Member Reviews

From the start, I found myself drawn into the mystery of the events and characters within this book, as it twists and turns! I’m no expert, but I feel that C.R. Howell truly captures the heart of the village in Wales where the book is set and does an excellent job including and describing the Welsh language; rebellion of local residents as their way of life is disintegrating; mental health and its challenges; and truly honest and raw character development through fertility issues, mental health, abuse, and familial disagreements.

The tensions throughout the book with character interaction is palpable at times and wills the reader to not put the book down in order to put the dots together and determine what is really happening throughout. It’s heart wrenching at times, full of love at others, and unapologetically real.

If you’re a fan of thrilling events, intrinsic storylines with well-developed characters, and reading a story that just unravels more and more as you continue to figure out the story, you will absolutely enjoy this book!

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