Member Reviews

For me personally, this was a three star read. I am giving it four stars because the main reasons it's a three star are very much me things.

Things happen super quick. I love a fast-paced story, but the entire book takes place in less than a week. The first 1/3 takes place over two days. And that brings me to the insta-love, not a favorite trope of mine.

The other issue that was a me thing was the obviousness of it once being a serialized story. When reading as a serial, having gotcha moments at the end of each chapter makes sense. Not so much when you're binging the book on a lazy weekend. Again, a me thing.

I did like the characters and the plot itself was fun with some genuine laugh out loud moments. But overall, this one wasn't for me. But a definite maybe/leaning yes for someone who loves the insta-love trope.

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I received an online ARC for my review but my review is still an honest representation of my thoughts.

TW: References to childhood abuse, violence, arson, foster care placement, mentions of suicide, and parental death before the start of the story. I always want to pass along any TW that have been provided by the author, or publisher before anyone gets to the review so it any of the TW are an issue they know to use their best judgement.

To be blunt I loved the book and hated the description of “five chili peppers hot”, it was too TikTok for a description. I guess you can say the author was aiming for funny, or relatable but if the only way to do that is by using TikTok slang to get her point across it’s a big miss. I really wanted to love this book, and I think for the most part I did. There were a few hiccups, like their names feeling uninspired, but I think if you push past that all in all it’s a decent read.

The atmospheric story telling is worth taking note of in my opinion as Colin’s does a great job of bringing the town to life. I think some things get lost in translation, like how they went from enemies to, for lack of a better word, lust because I didn’t feel the build up for their romance. I didn’t feel the love, but there was lust. It’s really sudden and out of place because one second Rune hates him and the next she’s thinking about kissing him. I really think the author thought she was clever with the last name Frost and then making a bunch of comments about him having icy eyes, calling him ice man, “sexy as sin, but cold as ice,” it’s not witty, charming, or funny. I think a lot of people misinterpret how to do the banter of Gilmore Girls because this is not it. Also why does Rune (while receiving help from Donovan) decide the best approach to getting and maintaining a cordial working relationship with him think the best way to go about that is to insult him and demand to know what his problem is? To me Rune comes across as immature and Donovan as rude. Also why does Rune always say “holy bananas” it’s not funny or quirky. I think the author was trying to go for a Luke and Lorelei vibe with the chaos that is Rune and the grump that is Donovan. Personally I think there were a lot of elements that could have made this a very good book but too many other things dragged it down for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this Arc
I was unsure after reading the blurb if I would enjoy this story but it soon won me over!

I was intrigued to see how Rune dealt with the problems coming up in her life and how her and Donovan were thrown together in the mix of it all!

This was a mix up of small town and witchcraft and had me wanting to carry on reading to see what would happen next.

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I’m really not much into the rom-coms or romantasy craze that’s going around, but that doesn’t mean I don’t try one once in a while because I do find some of them entertaining. This is the latest I’ve tried. This is definitely a very cute and rom-com-y with paranormal elements book, and while I didn’t love the characters (I did like them), I did find them perfect for each other and fun to learn about. Rune is like Cassandra of myth who can tell the future, but no one will believe her, and Donovan is a very straight-laced and down-to-earth programmer. I thought it was interesting why Rune’s curse happened, Rune and Donovan’s race to find out about what Donovan’s brother is up to, and their romance finally happening. This is definitely a well-written, fun, romancy, and interesting book, and fans of this genre will find this book very satisfying and well worth reading. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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I thought this was going to be a lighthearted, cozy paranormal romcom so I wasn't expecting this plot-heavy and emotional paranormal romance. I was pulled in initially by Rune and the increasingly painful situations that she found herself in with Donovan, and by her connection. The curse was so intriguing and before I knew it, I was devouring the book. It was so fast-paced and I knew I couldn't stop reading until I reached the end.

The side characters, particularly the Sinsters, were amazing, and they (along with Rune's bad luck!) brought the romcom humour - their social media posts had me laughing out loud. But Rune and Donovan really were the heart of the book, and I loved that it got into deeper subjects as well. I can't believe how well balanced it was, but I loved how everything came together!

Disclaimer: I received an Advance Reader Copy from NetGalley but this is my voluntary and honest review.

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Cursed in Love is a fast-paced romp through the town of Sapphire Springs. Impetuous, clairvoyant Rune is paired up with sulky, handsome Donovan for a work project and hijinks ensue. Magic, small-town gossip, and near-death experiences await readers.

Things I liked: This book is quick, the events of the whole thing happen over the course of four days. The action and intrigue were enough to have me read this in one sitting. Emily Colin does a great job of helping us understand Rune's inner motivations and her backstory, allowing us access to Rune's most private thoughts. The will-they-won't-they-of-course-they-will banter and chemistry kept my attention the whole time. This is a great book for: the beach, planes, trains, your morning commute. Fans of Charmed and Gilmore Girls will enjoy.

Things I didn't love: I got confused in some of the action scenes, unable to really figure out what was happening. The book ended pretty abruptly.

Overall, I enjoyed Cursed in Love, it was cute, funny, compelling, what more can a girl ask for?

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There was a lot to love about Cursed in Love. For one the main female character, Rune is so relatable and hilarious. She's a mess but in that way a lot of us have endured or had close friends endure. Rune has premonitions and had a traumatic childhood which adds extra layers to the story.

The only thing I didn't like about the story is it went from enemies to instant lust without any buildup. They're insulting each other's character one second and the next they're making out. I would have expected more flirting or growth before this jump. I might have been extra dense and missed the hints that he even liked her.

I thought the entire cast of characters were very believable. My favorite being the sinsters. Read it to find out! They were hilarious. I'll give you a hint: us in some years. (Just we might not have magic). Big suck, for us.

Another part I adored about the book was how well written it was. I loved the pacing and the voice of the story. It fit the main character extremely well. And yes, it is written in first person. There is only one POV.

The main male character, Donovan wasn't very likable at the start but he grew on me as we got to know him later on. It was definitely enemy vibes for the first quarter of the book. Being so well written, the emotions and feelings were conveyed amazingly through this part so that's why the jump to kissing felt so odd. One more flirting scene would have been enough to understand it, I think.

The actual paranormal/fantasy parts of the book were splendid. I loved the plot and how it all unfolded and came together.

So overall a 4/5, would recommend. Highly entertaining and had some really great memorable moments. Steamy scenes. Romantic. And a thrilling plot line. I'd say it's a bit more plot heavy than romantic geared.

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Such a cute story! This book is about the MFC named Rune and MMC Donovan. Our MFC is a seer who can see visions of the future. When she sees the future and see something bad happening on their wedding day, she makes sure to push him away in order to protect him. All the side characters are fun. The story of her past is pretty traumatic and sad.
Trigger warnings- SA, Abuse

Love the book! Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to review the ARC

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Arc provided via NetGalley

CAWPILE rating 9.29 = 5 stars (Cawpile developed by Bookroast)

If you love a sweet small town romance (that will make you cry for the FMC), with a dash Fantasy, I totally recommend this book.

Rune is our Heroine in this small town Romantasy, and she is a seer who carries Casandra's curse of no one believing her. Her story made me cry so often I just felt for her, the author made me love her straight away with her background and I just wanted to reach in a hug her. (please read trigger warnings).

In addition to this we have Donovan and his brother Officer Asshat, a dynamic I loved as it came out throughout the story, though the need to strangle Asshat was there often.

Overall I loved this book and think anyone who loves a a good meet cute romance with a fantasy background.

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opposites attract, forced proximity, grumpy/sunshine; he falls first and harder (YEARNING)
Triggers: foster system, Sexual abuse, murder

Sapphire Springs is a small town that is charming and close-knit. From the get-go, I immediately loved Rune - I thought she was funny and genuine, and she was admirable for trying to prevent her deadly visions from happening even when no one appreciated her actions. Donovan is an organized, animal-lover, Rune-obsessed softie in the midst of all the chaos (when he arranges the perfect workspace for her - SWOON). I was a little miffed by Donovan and Rune's sudden all-consuming love for each other - I felt like it was a little too soon considering they had just met a day ago. My favorite moments between them are when she makes him blush and stutter - their chemistry and banter is so on point. I did get annoyed with Donovan at times when he doesn't believe Rune's magic because of her curse, but I wish he believed her anyway because of his love and trust for her.

My favorite part of the book is the towns people - they are all unique side characters, and I especially am such a fan of the Sinsters.

Thank you to Black Orchid Books and NetGalley for the ARC!

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3.5 stars
I feel like there is more chemistry between Rune and Coop. But, no judgement, review will come up when I finish it. I'm at 35%

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