Member Reviews

Tash es una escritora que, tras la emoción de ver su exitosa novela feminista ser adaptada a una serie, pronto se enfrenta a la amarga realidad de que los productores quieren transformar su obra en algo completamente diferente. Su mundo se ve sacudido cuando el director de Hollywood, conocido por su enfoque machista, decide hacer de su historia un espectáculo visual, con personajes femeninos despojados de su esencia. Aunque Tash no puede cancelar el contrato, se ve forzada a trabajar con Caleb el coordinador de intimidad, para hacer que los cambios funcionen.
Lo que comienza como una colaboración tensa entre ambos pronto se convierte en una historia de atracción y conflicto, donde Tash, a pesar de su orgullo y principios, no puede evitar sentirse cautivada por Caleb.
Tash está tan llena de coraje que explota con cualquiera que se le cruce en su camino. Se supone que ella es una mujer fuerte, pero termina dejándose seducir por Caleb, lo que lleva a que él pueda influenciarla y traicionarla (aunque no lo hace realmente). Al final, es ella quien termina buscándolo. En esta parte, ambos actúan mal: él por ocultarle cosas y ella por no darle la oportunidad de explicarse. Al final, él se aleja sin volver a comunicarse con ella, lo que me dejó preguntándome si realmente sentía algo por ella, mientras que Tash pasa semanas sufriendo. Finalmente, es ella quien da el gran paso y hace el gesto para reconciliarse.
Está parte no me gustó.
Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

THE DIRTY VERSION is a smart and refreshing romance that takes us behind the scenes in the television world. After a rocky first impression, author Tash knows she’s in desperate need of the successful sex designer/intimacy coordinator’s Caleb expertise to make her writing more sensual and entertaining to attract viewers. She has to swallow her pride and force herself to be open to Caleb’s notes and guidance no matter how hard it is when it comes to not wanting to change how she writes. And it makes it both easier and harder for her due to Caleb’s smirky and handsome face.
I admired how intellectual and sophisticated the writing is while still blending in humor and romance. It was interesting to also see all the thought and works that goes into making sex scenes on film. Great debut for this author!
4.5 stars rounded to 5.
Thank you to Harper Perennials and Paperbacks and NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

The screen adaptation of Tasha’s novel is underway, but unfortunately, those in charge of its production have different ideas about the details of her cherished story. When a “translator” is brought in to add steamy scenes, she finds herself forced to compromise her ideals and reconsider what her novel will become on stage—all while navigating this process alongside the captivating Caleb, a charismatic Angeleno.
A nuanced blend of women’s literature and romance, this story follows a staunch feminist who has been burned in the past by men who didn’t take her seriously. Fiercely protective of her work and values, she grapples with trust and compromise in a distinctly modern, post-#MeToo landscape. This novel goes beyond the typical romance, offering a thoughtful exploration of personal growth—showing that changing one’s mind can be a beautiful, mature evolution.
The setting is equally compelling—South Florida comes alive as a character in its own right, adding richness to the story. Overall, this novel is fresh, thought-provoking, and thoroughly enjoyable.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.