Member Reviews

When I saw the title of this book... I was like... Yeah I'm in...
I loved the main character was a child.. It really gave it the kind of edge I was looking for. The story was a wild ride. The author has quite the imagination but it felt like it could be true.. It was one of the best horror audiobooks I've listened to in a long time.
It's not your usual ghost story, I like the slight twist it had and it was dark and delicious!
I think this was a much better audio than it would have been as a written book. The narration was truly exceptional!
It was clever and I will definitely check this author out again
4.25 stars

Wow I loved this so much.
It was interesting listening to it as an audio book.
I loved the narrator.
I think Tab was my favourite but I loved his mum too .
She was a strong woman.
I liked the horror element with a sort of psychological thriller vibe.
Tabs idea of their identity was interesting to listening to .
I kind of got that from what they said about wearing his mums make up .
The whole story was a really good listen all in all.

An incredibly brilliant and thrilling story that is relentless in its execution.
Flawless, slightly fun and with chills aplenty, this tale leaves you begging for more.
Brilliantly narrated and highly recommended.

Tabs terrible third eye started off well but got lost along the way and bogged down with facts that were almost thrown in to be relevant and I’m sorry but it detracted from the story. Disappointing.

Tab’s Terrible Third Eye by Isaac Thorne, I listened to the audiobook narrated by Tom Force and OMG he’s so good such a great narrator and a pleasure to listen to. when the book starts Tab’s mom Sandra, and dad. Timothy are trying to get down to the seller with him and older brother Jeremy. they’re trying to retreat from the bad weather, but all Tab wants to do is find his cat Alfie. Right before going into the seller, he sees a vicious dog more like a Hellhound than your average canine, but this is just the beginning of the strange things that are going to happen to nine-year-old Tab. after they’re back in the home, he looks in the mirror at the bump on his head only to see what looks like to him to be an eyeball. which is ironic because soon he will be haunted by a ghost named Roy, who doesn’t have eyes at all. What he does have is a connection to Tab and his family unfortunately this isn’t the only strange thing that happens soon he seeing a psychiatrist who misdiagnosis him with OCD and seems to want to explain everything away. Even when the things he draws comes true, including the death of his dad, the doctor says it’s all coincidence, but tabs problems go further back than even his nine years, and the truth comes out eventually. if only he could get rid of Roy! This book was so good. It was set in the same town in Tennessee as Hell Spring, as a matter of a fact, the home and store that belong to Tim’s aunt that he’s trying to sell was the one the town folk took shelter in from the May flood. I loved that book. I loved this book and I loved Gordon’s place by this author. He is such a great writer and I can’t wait as soon as I’m done with this review I’m going to download more of his books. I especially loved the ending. Just know if you love great creepy paranormal mysteries then you definitely need to listen to this audiobook. I absolutely recommend the audio version of this book because Tom Force is such a great narrator.#NetGalley, #LostHollowBooks, #IsaacThorne, #TomForce, #TabsTerribleThirdEye,

TAB (Timothy Aaron Beard, Jr.) is 9 and suffering from OCD…which isn’t even the worst thing going on, as he’s also possessed by the ghost of the man who raped Tab’s mom and was murdered by Tab’s father. Somehow this possession leads to Tab’s art coming to life.
I wanted to like this book but it went out of its way to make me hate it…and if it wasn’t for the narrator, Tom Force, I’d have DNF’d this at the halfway mark. By the final chapter I actively said “Efffffffff this!” out loud on three separate occasions, which woke up my girlfriend and made her cross. So thanks for nothing, Isaac Thorne.
The original premise had legs and actually has some interesting, creepy and even humourous bits…but then it got mired down to with discussion of OCD, gender fluidity, racism, rape culture, pop psychology and about 14 other half-baked ideas…even Covid, because why not, amirite? Throw it all against the wall and who cares if none of it sticks!
Hell, I’m not right-wing at all and I wanted to vote Republican by the time this damn thing was done…and I’m Canadian, that’s how bad this was: I’m gonna spend years getting US citizenship just to ensure awful republicans stay in office just because of this meandering dud of a horror novel.
Awful, awful book. If the first half had been it, and it was tidied up without trying to make 20 grand statements, it would’ve been passable. As it is, one star is too generous, and as already stated: it only showed how amazing a narrator Tom Force is, as I only finished this bomb because of him.
On the plus side, I will gladly check out Isaac Thorne’s other books because they have to better than this turd, right? Anyone? Bueller?

This was my first by this author and he did a fine job with this one. Nothing too groundbreaking but managed to keep my attention throughout. A bit choppy here and there with some unnecessary social commentary thrown in seemingly as an afterthought. A 2-1/2 to 3 star effort.