Member Reviews

If you're one to judge a book by it's cover, then you'd be forgiven for thinking this was a breezy little tome; a horror comedy if you like. Not so.
Very much not so. It is brutal, and relentless and holds nothing back when it comes to gore or dispatching characters that have been crafted so deftly in previous pages. It was a completely pleasant surprise - in the unpleasant ways I enjoy - and I savoured it very much.
It spoke to me on a personal level too, as someone that has used creativity as an outlet for my mental health; something Tab does to manage his anxiety - anxiety that is very much driven by a home life that is less than perfect. Then, in the midst of a storm that causes catastrophes and floods, Tab sees a strange man who latches on to him and whispers in his ear. Not that anyone else can see him. Well, not until it's too late.
The man continues to visit Tab and cause havoc and mayhem to the nth degree.
Brilliantly written and so very engaging. Horror fans will enjoy it immensely and be warned - that cover does not a lighthearted book contain!