, and if they could have kept that cool confusion/misdirection going for more than a chapter or two I would have added another star to this review. Unfortunately, as it is, this book bored me instead of scaring me and had sloppy writing from start to finish.

Thanks to Net-Galley and Sterling & Stone for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Review also on good reads- lilymbooktok
And tiktok lilym_booktok

Will also add review to Amazon

This book is brilliant, I couldn't put it down and it was full of continuous twists throughout.
I was hooked from the first page and the story keeps you hooked the whole way through
I can't wait to read more by this author.

Trigger warning- this book does talk talk about baby loss and post partum depression

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Chilling and suspenseful, this was a creepy thriller! While it was pretty twisty, the ending was sort of predictable but this is one of those books that you can't put down because you HAVE to know what's happening next.

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Alice has been struggling after the recent birth of her daughter, Ellie. She cannot sleep and feels like she is getting nothing right. Her husband, Max, works long hours so she constantly feels alone. During one of her sleepless nights, Alice finds Max with a dead woman in their living room. She calls the police but they cannot find the body. Ellie is also gone. Max tells Alice that Ellie was not real. That Alice was imagining Ellie after losing her during birth. But Alice knows that Ellie is real.

This was a pretty twisted read! I did not know who to believe or where the story was heading. This was my first read by this author duo, and it definitely will not be my last. It was really hard putting this one down and I enjoyed all the twists and turns. The authors did an excellent job at showing how fragile our minds truly are. Finished this one in a day as I could not put it down.

Thank you Sterling & Stone and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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wow, thank you net galley for the arc. this book was so suspenseful and twisty. i not a mother but wow this story share the struggle some women go through after giving birth. the ending was just amazaing.

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Postpartum by Nolon King and Lauren Street is a psychological thriller that plunges readers into a harrowing exploration of motherhood, mental health, and the terrifying depths of betrayal. Alice, struggling with postpartum depression, feels isolated and overwhelmed as she navigates the challenges of new motherhood. But everything takes a dark turn when she discovers her husband, Max, standing over the body of a dead woman in their living room.

As Alice calls the police, the situation escalates—there’s no body to be found, and even more disturbingly, her husband denies the existence of their baby, Ellie. Max insists that Alice’s memory is flawed, that Ellie was never real, and that she’s merely imagining the entire situation. Desperate to prove her sanity, Alice embarks on a heart-pounding search for the truth, determined to find her missing baby and uncover the web of lies that has ensnared her.

This chilling tale is a masterclass in suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Alice grapples with her own mental state and a world that seems to be falling apart around her. The plot twists are expertly executed, and the emotional depth of Alice's struggle makes for a powerful and unsettling read.

Postpartum is a gripping and thought-provoking psychological thriller that will resonate with fans of intense, character-driven mysteries, and those who enjoy stories that explore the darkest corners of the human mind.

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